Posted on Feb 11, 2025
District 5040 Governor Drew Antrobus: Fellow Rotarians, as we embrace February, Rotary International’s Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month, we are reminded of the essential role we play in fostering harmony, understanding, and cooperation. Peace is more than just the absence of war—it is the presence of justice, equality, and opportunity. Through our collective efforts, we have the power to create meaningful change, bringing people together and transforming communities. This month, we continue to celebrate The Magic of Rotary and the extraordinary way our organization unites people from diverse backgrounds to embody greater cause. We also recognize the strength found in Empowering Through Unity when we work together with a shared vision, the impact we create is immeasurable.
The Magic of Rotary in Empowering Through Unity
Peter Roaf
2025-02-11 08:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 08, 2025
Global News, February 8, 2025: A Vancouver based non-profit has returned from a successful medical mission overseas, thanks in part to donations from local organizations -- including the Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise. But as Julia Foy reports, changes south of the border are putting more pressure on local international aid organizations.
Medical mission supported by RC Richmond Sunrise, on Global TV
Peter Roaf
2025-02-08 08:00:00Z |
Ray Wang, principal of RW Digital, a dynamic and growing, community minded digital marketing agency based in Metro Vancouver, stepped up early on to become our first Silver sponsor of the 2025 District Conference.
First to the Table to help us Celebrate the Magic of Rotary
Susan Ness
2025-01-19 08:00:00Z |
Medical equipment from BC provides relief in treating troops and civilians in war-torn Ukraine
Posted on Jan 15, 2025
Thousands of men and women fighting on the front lines in Ukraine, many civilians injured from bombings in the war with Russia and those needing routine medical care after some facilities have been destroyed, are benefitting from used medical equipment and supplies and equipment shipped to the country through Rotary Districts 5040 and 5050 shared Rotary World Help (RWH) network with sponsorship by the Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus and a District 5040 grant.
Medical equipment from BC provides relief in treating troops and civilians in war-torn Ukraine
Peter Roaf
2025-01-15 08:00:00Z |
Outdoor fitness facility for seniors, those with disabilities and Williams Lake residents
Posted on Jan 12, 2025
Initiated by the Rotary Club of Williams Lake, the new $90,000 Community Fitness Park in Williams Lake is a user friendly, multi-station, outdoor exercise center with equipment that can be used by all generations. The facility is built alongside an existing playground, frequented by children and their families, and close to the Williams Lake Seniors' Activity Centre, promoting social interaction between all age groups.
Outdoor fitness facility for seniors, those with disabilities and Williams Lake residents
Peter Roaf
2025-01-12 08:00:00Z |
Canadian Government reaches the $1 billion mark in supporting the campaign to rid the world of polio
Posted on Jan 03, 2025
The Government of Canada reached a major milestone in its support of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) -- started by Rotary International in 1986 -- with a $151 million contribution to the Initiative in September 2024 . This contribution brings the total funding by the Canadian Government, contributed over time to the campaign, to $1 billion. The GPEI’s aim is to immunize 370 million children a year against polio.
Canadian Government reaches the $1 billion mark in supporting the campaign to rid the world of polio
Peter Roaf
2025-01-03 08:00:00Z |
Magic of Rotary in Disease Prevention, Treatment -- District Governor greetings
Posted on Dec 15, 2024
As we reflect on 2024 and our Rotary journey, we are reminded of the theme that guides us: The Magic of Rotary. This magic isn’t found in spells or illusions—it lies in the incredible power we have to transform lives and create lasting change. Nowhere is this more evident than in our work in Disease Prevention and Treatment, one of Rotary’s key areas of focus. Imagine a world where children no longer suffer from preventable diseases, where every family has access to clean water and basic healthcare, and where communities thrive because health is no longer a barrier to success. Rotary is making this vision a reality.
Magic of Rotary in Disease Prevention, Treatment -- District Governor greetings
Peter Roaf
2024-12-15 08:00:00Z |
Dean Rohrs
Dean RohrsPast Rotary International Vice President 2017-18 Past Rotary International Director 2016-18 Topic: Rotary. Where now? Is the Rotary of today the right one for tomorrow? The experiments happening in the Rotary World and the changes that are inevitable. Dean, her husband Rhino and their 3 children emigrated to Canada from South Africa during the 1980s. Dean grew up in Zambia and after marrying Rhino lived in Malawi, Namibia and South Africa. At present she is a member of the Rotary Club of Langley Central in District 5050. Dean has served on many District and Zone committees. As a former Rotary International Vice President and Rotary International Director Dean has great insight into Rotary and the possibilities for the future. However, her best experience is leading teams of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors to Africa and seeing how this volunteer experience changes their lives.
Dean Rohrs
2024-11-20 08:00:00Z |
Invest in our Foundation to continue our service home and worldwide, urges District Governor
Posted on Nov 18, 2024
As November unfolds, we embrace Rotary Foundation Month, a time to celebrate and reflect on the cornerstone of Rotary International—our Rotary Foundation. Here in District 5040, we see the power of our collective efforts brought to life and The Magic of Rotary truly comes alive. Through the Rotary Foundation, we are Empowering Through Unity, driving meaningful change across communities both locally and globally. For decades, the Rotary Foundation has been the force that enables District 5040 to thrive as agents of change. Whether addressing local challenges or contributing to global efforts, the Foundation empowers us to act decisively and compassionately.
Invest in our Foundation to continue our service home and worldwide, urges District Governor
Peter Roaf
2024-11-18 08:00:00Z |
Rotary in Terrace sponsors upgrades of playground it originally sponsored in city park 20 years ago
Posted on Nov 12, 2024
For the 12,000 residents of Terrace and area, including 2,000 children, and visitors to the community, the 150-acre Ferry Island park and campground, close to the city centre, provides a year-round play and recreation area -- trail network, off-leash dog area and artisanal features -- and during the summer half of the year, affordable accommodation often for music and sports events. Rotary Clubs of Terrace and of Terrace Skeena Valley created a playground on Ferry Island over 20 years ago. The playground's original equipment was showing its age so the City wanted to update and expand it. On top of City of Terrace's $28,700 funding for the $40,000 playground upgrade Rotary Club of Terrace contributed $7,581.00 plus a Rotary District 5040 Grant of $3,800.
Rotary in Terrace sponsors upgrades of playground it originally sponsored in city park 20 years ago
Peter Roaf
2024-11-12 08:00:00Z |
Rotary District 5040 Governor for 2027-28 appointed
Posted on Nov 03, 2024
Assistant Governor and District Strategic & Action Planning Chair, Rotarian Ron Shaw of the Rotary Club of Lionsgate North Vancouver, is now confirmed as District Governor Nominee Designate to serve as District Governor in 2027-2028.
Rotary District 5040 Governor for 2027-28 appointed
Peter Roaf
2024-11-03 07:00:00Z |
World Polio Day proclaimed in Vancouver and marked with walk to Science World
Posted on Oct 24, 2024
Polio (poliomyelitis) is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system. Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. On World Polio Day, October 24th, a group of Rotarians and friends of various ages participated in the annual Walk for Polio, starting at City Hall, where Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim and Vancouver Councillors Lisa Dominato, Lenny Zhou and Pete Fry, presented the City's Proclamation in support of the worldwide day to mark the success, but journey ahead, in ridding the world of polio. -- photos by Ken Choy, Rotaract Club of Richmond
World Polio Day proclaimed in Vancouver and marked with walk to Science World
Peter Roaf
2024-10-24 07:00:00Z |
District 5040 clubs recognized internationally for goal achievement
Posted on Oct 13, 2024
Rotary International President 2023-24, R. Gordon R. McInally, a member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, Lothian, Scotland, says, "As we reflect on an extraordinary year, I am so proud and inspired by how our clubs found innovative ways to connect with their members, communities, and the world. Gordon said to Rotary District Governors, including our 2023-24 District 5040 Governor Shirley-Pat Gale, "During the 2023-2024 Rotary year, under your leadership, the clubs in your district worked to increase their membership, contribute to The Rotary Foundation, serve their communities, participate in Rotary programs, improve their public image, and so much more. As a result, at least half of the Rotary clubs in your district earned the 2023-2024 Rotary Citation."
District 5040 clubs recognized internationally for goal achievement
Peter Roaf
2024-10-13 07:00:00Z |
District clubs' achievements and activities in September
Posted on Oct 08, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in the past 30 days or so. Star Fish Pack and Backpack Buddies weekend food programs, shown here, are back in action at various Rotary clubs in the District at the start of the new school year for students from families in need.
District clubs' achievements and activities in September
Peter Roaf
2024-10-08 07:00:00Z |
Equipment purchased for child daycare society in Pender Harbour
Posted on Oct 02, 2024
In Pender Harbour the Serendipity Child Care Society is the only daycare program within a 20km radius to serve working families. The Society, run by volunteers and paid early childhood education workers, provides a daycare and social growth and development program for 15 to 20 toddlers and infants and their families. Its fundraising aims to keep daycare affordable and self-sustaining. The Rotary Club of Pender Harbour Madeira Park purchased $3,150 in equipment the Society needed, with support of a $1,050 District Grant from The Rotary Foundation. The equipment included run bikes, tricycles, helmets, outside and inside water tables, play kitchen, sun/rain sandbox protection and educational toys.
Equipment purchased for child daycare society in Pender Harbour
Peter Roaf
2024-10-02 07:00:00Z |
Rotary-sponsored features add to new public plaza in Ladner
Posted on Oct 02, 2024
The City of Delta recently completed the $650,000 Stokes and Cullis Plaza as a resident and visitor meeting place and rest area in the centre of Ladner Village. The plaza is part of the Ladner Village Community Plan. It emerged from recommendations made by the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee in 2020. The new plaza includes oversized planters to act as a visual anchor to welcome visitors and provide wooden seating with coloured light poles illuminated in the evening. In keeping with Rotary’s Area of Focus to Protect the Environment, the Rotary Club of Ladner contributed $25,000 to the project for the installation of two E-bike charging stations, included in the City's plan. The club also sponsored a large wooden bench seating area at the entrance to the plaza. This Rotary contribution included a District Grant of $8,288 from The Rotary Foundation.
Rotary-sponsored features add to new public plaza in Ladner
Peter Roaf
2024-10-02 07:00:00Z |
Mattresses add some dignity for inmates of a prison in Uganda
Posted on Sep 30, 2024
The 260 inmates of the men's prison in Arua, 475 km north-west of Kampala, Uganda, no longer have to sleep on the floor. For the past year they have been able to sleep on mattresses with covers, providing a more dignified stay while at the prison. When inmates are treated more humanely, it has a measured impact on recidivism. It's felt that providing more humane living conditions while incarcerated can help ensure a better reintegration into society upon their release. This not only has a direct impact on the quality of life for those in the facility, but can then have ripple effects into the broader community. With the cooperation of the Uganda Prisons Service, Rotary Club of New Westminster provided $10,095 for 300 Rotary branded mattresses and blankets, along with 2 spray pumps and pesticides. Included in that funding was a $3,365 Rotary District 5040 Grant from The Rotary Foundation.
Mattresses add some dignity for inmates of a prison in Uganda
Peter Roaf
2024-09-30 07:00:00Z |
Equipment to reduce blindness among diabetic patients in Thailand
Posted on Sep 26, 2024
Among the diabetic patients of Thanyaburi Hospital, in Pathum Thani, Thailand, as many as 100 who have experienced complications from diabetic retinopathy may now have a better chance of avoiding blindness thanks to a new $35,112 Fundus Camera provided through a Global Grant from The Rotary Foundation. Fundus photography involves photographing the rear of the eye known as the fundus. For its 8280 diabetes patients the Hospital did not have the equipment to examine them for complications of diabetic retinopathy. Patients have had to wait several months to get this test done or not have it done at all. Those who managed to be referred to Pathumthani Hospital for the examination, 28 km away, there was the challenge of transportation and additional expenses that they could not afford as a barrier to timely treatment before progress of the disease progress.
Equipment to reduce blindness among diabetic patients in Thailand
Peter Roaf
2024-09-26 07:00:00Z |
Rotary commits funds to polio outbreak response in Gaza
Posted on Sep 11, 2024
The ongoing crisis in Gaza has contributed to reduced routine immunization rates. It has increased risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, including polio. The crisis also poses a significant challenge to fully implementing disease surveillance and vaccination campaigns. The recent detection of variant poliovirus type-2 isolates in environmental samples and the confirmation of a 10-month-old child who has contracted polio in Gaza is a stark reminder that as long as polio exists anywhere, it is a threat everywhere. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers there to be a high risk for the spread of this polio strain within Gaza and internationally, particularly given the current situation's impact on public health services. Rotary will continue to work with its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and other agencies as vaccination efforts unfold. It is estimated that 650,000 need to be vaccinated.
Rotary commits funds to polio outbreak response in Gaza
Peter Roaf
2024-09-11 07:00:00Z |
From the ashes of Lytton, Fire Trailer has emerged
Posted on Sep 11, 2024
In the past seven years rural and remote communities have come under greatest and increasing threat from wildfires in British Columbia. There is a need for locally based, designed, and manufactured firefighting equipment to serve and protect. Working with a local company the collaborative group, of Disaster Aid Canada (DAC), the Rotary Club of Steveston, through its Charitable Society, (RCSRCS) and Siska First Nation, near Lytton, has designed and built a prototype “Fire Trailer” to address this need for wildfire fighting equipment.
From the ashes of Lytton, Fire Trailer has emerged
Peter Roaf
2024-09-11 07:00:00Z |
District clubs' achievements and activities in June, July, August
Posted on Sep 10, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in June, July and August 2024. Shown here is the Slow Ride Cycle through the Pemberton area at one's own pace to visit farms and purchase local produce, crafts and more.
District clubs' achievements and activities in June, July, August
Peter Roaf
2024-09-10 07:00:00Z |
Nominations for 2027 - 28 District 5040 District Governor are now open!
Posted on Sep 09, 2024
(This story is likely of interest only to those Rotarians considering being nominated for District Governor, 2027 – 2028) The dates below and the attached information package are for Rotarians willing to allow their name to be considered for District Governor. While it does take time and commitment, it is an exceptional, inspiring, personally enriching way to serve Rotary, our communities, and the world. Some important dates: - September 28, Saturday - 10 am "You could be District Governor" information session by zoom
- October 15 – To advise Interviews of Nominees
- October 19 and 20 - Interviews of eligible applicants
- October 20 - Announcement of successful candidate
Attached for reference are Request for Nominations, detailed information Thanks for your continued support of Rotary and our District. Our clubs and Rotarians accomplish so much; District service is a wonderful way to support and enhance those club achievements. If you are a PDG receiving this notice, it is for information only. Yours in Rotary Service, Shirley-Pat Gale, Immediate Past District Governor and District Nomination Committee Chair
Nominations for 2027 - 28 District 5040 District Governor are now open!
2024-09-09 07:00:00Z |
Food resiliency, recreation and learning with new greenhouse
Posted on Sep 03, 2024
On Bowen Island the community now has a $30,000 12 ft x 40 ft poly tunnel style greenhouse for its Grafton Commons community gardens thanks to the Rotary Club of Bowen Island with support of a $4,000 District Grant from The Rotary Foundation. The Grafton Commons, managed by the Bowen Island Food Resilience Society (BIFS) in the agricultural land reserve, now has the greenhouse to help the Society grow plants year round not only to promote greater local food resilience but to help with education in regenerative agriculture and gardening for adults, seniors and school age children.
Food resiliency, recreation and learning with new greenhouse
Peter Roaf
2024-09-03 07:00:00Z |
First recipient of Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary
Posted on Aug 31, 2024
The memory of District 5040 Governor 2020-21 Dave Hamilton, who passed away while serving as Governor in 2021, lives on with the awarding of the Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary to the first recipient, Alice Pu, of Tsawwassen. The new bursary is offered annually to young people planning a post-secondary career in the Rotary Family throughout communities in Rotary District 5040, from Greater Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert. It was fitting that Alice, as the first recipient among a number of talented nominees, happens to live in Tsawwassen because Dave Hamilton was a member of the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen. The bursary of $1,000 supports a graduating student who takes post-secondary education at an academic institution or trade school. The Delta Community Foundation administers the endowment which generates the annual funding for the bursary.
First recipient of Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary
Peter Roaf
2024-08-31 07:00:00Z |
Access opens to new nature habitat in New Westminster
Posted on Aug 22, 2024
The residents of New Westminster and beyond now have access to The Habitat at Queen’s Park as the City of New Westminster transitions the area from the former petting farm space of many years into a naturalized space supporting biodiversity as well as outdoor programming and activities throughout the year. The wetland area will include water and fauna of an indigenous nature and allow for interpretive study and discussion of First Nations links to the land in Queens Park. With $30,000 funding from the Rotary Club of New Westminster and $10,000 through a District Grant from The Rotary Foundation, the Club has worked with the City on the $40,000 project to construct timber walkways around the area to provide wheelchair access for disabled people and others with mobility issues, including the elderly, mothers with strollers and others in the community. -- photos by Gabor Gasztonyi
Access opens to new nature habitat in New Westminster
Peter Roaf
2024-08-22 07:00:00Z |
Student shares his Rotary Adventure in Citizenship in Ottawa
Posted on Aug 06, 2024
In 1951, the Rotary Club of Ottawa established its annual "Adventure in Citizenship" Program in which over 150 senior high school students from across Canada spend four days in Ottawa experiencing tours, lectures, discussions and social events designed to enhance their understanding and appreciation of Canadian citizenship. From May 26 to 29, 2024, Shawn Toor, of Ladner, was among students aged 16-18 years from communities in District 5040 and the rest of Canada who are leaders in their community and reflect the broad spectrum of religious and cultural communities that comprise Canadian society. On August 6th Shawn visited members of the Rotary Club of Ladner, which sponsored his trip, to share his experience and thank the club.
Student shares his Rotary Adventure in Citizenship in Ottawa
Peter Roaf
2024-08-06 07:00:00Z |
Rotary in Canada's oldest pride parade in Vancouver
Posted on Aug 04, 2024
The 46th annual Vancouver Pride Parade -- the oldest pride parade in Canada -- attracted hundreds of thousands of people to downtown Vancouver on Sunday, August 4th to celebrate and support the LGBTQ2+ community. A team of 12 mainly young adults participated as a Rotary contingent marching with the City of Vancouver entry. The parade ran from Davie and Denman Streets, through the West End on Beach Avenue and Pacific Street and ended at a festival in the vacant land east of B.C. Place. -- photo courtesy of CBC
Rotary in Canada's oldest pride parade in Vancouver
Peter Roaf
2024-08-04 07:00:00Z |
Our District Governor Drew Antrobus welcomes us all to the new Rotary year
Posted on Jul 19, 2024
As the new Rotary year begins in District 5040, we usher in the Rotary theme of "The Magic of Rotary." This theme centers on engagement and Empowering Through Unity. The Rotary Vision Statement encapsulates the start to the new year perfectly: "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." When we break that down, it means that together, people create change, which equates to empowering through unity. You, the members of District 5040, are the magic. You are the magicians, through your projects, your work, and your contributions to Rotary, both locally and globally. [photo of DG Drew Antrobus, wife and Rotarian Judy Smith, and Sherlock]
Our District Governor Drew Antrobus welcomes us all to the new Rotary year
Peter Roaf
2024-07-19 07:00:00Z |
Prince George Rotary Hoop-A-Thon raises funds for local charities
Posted on Jun 10, 2024
The three Prince George Rotary clubs held the community's first Hoop-A-Thon on June 8th at the Jumpstart Multi Sport Court. In collaboration with the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Timberwolves basketball team, and sponsored by Canadian Tire, this Hoop-A-Thon was a basketball free-throw challenge. Players sink as many free-throws possible in one minute. Pledges and donations are gathered and all funds stay in the local community. -- photos by Chuck Nisbett, Prince George Citizen; video by Ron Davis
Prince George Rotary Hoop-A-Thon raises funds for local charities
Peter Roaf
2024-06-10 07:00:00Z |
Moving forward with Rotary's Action Plan
Posted on Jun 01, 2024
Speaking to the many thousands of Rotary members from around the world, attending the Rotary International Convention in Singapore, May 25 to 29, 2024, John Hewko, Rotary International General Secretary and CEO, said the 2023-24 Rotary year brought a number of firsts. John said, "India celebrated its first decade of being polio-free. We opened our first Rotary Peace Center in the Middle East. And the first ever Rotaract-sponsored global grants were awarded. These accomplishments are just examples of our collective efforts to increase our impact, expand our reach, provide a memorable membership experience, and adapt to a changing world." Speaking to the Convention, Rotary International President 2023-24 Gordon McInally said of Rotary, "...our common humanity and our shared desire to build a more peaceful and compassionate world, especially in the times of greatest peril. World peace is a perilous, difficult journey, and we are experiencing some trying moments right now."
Moving forward with Rotary's Action Plan
Peter Roaf
2024-06-01 07:00:00Z |
Five new members marks rebound for Rotary in Kitimat
Posted on May 31, 2024
As an outcome of the collaborative effort among Rotary members from the Skeena Valley and Prince Rupert, demonstrating strong community and inter-club relationships in the Rotary network Rotary Club of Kitimat has inducted five new members. This growth in membership helps restore the Kitimat club’s ability to serve the community as it has done over many years. It also demonstrates the collective commitment to Rotary's mission of humanitarian service and ethical leadership and active participation from the community and neighbouring clubs. District Governor Shirley-Pat Gale, who inducted the new members on May 21st, expressed her enthusiasm and congratulations to the new members, emphasizing the importance of Rotary's role in community service and global peace-building.
Five new members marks rebound for Rotary in Kitimat
Peter Roaf
2024-05-31 07:00:00Z |
Memorial Stone at cemetery honours those cremated
Posted on May 19, 2024
The 2,500 residents of Pender Harbour now have a place to mount plaques for family and friends who have been cremated. The platform for the plaques is a slab of basalt stone in Forest View Cemetery. The Rotary Club of Pender Harbour Madeira Park contributed $2,000 to the project and a District Grant from The Rotary Foundation provided an additional $987 for purchase of the stone plus a memorial bench and pots for flowers.
Memorial Stone at cemetery honours those cremated
Peter Roaf
2024-05-19 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Foundation creates fund to support urgent flood relief efforts in Brazil
Posted on May 18, 2024
The Rotary Foundation created the Brazil Flood Response Fund in response to devastating flooding in the country's southern region, affecting more than 1.45 million people. The fund will support disaster response grants for member-led projects that provide relief supplies to people in the state of Rio Grande do Sul who have been displaced from their homes, or lack power and access to clean water.
Rotary Foundation creates fund to support urgent flood relief efforts in Brazil
Peter Roaf
2024-05-18 07:00:00Z |
Supertrak BMX Club renovations in Prince George proceed with Rotary support
Posted on May 18, 2024
Loaders and excavators are at work on renovations of the Supertrak BMX Club in Prince George's Carrie Jane Gray Park to widen the corners and build up the hills to make it a faster ride thanks to $100,000 which the Rotary Club of Prince George Downtown and the Prince George Community Foundation contributed. The donation will cover the entire cost of redeveloping the track by early June to better enable the club to host provincial and national events in Prince George. -- story courtesy of the Prince George Citizen story by Ted Clarke
Supertrak BMX Club renovations in Prince George proceed with Rotary support
Peter Roaf
2024-05-18 07:00:00Z |
New Secretary learning session
Recently, on May 1st, a Secretary Learning session was held for District 5040 Club Secretaries. For those who missed the session or who would like to review a few important points the session was recorded and may be viewed here. Interested? Please act now. The recording will only be available for a limited time.
New Secretary learning session
2024-05-16 07:00:00Z |
Past Rotary International President Jennifer Jones on polio visit experience, endowment milestone
Posted on May 07, 2024
Rotary International President 2022-23 Jennifer Jones, now Rotary Foundation Trustee 2023-27, believes in the power of storytelling to move the world forward. Here is her story, as part of her presentation at Pacific North West PETS (Presidents Elect Training Seminar) in Seattle in February 2024, about her first hand experience with a polio vaccination team of women visiting a home in an impoverished community of Pakistan during her year as President. She also finishes with Rotary's determination to achieve a milestone in building The Rotary Foundation's endowment fund to $2.25 billion -- which supports many of Rotary's projects worldwide -- likely to be reached in time for the international convention next year in Calgary.
Past Rotary International President Jennifer Jones on polio visit experience, endowment milestone
Peter Roaf
2024-05-07 07:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for April
Posted on May 07, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in April 2024. Photo: Hoop A Thons are catching on throughout the District
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for April
Peter Roaf
2024-05-07 07:00:00Z |
Boots for Kids helps children through winter
Posted on Apr 29, 2024
Many Burnaby elementary children do not have proper footwear for the winter months. The lack of boots during the winter months can affect a child's health and result in poor attendance at school if a student cannot walk to school in poor, wet weather with proper footwear. The $6,000 Boots for Kids program initiated by the Rotary Club of Burnaby Deer Lake provided new boots and socks to 255 needy children at eight elementary schools in Burnaby in with support of a $2,000 District Grant from The Rotary Foundation.
Boots for Kids helps children through winter
Peter Roaf
2024-04-29 07:00:00Z |
Global TV features Rotary World Help medical and educational equipment, supplies shipments worldwide to countries in need
Posted on Apr 26, 2024
In the April 25,2024 Global TV segment, "This is BC", the feature, "Volunteers help patients worldwide" focused on Rotary World Help sponsored and managed by Rotary clubs in BC. Rotary World Help is a non profit organization aimed at collecting and distributing medical equipment and supplies, dental, optical, education & sports equipment and disaster relief supplies to international recipients in need. It is a non-religious, non-political charity run by local Rotary clubs.
Global TV features Rotary World Help medical and educational equipment, supplies shipments worldwide to countries in need
Peter Roaf
2024-04-26 07:00:00Z |
Japan Fair -- Rotary participation
Posted on Apr 17, 2024
The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival March 29 to April 25, 2024 is an annual event that celebrates the cherry blossom season. Sakura Days Japan Fair on April 13 & 14, which is part of the Festival, showcased Japanese food and cultural activities from Japanese food, sake, performances such as the Japanese tea ceremony, taiko drumming, theatre and games. Representatives of Rotary District 5040 participated in the Sakura Days Japan Fair over the two days.
Japan Fair -- Rotary participation
Peter Roaf
2024-04-17 07:00:00Z |
A Legacy that will transform in our District: Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary
Posted on Apr 15, 2024
The new Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary will make it possible for students to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams after high school. This $1,000 bursary will be available to any high school graduate who is part of the Rotary family in one of our communities served by the 48 Rotary clubs of District 5040, from Greater Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert. This Bursary was established by Dave Hamilton, who passed away during his term as District 5040 Governor in 2020-21, and made possible by donations from Dave's home club in Tsawwassen and many Rotarians throughout the District and administered by Tanya Hall of the Sunshine Coast - Sechelt club, with District Governor Shirley-Pat Gale. Applications for the first year of this Bursary are due by May 15, 2024.
A Legacy that will transform in our District: Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary
Peter Roaf
2024-04-15 07:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace in Spring by District Governor Shirley-Pat
Posted on Apr 15, 2024
Happy Spring!!! As the sun begins to shine and the flowers bloom I hope this message finds all you members well throughout our District. Congratulations to all the 2023-2024 Presidents for your leadership and inspiration you have provided your clubs. The service and fellowship this has fostered has been such a joy to witness. At this point in our Rotary year - 99 percent of club visits are done BUT I would love to come and attend any spring events, service activities, or even membership or fellowship opportunities as my schedule allows. We have less than three months left in our term together - please please reach out if there is anything I or the D5040 Team can do to support and strengthen your club!!
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace in Spring by District Governor Shirley-Pat
Peter Roaf
2024-04-15 07:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for February & March
Posted on Apr 13, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in February and March 2024. NOTE: Because of ClubRunner limits on size of posted text the following report is a series of images rather than text to reduce size-- photo courtesy of The Northern View newspaper, Prince Rupert
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for February & March
Peter Roaf
2024-04-13 07:00:00Z |
30th First Nation learning centre now possible with funds raised at youth exchange conference
Posted on Apr 07, 2024
The Write to Read Project BC is an equal partnership between participating Indigenous communities, Rotarians, and volunteers with a range of diverse skills represented on the Write to Read Team. W2R-BC is a literacy equity project started by two friends, former BC Lieutenant Governor Hon. Steven Point and Past District 5040 Governor Bob Blacker, It works with rural and remote Frist Nations communities across British Columbia to build library learning centres. W2R-BC partnerships bring together people who have an interest in participating in increasing literacy through equitable access to literacy materials for rural, isolated or under-served Indigenous communities. The collaboration creates relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities through shared power, and builds on a foundation of honesty, trust, and equitable respect in the larger pursuit of social justice and reconciliation through truth-telling and action.
30th First Nation learning centre now possible with funds raised at youth exchange conference
Peter Roaf
2024-04-07 07:00:00Z |
Rotary - What is Your Story? A video all clubs can use
Posted on Mar 14, 2024
What drives you? What is your passion? What do you bring to the world? video (2:34) -- courtesy of Rotary Club of Silverdale, WA. Any Rotary club can use this video for its website and any communications using the link of embed code.
Rotary - What is Your Story? A video all clubs can use
Peter Roaf
2024-03-14 07:00:00Z |
Sail shades outdoor learning in Pemberton
Posted on Mar 13, 2024
For the 250 students at Pemberton Secondary School, who participate in outdoor learning, sails to provide shade for those learning spaces have come as welcome relief in hot weather common in spring and early summer. The school’s Parent Advisory Committee led the $12,694 project. It had the shade sails – to withstand wind and weather year-round – installed in 2021 over the outdoor classroom/gathering space which the School District had constructed in 2020. In the midst of COVID this project to support outdoor learning became a priority. Rotary supported 30% of the project, including $2,500 from the Rotary Club of Pemberton and $1,250 from a Rotary District Grant. A gaming grant and community sponsorship provided another 30%.
Sail shades outdoor learning in Pemberton
Peter Roaf
2024-03-13 07:00:00Z |
Social change through youth sports in wartorn South Sudan aim of Peace Scholar recommended by local clubs and District
Posted on Mar 10, 2024
Jackson Wenesayo, of Yambio, South Sudan and now a Rotary Peace Fellow, in Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation studies at Makerere University, in Kampala, Uganda, has expressed his gratitude to District 5040 for reviewing and endorsing his 2024 Rotary Peace Fellowship application. His appreciation was sent to the Rotary committee representing the three Prince George Rotary Clubs, Prince George Rotaract Club and Quesnel Rotary Club for their recommendation and then to the required District review panel who endorsed his application to compete at the final world level review where he was approved as a successful recipient. -- photo: Jackson Wenesayo, with Makerere University Vice Chancellor Professor Barnabas Nawangwe
Social change through youth sports in wartorn South Sudan aim of Peace Scholar recommended by local clubs and District
Peter Roaf
2024-03-10 08:00:00Z |
Boys impacted by tough life in some Vancouver communities benefit from new program
Of the youth and their families living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, Strathcona and Grandview-Woodlands communities 95% are refugees or recent immigrants, Indigenous and racial minority families. With average household income in at least two of these communities estimated to be in the $20,000s, many live in low-income housing. Boys often come from single-parent household incomes that fall below the poverty line. These communities experience the highest crime and violent crime statistics outside of the Downtown Core district. For instance, in December 2020 a 19-year-old living in one of the three communities, who had “aged out” of the ‘after school’ and basketball programs, died from violent conflict and criminal activity. Just four months later a 15-year old died for the same reason. Other young people in the area have been involved in, or impacted by, these kinds of events. Criminology experts, police officials and political leaders all agree that the flow of young people into the gang lifestyle must stop. To address this serious concern, the Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise has led the establishment of a $70,745 [or $58,500?] youth leadership, life skills and mentorship program with support of a $5,000 contribution from Rotary Club of Vancouver and a Rotary District 5040 Grant of $8,000 from The Rotary Foundation.
Boys impacted by tough life in some Vancouver communities benefit from new program
Peter Roaf
2024-03-09 08:00:00Z |
Youth Hub Rotary sponsorship for Squamish Foundry Sea to Sky
Posted on Mar 08, 2024
Sea to Sky Community Services Society (SSCS) helps thousands of children, youth and adults through more than 40 community services and programs in BC’s Sea to Sky corridor, from Squamish up to Pemberton. In 2019, the Society consulted with community members, including youth, to consider a new centre for youth, as an integrated, inclusive, non-judgmental space for young people, providing them access to a variety of supports. In 2020, the Society received partial funding to replace a dilapidated (condemned) Youth Resource Centre with a new youth centre – the $2.2 million, 5,000 sq ft Foundry Sea to Sky -- where young people aged 12-24 can access mental health, primary care, substance use intervention, peer support, and social services, all under one roof.
Youth Hub Rotary sponsorship for Squamish Foundry Sea to Sky
Peter Roaf
2024-03-08 08:00:00Z |
'It all started with Rotary’ says Canada's Ambassador to Japan
Posted on Mar 06, 2024
Canada’s ambassador to Japan, who started life in Kamloops and Penticton, began his career journey as a Rotary exchange student. Ian McKay’s career path has run like a superhighway through some of the world’s most important cities: New York, London, Tokyo. It has led him to the highest reaches of finance, politics, and global diplomacy, culminating in his current role as Canada’s ambassador to Japan. When asked the secret of his success, McKay credits his foresight in learning Japanese, his keen interest in finance, and his understanding that high-level negotiations often work best away from boardrooms and summits. But the underlying answer is simpler. “It all started with Rotary,” he says — and later adds: “I can’t overstate that the critical part of that whole journey was Rotary." -- photo: Ambassador McKay with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in September 2023 at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Indonesia.
'It all started with Rotary’ says Canada's Ambassador to Japan
Peter Roaf
2024-03-06 08:00:00Z |
Rotary - What is Your Story?
Posted on Mar 04, 2024
What drives you? What is your passion? What do you bring to the world? video (2:34) -- courtesy of Rotary Club of Silverdale, WA
Rotary - What is Your Story?
Peter Roaf
2024-03-04 08:00:00Z |
Rotary leaders saluted on International Women's Day
Posted on Mar 02, 2024
On International Women's Day, March 8th, Rotary International celebrates all our dynamic, people of action who are women leading us in service above self here at home and around the world.
Rotary leaders saluted on International Women's Day
Peter Roaf
2024-03-02 08:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for January
Posted on Feb 06, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in January 2024
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for January
Peter Roaf
2024-02-06 08:00:00Z |
Rotary Dog Park brings together pets and people in Terrace to socialize and have fun
Posted on Jan 31, 2024
Hundreds of dog owners in Terrace finally have a safe site for exercising and socialising their dogs in a dedicated park. Not only had the City of Terrace received multiple requests for an off leash dog park, RC Terrace had also heard from the community about this need. Dog owners who do not have a fenced yard now have a place where they can let their dogs exercise and interact with other dogs. Dogs benefit from socialising with other dogs and the owners also benefit from interacting with other owners. This first dog park in Terrace opened in 2022, thanks to $31,000 in funding from the Rotary Club of Terrace, and a $10,000.00 Rotary District Grant, plus services provided by the City of Terrace.
Rotary Dog Park brings together pets and people in Terrace to socialize and have fun
Peter Roaf
2024-01-31 08:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the new year
Posted on Jan 20, 2024
Happy New Year! 2024 has started with a bang - winter has now arrived! Winter is the time to recharge, to share stories and plan for the next seasonal rounds! It is also a time to not only dive into preparing to complete steps towards club goals for 2023-2024, but to help the team which will transition and keep the action going.
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the new year
Peter Roaf
2024-01-20 08:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for December
Posted on Jan 08, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in December 2023
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for December
Peter Roaf
2024-01-08 08:00:00Z |
Educational and hospital equipment from Rotary off to Ukraine
Posted on Jan 07, 2024
Another 40 foot shipping container loaded with educational books , computers and hospital equipment is now on its way to Ukraine thanks to the team at Rotary World Help which gathered all the contents from various sources and the Rotarians who showed up on January 6, 2024 at the RWH warehouse in Coquitlam to do the loading. On November 25th Rotarians packed a similar container for Laoang Northern Samar in the Philippines, thanks to the receiving Rotary Club of Catarman Northern Samar. The Consul General for the Philippines, Arlene Magno, officiated at the sealing of that container once loaded. The Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise, along with clubs of Langley and Langley Central sponsored the shipment. -- photos by Elena Egala
Educational and hospital equipment from Rotary off to Ukraine
Peter Roaf
2024-01-07 08:00:00Z |
News that appeals from Rotaract young professionals
Posted on Dec 27, 2023
The Vancouver Young Professionals Rotaract Club has captured its achievements and activities over the past six months with a three-page newsletter. The newsletter features the club's various causes in an appealing, visual way, with future events also displayed boldly. It's a good role model for all of us to learn from our younger members.
News that appeals from Rotaract young professionals
Peter Roaf
2023-12-27 08:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the festive season by DG Shirley-Pat
Posted on Dec 15, 2023
Happy Holidays to you ALL - the season of snow, roaring fires, and festive fun is upon us! In the past month of whirlwind club visits I witnessed first hand even more amazing work of our Rotary District 5040 family as we make our communities and world a more joyous place for all. It was so lovely to have District Executive Administrator Nancy Eidsvik with me for many of these adventures. On Bowen Island we saw the most beautiful outdoor learning space and gardens the club has helped the community build. Dragon Club produced a brilliant video as an inspirational way to remind our communities and potential members of "why Rotary!" You can view the video on the District's home page.
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the festive season by DG Shirley-Pat
Peter Roaf
2023-12-15 08:00:00Z |
Gratitude of Siska Band for Rotary Lytton wildfire relief so full of meaning and hope
Posted on Dec 11, 2023
After the wildfire which destroyed the Town of Lytton in July 2021, including its commercial district and 70 homes, Rotary Club of Steveston organized a relief fund for that community through its foundation. Donations came from that club, a number of other clubs and individuals in this Rotary District and across Canada. Three members of the Siska Indian Band, in the Lytton area, visited the Steveston club on November 14th to thank the club and all those who contributed to the relief fund.
Gratitude of Siska Band for Rotary Lytton wildfire relief so full of meaning and hope
Peter Roaf
2023-12-11 08:00:00Z |
Rotary relief for Ukraine from our generous District, but more still needed
Posted on Dec 08, 2023
Donations can still be made to the Ukraine and Pakistan Disaster Response Funds until December 31st. These funds must be spent by June 30th, 2024. As District Foundation Chair PDG Lorne Calder says, "Warm clothing, medical equipment coming through a Rotary World Help container from our District and area soon, school supplies and basic needs are needed more than ever."
Rotary relief for Ukraine from our generous District, but more still needed
Peter Roaf
2023-12-08 08:00:00Z |
Rotary Club of Dragon Feature Video from 2023 Presidents Dinner
Posted on Dec 05, 2023
Select "Read More" to view video about Rotary by the Rotary Club of Dragon, District 5040's Mandarin-speaking club.
Rotary Club of Dragon Feature Video from 2023 Presidents Dinner
2023-12-05 08:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for November
Posted on Dec 05, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in November
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for November
Peter Roaf
2023-12-05 08:00:00Z |
Peace Park, school clubs, community fund supported by Winter Wonderland
Posted on Dec 02, 2023
The Rotary Peace Garden project, which Rotary International President 2022-23 Jennifer Jones launched at Garden City Park in Richmond last year is one of the causes supported by the Rotary Club of Richmond Sunset's 22nd Annual Winter Wonderland at Richmond City Hall on display throughout December. Proceeds from the project, launched on December 2nd, are expected to reach $50,000 or more and will support Rotary sponsored Interact clubs at Hugh Boyd and Steveston-London Secondary schools, scholarships at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond Christmas Fund and The Rotary Foundation, plus an endowment fund which focuses on one of Rotary's seven Areas of Focus, maternal and child health.
Peace Park, school clubs, community fund supported by Winter Wonderland
Peter Roaf
2023-12-02 08:00:00Z |
Philippine Ambassador receives Paul Harris Fellow Award from District 5040
Posted on Nov 30, 2023
Ambassador of the Philippines Her Excellency Maria Andrelita Austria receives a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow Award in Ottawa from Rotary District 5040 Governor Shirley-Pat Chamberlain and Assistant Governor Mary Anne Velayo. Paul Harris Fellow Award honourees are individuals who meet high professional and personal standards set forth by Paul Harris, the founder of Rotary International for extraordinary service above self.
Philippine Ambassador receives Paul Harris Fellow Award from District 5040
Peter Roaf
2023-11-30 08:00:00Z |
Foundation Dinner brings future project grants to our clubs and communities
Posted on Nov 20, 2023
Winter coats and boots for kids, a valley trail viewing platform, an off leash dog park, seniors’ outdoor fitness stations, lower income family kids sponsored for summer camp, young musicians to participate in a youth orchestra are the kinds of projects made possible with proceeds from a Rotary fundraising event. Members of Rotary District 5040 -- the 48 Rotary clubs from Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert -- many throughout the Lower Mainland raised net proceeds of $29,000 at a dinner on November 18, 2023. The funds will all go to the The Rotary Foundation, among the highest ranked international foundations over the past 15 years.
Foundation Dinner brings future project grants to our clubs and communities
Peter Roaf
2023-11-20 08:00:00Z |
Youth learn to perform in an orchestra
Posted on Nov 18, 2023
The Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra is a professional orchestral preparation program for young musicians. Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial, with a District Grant from The Rotary Foundation, has funded a music scholarship and bursary program to support some youth to attend Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra.
Youth learn to perform in an orchestra
Peter Roaf
2023-11-18 08:00:00Z |
Children in Indonesia with cleft lip/palate get to live normal lives
Posted on Nov 17, 2023
In the tourism paradise of Bali, Indonesia and surrounding islands there is a lot of poverty and hardship. Children with cleft lip and palate live deprived of normal lives and struggle with impaired speech. Many of these children are hidden by their families, not allowed to go to school or participate in community activities. Because they are not able to eat and drink properly unless helped undernourishment as children leads to health issues. Rotary Club of Vancouver has participated in two Global Grants from The Rotary Foundation to provide surgery for the many affected children.
Children in Indonesia with cleft lip/palate get to live normal lives
Peter Roaf
2023-11-17 08:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace by District Governor Shirley-Pat
Posted on Nov 16, 2023
Fellow District 5040 members, I hope you are all well and enjoying the changing season as the leaves change. It has been an absolute pleasure to visit clubs and see the amazing work of our Rotary Family. The many hundreds of kilometres on the road and multiple ferry rides have all been worth it on feeling the joy and true inspiration I experienced in reaching my various destinations, to hear the "brags" about our District and about the Interactors raising funds to support girls' education in Bangladesh, and installing eight new members in a single club and five in another.
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace by District Governor Shirley-Pat
Peter Roaf
2023-11-16 08:00:00Z |
Kids get a hand up to go to summer camp
Camp Potlatch is run by the Boys and Girls Club South Coast BC on 133 acres of wilderness along the shores of Howe Sound. Thousands of children have visited Camp Potlatch over the past 70 years. Rotary Club of Lionsgate in North Vancouver, with support of a Rotary District Grant, sponsors under privileged children to attend Camp Potlatch in summer
Kids get a hand up to go to summer camp
Peter Roaf
2023-11-10 08:00:00Z |
Beach facility upgrade in Gibsons
Posted on Nov 09, 2023
Armours Beach in Gibsons is a public recreation area and meeting place for families and friends of all ages. The swimming and picnic area is active throughout the spring, summer and fall. Rotary Club of Gibsons led a project to renovate the Armours Beach facility, at the north end of the Gibsons Beach Walk which starts at the Gibsons Marina, 1.2 km to the south.
Beach facility upgrade in Gibsons
Peter Roaf
2023-11-09 08:00:00Z |
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for October
Posted on Nov 07, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in October.
Clubs' achievements and activities in our District for October
Peter Roaf
2023-11-07 08:00:00Z |
Vancouver City proclamation and walk to End Polio in the world
Posted on Oct 30, 2023
Today 20 million people, who might have been paralyzed by polio, are walking. Another 1.5 million people, who would have died from polio, are alive. So far, the global effort to eradicate polio has saved more than $27 billion in health care costs. Another $14 billion is expected to be saved by 2050. -- photos by Michael Cowhig, Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus
Vancouver City proclamation and walk to End Polio in the world
Peter Roaf
2023-10-30 07:00:00Z |
Girls Helping Girls Stay in School
Posted on Oct 26, 2023
1 in 10 girls in Sub-Saharan Africa misses 20% of school during their menstrual cycle. Many girls starting to menstruate drop out of school altogether. Lack of affordable menstruation products, facilities and education are among the reasons for this barrier to education. Myths and taboos around menstruation in some societies and communities are further barriers. Working with the Rotary Club of Kampala Nsambya, in Uganda, the Global Grant was, "Girls Helping Girls Stay in School" Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise plus clubs of Vancouver, Pender Harbour, Whistler Millennium, Williams Lake Daybreak, Kitimat, and Squamish received a Rotary Global Grant.
Girls Helping Girls Stay in School
Peter Roaf
2023-10-26 07:00:00Z |
Pumpkin Patch in the Park 2023
Posted on Oct 22, 2023
As the dawn broke over Stan Clarke Park in Squamish on Saturday, a jolly band of Rotary Pumpkineers joined Squamish BIA members and a crew from Sea to Sky Couriers to create the Pumpkin Patch in the Park. 500 pumpkins were spread around the park, tents were erected, games were set up, and the BBQ was lit. All was ready for 10am when the kids and adults arrived, many in costume, to select their pumpkin(s) by donation, have faces painted, dance to the music, go on the trick-or-treat adventure, have photos taken, do some Halloween crafts and play the games. And for the hungry, the hot dog crew was busy cooking and serving up the Rotary Dog-in-a-Bun. The proceeds will be going to the Squamish Welcome Centre and the Rotary Club of Squamish’s Oceanfront Playground fund. For more pictures, go HERE.
Pumpkin Patch in the Park 2023
Brian Finley
2023-10-22 07:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope & Peace
Posted on Oct 16, 2023
Greetings and congratulations on completing the first seasonal round of the 2023-2024 Rotary year! As your District Governor, I had the honour of starting my club visits in September in the Northwest, Cariboo and Prince George where my heart was filled with amazing stories of service, resilience, and ingenuity!! From lunches with Elders, to amazing community gardens, to a one of a kind rock climbing wall, to community auctions, to fall fairs, and heart felt Paul Harris awarding and inductions of new members in our Rotary family. So grateful for ALL you ALL do to create hope in the world.
Sowing Seeds of Hope & Peace
Peter Roaf
2023-10-16 07:00:00Z |
Join Rotarians marching in Vancouver for World Polio Day Oct 24, donate too
Posted on Oct 16, 2023
For World Polio Day on October 24th, Rotarians, Rotaracts, Interacts, family and friends join Vancouver and area Rotary Clubs for the 2nd Annual World Polio Day Walk, starting 4:30 pm at the North Entrance of Vancouver City Hall. As part of that event the City of Vancouver will present Rotary a World Polio Proclamation. At 5:00 pm the walk will make its way to Science World where the exterior lights on the dome will turn red to honour our global campaign to end polio. Join us in celebrating the end of this horrible disease! Bring your “End Polio" T-Shirts or your red shirts, good walking shoes, banners, noise makers, and your loud voices!
Join Rotarians marching in Vancouver for World Polio Day Oct 24, donate too
Peter Roaf
2023-10-16 07:00:00Z |
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in September
Posted on Oct 03, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in September.
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in September
Peter Roaf
2023-10-03 07:00:00Z |
Hybrid meeting technology enables Rotary clubs to increase productivity in community service post-covid
Posted on Sep 28, 2023
Local community service and global humanitarian relief which the Rotary clubs of Richmond and South Delta have been providing for decades is now enhanced with new “hybrid” meeting technology thanks to $33,500 in funding from the Government of Canada. The funding will help the six clubs purchase OWL 3 hybrid meeting units to enable members to meet in person and involve speakers or other members online with a projector and screen at a meeting venue. Because the Richmond Community Foundation was able to add to the original grant of $18,500, the local clubs have loaned out 10 more OWL 3 units to clubs in other parts of the Rotary District in Greater Vancouver and BC coast and interior. An OWL unit connects to a laptop and a large projection screen so groups can meet with other groups in meetings or engage with a single guest speaker from afar.
Hybrid meeting technology enables Rotary clubs to increase productivityin community service post-covid
Peter Roaf
2023-09-28 07:00:00Z |
You could be District Governor,
Posted on Sep 22, 2023
District 5040 is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated Rotarians to apply for the position of District Governor (DG) for the year 2026-27.
You could be District Governor,
2023-09-22 07:00:00Z |
International Peace Day September 21st
Posted on Sep 21, 2023
The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. A long-established universal website that serves all involved in Peace Day, beginning annually with the 100-day Countdown, celebrates a milestone: the 20th Anniversary of the UN Resolution on the Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. A/RES/53/243 B. Let us all create Peace Day every day!
International Peace Day September 21st
Peter Roaf
2023-09-21 07:00:00Z |
Meet the Mayor
Rotary Club of Vancouver is hosting a fireside chat with KEN SIM, CITY OF VANCOUVER MAYOR on Tuesday September 19, 2023 This event is open to everyone -- Rotarians from all clubs of course, friends, relatives, colleagues. No limits however we need numbers by Sunday September 17th to ensure we have enough seating. Please spread the word to your networks. Forward this email on, OR share this link:
Meet the Mayor
2023-09-15 07:00:00Z |
New seniors Day Care in Delta receives major support from Tsawwassen Rotary
Posted on Sep 08, 2023
KinVillage in the Delta, BC community of Tsawwassen, which provides older adults life in a community of health, housing and wellness programs is beginning a new phase of development. A significant part of the development's $56.6 million Phase One, which includes 103,000 sq ft for 152 independent living suites, is a new $5 million expanded 5,000 sq ft Day Program for 11 to 35 older adults a day. In turn, the Day Program will provide respite for caregivers of those seniors. The charitable society at the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen has committed $200,000 over 10 years to development of that Older Adults Day Care, making that the largest donation in the club's history. -- report courtesy in part of the Delta Optimist
New seniors Day Care in Delta receives major support from Tsawwassen Rotary
Peter Roaf
2023-09-08 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Beef BBQ continues 57-year tradition at Squamish Logger Sports Festival
Posted on Aug 21, 2023
1600 lbs of Canada Grade AAA beef slow roasted on a rotisserie, over a bed of alder, garnished with 275 lbs of fried onions, produced over 2600 beef-in-a-bun sandwiches which Squamish Rotary members and friends served on August 5th & 6th 2023 at the Rotary Beef BBQ 2023 as part of the Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival. -- photos by Brian Finley
Rotary Beef BBQ continues 57-year tradition at Squamish Logger Sports Festival
Peter Roaf
2023-08-21 07:00:00Z |
Congratulations to District 5040 members for national leadership in giving
Posted on Aug 09, 2023
Thank you and congratulations to all of our generous members who have made donations large and small to The Rotary Foundation and for high performance recognized through international Rotary Citations, to make Rotary District 5040 a leader in giving and service among Districts across Canada.
Congratulations to District 5040 members for national leadership in giving
Peter Roaf
2023-08-09 07:00:00Z |
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in July
Posted on Aug 09, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in July.
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in July
Peter Roaf
2023-08-09 07:00:00Z |
27th Annual Pot of Gold Tournament
The Rotary Pot of Gold Charity Golf Tournament this year has resulted in $40,000+ raised, and over $665,000 since the first tournament! The proceeds are shared with Royal City Rotary, Rotary Club of New Westminster, Salvation Army and Purpose School, to fund programs for youth in our community including RYLA, Adventure programs, bursaries, and Youth Exchange. Thank you to all who contributed to this event in its 27th year!
27th Annual Pot of Gold Tournament
2023-08-08 07:00:00Z |
Pride Parade team from District 5040
Posted on Aug 06, 2023
A group of Rotarians, Rotaracts, Vancouver Young Professionals, and Interacts from Rotary District 5040 participated in Vancouver's largest ever Pride Parade on August 6, 2023.
Pride Parade team from District 5040
Peter Roaf
2023-08-06 07:00:00Z |
Rolling Hippos lead to 1000 Survival Garden Kits in rural South African communities
Posted on Jul 20, 2023
Rotarians from over 120 clubs are collaborating to bring water and food security to 16+ marginalized rural communities in South Africa. Through the 1000 Survival Garden Kits Project, over 7700 beneficiaries have benefited from the delivery of hippo water rollers and farming tools to increase the water supply and create homestead food gardens. Rotary's dedication to community service and goodwill provides personal, family, and community impact.
Rolling Hippos lead to 1000 Survival Garden Kits in rural South African communities
Peter Roaf
2023-07-20 07:00:00Z |
Seeds of Peace to start the new Rotary year
Posted on Jul 15, 2023
“Peace is the soil in which hope grows” -- Rotary International President 2023-24 Gordon McInally Happy Rotary New Year! Together in 2023-2024 we will collectively strive to create hope in the world. Hope is an energy that illuminates. According to positive psychologist Charles Snyder’s theory hopeful thinkers achieve more and are healthier. Hopeful thinking (and in my experience hope based action) is made up of 3 things: goals, pathways, and agency. Thinking in a goal orientated way, finding different ways to achieve those goals, and believing that you can instigate change all create hope. Hope is not simply a happy feeling – hope is the energy of humanity that enables us to not just survive but thrive. Hope is our belief that we can change the future for the better and it one of the biggest determinants of success.
Seeds of Peace to start the new Rotary year
Peter Roaf
2023-07-15 07:00:00Z |
Lack of running water takes away from lives of girls and women -- a girl's story
Posted on Jul 14, 2023
When water comes instantly from the turn of a tap -- hot or cold -- little attention is given to the 1 billion+ people who are not so well served. We've all seen photos of women half way around the world carrying 40-pound buckets of water on their heads. We likely dismiss our discomfort over their discomfort with thoughts and comments such as, "It's part of their culture and a woman's traditional role." As if they had a choice! A woman's journey into this 'traditional role' begins with young girls who dream of a more empowering future. Here's a story.
Lack of running water takes away from lives of girls and women -- a girl's story
Peter Roaf
2023-07-14 07:00:00Z |
BC's Write 2 Read program brings Education & Literacy Rotary focus to First Nation communities
Posted on Jul 11, 2023
“If you don’t know how to read, you don’t know how to do anything,” said Naomi White, librarian for her village of Lax Kw’alaams, north of Prince Rupert, on receiving 14 pallets of books and library furniture so that about 150 school-age children in her small village would get the chance to enhance their literacy through the Rotary-initiated Write2Read program throughout BC. Literacy, she said, is the key to more First Nations people advancing into higher education and holding down jobs in the trades, businesses and professions. “We’re just so remote here. Now we’re better able to foster the love of learning. And to pass on that reading is power. The more you know the better of you are,” said White, describing how many young people in the village are keen to learn about the larger world through the library.
BC's Write 2 Read program brings Education & Literacy Rotary focus to First Nation communities
Peter Roaf
2023-07-11 07:00:00Z |
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in June
Posted on Jul 05, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our 49 clubs in Rotary District 5040 in June.
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in June
Peter Roaf
2023-07-05 07:00:00Z |
A message from 2023-24 DG Shirley-Pat Chamberlain
Happy New Rotary Year! A Message from 2023-24 DG Shirley-Pat Chamberlain and Ron Malmas
A message from 2023-24 DG Shirley-Pat Chamberlain
Barbara Webb
2023-07-01 07:00:00Z |
High school students try out health care
Posted on Jun 30, 2023
The 34 Grade 10 and 11 students from Kitimat and Terrace who participated in Rotary’s Adventures in Health Care in early May visited health care professionals at Coast Mountain College, University of Northern BC and Northern Health in Terrace. The enthusiastic students took part in hands-on demonstrations of medical procedures, sociology, community health and diagnostics, prompting many questions and discussion. -- photo courtesy of Terrace Standard
High school students try out health care
Peter Roaf
2023-06-30 07:00:00Z |
Diversity, Peace and Hope key themes as District leaders installed for 2023-24
Posted on Jun 28, 2023
The house was full at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery museum in Richmond's Steveston community on the evening of June 24 2023 for the installation of Shirley-Pat Chamberlain as Rotary District 5040 Governor along with her team of District leaders as they set a course for serving our 48 Rotary clubs, as well as Rotaract clubs (young professionals) and Interact clubs (at high schools) and all our members throughout our communities in 2023-24.
Diversity, Peace and Hope key themes as District leaders installed for 2023-24
Peter Roaf
2023-06-28 07:00:00Z |
Rotary International’s General Secretary and CEO optimistic, despite global conflict, massive migration, and natural disasters because Rotary is a peace builder
Posted on Jun 21, 2023
In his address to the 14,000 Rotary members and guests at the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, Australia on May 29th, Rotary International’s General Secretary and CEO John Hewko said: “Building peace is more than just ending war. It’s also about taking on the challenges of food insecurity, the climate crisis, civil unrest, and toxic polarization. These are huge challenges. But this is a not a moment for despair. Rather, this is Rotary’s moment to step up and take action. Because this is what we do. We are practitioners of peace, and this gives us an opportunity to fulfill our historic role — one that has been built through our decades-long investments in peace. Because today, peace is an imperative. And that imperative begins with us because we have the means to wage peace as aggressively as nations can wage war.”
Rotary International’s General Secretary and CEO optimistic, despite global conflict, massive migration, and natural disasters because Rotary is a peace builder
Peter Roaf
2023-06-21 07:00:00Z |
Rotary International’s first female President speaks about continued values, but emerging transition in world of Rotary
Posted on Jun 21, 2023
Welcoming the 14,000 Rotary members and guests to the Rotary International “Imagine What’s Next” Convention in Melbourne, Australia on May 28th, the first female president of Rotary since its founding in 1905, Jennifer Jones, a Canadian, said: “When I began this journey as the first woman to lead Rotary, I discovered that something much bigger was happening: people suddenly felt seen for the first time — people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, Rotary members from all walks of life who felt our organization had just done something not just different and historic, but essential and exciting. The world is hungry for a new style of leadership, one that is empathetic, open, and eager to learn from everyone who participates in the act of change.”
Rotary International’s first female President speaks about continued values, but emerging transition in world of Rotary
Peter Roaf
2023-06-21 07:00:00Z |
Our District of achievers and generosity, End Polio need, renewal ahead
Posted on Jun 16, 2023
This point at the end of our Rotary year gives us a chance to complete personal, club and district goals that may need just a little final push! Clubs are completing and recording their success in achieving their goals and I’m sure we’ll again have a splendid roster of clubs receiving the international Rotary Citation. The Citation recognizes the achievements of our clubs, engagement of our members, relevance to our communities and our welcoming style as part of the culture of Rotary. Our District has a relatively high level of Rotary Citations received in recent years. Our District’s Foundation giving has been generous again this year, and I know we still have some folks who will donate before year end. One area where we have lagged a little, however, is Polio Plus.
Our District of achievers and generosity, End Polio need, renewal ahead
Roaf Peter
2023-06-16 07:00:00Z |
Rights of abused, widowed women in Tanzania supported by Richmond club
Posted on Jun 14, 2023
Women in Tanzania face a great challenge to get justice when they suffer abuse or when left widowed left to bring up a young family. Violence against women is common in Tanzanian society with 40% being forced to marry before the age of 18 years. Of these women, 44% will experience both sexual and physical abuse in their marriage, enabled when 60% of women, themselves, believe spousal violence is acceptable and even a demonstration of a husband’s love. While Tanzanian Law does recognise the rights of women to inherit or receive financial or property provision when abused or widowed, most women tend to be unaware of their rights and how to access their entitlement. The not-for-profit, “Inherit Your Rights” (IYR) has formed to help women with access to what they are entitled. The Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise is helping sponsor part of that program
Rights of abused, widowed women in Tanzania supported by Richmond club
Peter Roaf
2023-06-14 07:00:00Z |
Our first international Rotary convention -- not our last!
Posted on Jun 13, 2023
At the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, Australia last month, says Immediate Past District Governor Lorne Calder, with wife and fellow Rotarian Sue, “We cheered, clapped, danced, cried and laughed throughout the convention as we heard many personal stories of tragedy, disasters, strife that were turned around thanks to the encouragement or support of Rotary or Rotarians.” Lorne adds, “As Canadian Rotarians we can be extremely proud of Jennifer Jones’s leadership and the impact that she has had as the President of Rotary International over the 2022/2023 Rotary year! It was a thrill for me and Sue, and fellow Canadians, as achievements in this Rotary year were recognized and Jennifer’s role in all that at the convention.”
Our first international Rotary convention -- not our last!
Peter Roaf
2023-06-13 07:00:00Z |
From bees, beer, comedy to railroads, music, magic, Rotary Fellowships form global communities
Posted on Jun 01, 2023
Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.
From bees, beer, comedy to railroads, music, magic, Rotary Fellowships form global communities
Peter Roaf
2023-06-01 07:00:00Z |
Your club can join others to celebrate Canada Day
Posted on May 10, 2023
Canada Day on July 1st is approaching and, if your Rotary club has no plans to celebrate in your community, your club or you can come on over to North Vancouver to join other clubs and local organizations in celebrating on the waterfront .
Your club can join others to celebrate Canada Day
Peter Roaf
2023-05-10 07:00:00Z |
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in April
Posted on May 09, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our 49 clubs in Rotary District 5040 in April.
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in April
Peter Roaf
2023-05-09 07:00:00Z |
Tips for using the Brand Center to tell Rotary's story
Posted on May 06, 2023
Here are some ways to increase the impact of club communication in our communities. These are some ideas about use of the Brand Center, from our District 5040, to Rotary International in its blog, "Rotary Voices", published on May 5th. Your District 5040 Public Image Committee is here to serve our clubs. The committee will be reaching out to clubs in the coming weeks and months to advise and provide service in public image and public relations.
Tips for using the Brand Center to tell Rotary's story
Peter Roaf
2023-05-06 07:00:00Z |
Rotary promotes the value of, and commitment to, Youth Service
Posted on May 02, 2023
Every year, over 350,000 young leaders participate in Rotary’s youth programs across Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and Rotary Youth Exchange. Rotary’s Youth Service Month is an opportunity to promote our young leaders’ local and global impacts and the Rotary and Rotaract clubs that make these programs possible.
Rotary promotes the value of, and commitment to, Youth Service
Peter Roaf
2023-05-02 07:00:00Z |
Canada's first Chief Accessibility Officer speaks up for those challenged by barriers
Posted by Roaf Peter on May 01, 2023
People with disabilities are under employed. 22% of Canadians live with a disability. They are 645,000 people ready, willing and able to work right now today. 50% of them have a post-secondary education, with at least one degree. But they're not working. Why? 27% of them will tell you it's because they can't get to work because there is no accessible transportation. Others will tell you about unconscious bias and artificial intelligence screening them out in the hiring process right from the beginning. Stephanie Cadieux’s 4-year appointment as the Government of Canada’s first Chief Accessibility Officer began in May 2022. Ms. Cadieux is a change leader with more than 15 years of experience in planning and leadership roles. She has worked as an advocate for diversity, accessibility, and disability inclusion.
Canada's first Chief Accessibility Officer speaks up for those challenged by barriers
Roaf Peter
2023-05-01 07:00:00Z |
Spring brings renewal and return of Rotary programs
Posted on Apr 16, 2023
Spring is a wonderful season for renewal and looking forward, and so it is with Rotary! Rotary everywhere is working for a strong finish to the current year while planning and preparing for the 2023 – 24 Rotary year. Our new leaders, in RI, in District and in our clubs bring a fresh perspective and new ideas. And we blend that with a rich tradition of continuity, especially in our enduring values, as we change and adapt.
Spring brings renewal and return of Rotary programs
Roaf Peter
2023-04-16 07:00:00Z |
Herring spawning helped with fabric on docks
Posted on Apr 11, 2023
Pacific herring are a main food source for salmon. There is a threat to herring, and in turn, salmon, due to the loss of much of their natural habitat of eelgrass and kelp beds in recent years and the continued heavy roe fishery in the Salish Sea. To help the herring population grow, the Rotary Club of Pender Harbour started a project to drop fabric curtains off docks each spring as artificial spawning grounds for herring. A curtain can accommodate as many as 3 million eggs. With ongoing monitoring, volunteers carefully remove predators during the spawning season, such as crabs and starfish, allowing the roe to reach maturity within two to three weeks. -- photo by Jacob Bøtter
Herring spawning helped with fabric on docks
Roaf Peter
2023-04-11 07:00:00Z |
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in March
Posted on Apr 04, 2023
Achievements and activities of some of our 49 clubs in Rotary District 5040 in March.
Achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs in March
Peter Roaf
2023-04-04 07:00:00Z |
Saving the almost 6 million children under five from death
Posted on Apr 02, 2023
An estimated 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation — all of which can be prevented. Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger. We expand access to quality care, so mothers and children everywhere can have the same opportunities for a healthy future. Rotary provides education, immunizations, birth kits, and mobile health clinics. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
Saving the almost 6 million children under five from death
Roaf Peter
2023-04-02 07:00:00Z |
Economic impact of District 2021-22 CDN$6+ million, worldwide US$6.5 billion
Posted on Mar 18, 2023
With all the donations made and matched, grants given, expenditures of our District and clubs and value of volunteer time, throughout, the economic impact of our District 5040 in the past year is estimated to be as high as CDN$6.3 million, according to Past District Governor and District Foundation Chair Lorne Calder.
Economic impact of District 2021-22 CDN$6+ million, worldwide US$6.5 billion
Roaf Peter
2023-03-18 07:00:00Z |
Salute to Rotaract, RYLA South, Foundation thank you, learning continues
Posted on Mar 14, 2023
As spring approaches, we're delighted to see Rotary blossoming throughout our District. Pat and I have enjoyed tremendously visiting all the Rotary clubs and nearly all the Rotaract clubs in District 5040. Some of the many initiatives and successes that we see at clubs are profiled on our website. At our District Conference, April 28 to 30, we'll also learn more about how clubs succeed in connecting with communities.
Salute to Rotaract, RYLA South, Foundation thank you, learning continues
Peter Roaf
2023-03-14 07:00:00Z |
Rotary celebrates Rotaract worldwide March 13-19
Posted on Mar 13, 2023
Rotaract is a global movement of students and young professionals ages 18 and older who are developing innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges as they exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. From big cities to rural villages, Rotaract is changing communities and knows no limits in its outreach. Rotaractors have access to the many resources of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. Shown here, members of the North Shore Rotary Club, one of 10 Rotaract clubs in Rotary District 5040.
Rotary celebrates Rotaract worldwide March 13-19
Roaf Peter
2023-03-13 07:00:00Z |
Global and local Rotary leaders saluted on International Women's Day
Posted on Mar 08, 2023
It is a special year in Rotary worldwide, on International Women's Day, March 8th with the first female President of Rotary International in its 117 year history: Jennifer Jones. She is also a Canadian -- an extra source of pride for all of us. Not only worldwide, but here in our District 5040 of 49 clubs, we have a number of women as our leaders.
Global and local Rotary leaders saluted on International Women's Day
Peter Roaf
2023-03-08 08:00:00Z |
Clean water, sanitation, hygiene for a healthy environment, productive life
Posted on Mar 01, 2023
When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. Rotary’s people of action mobilize resources, form partnerships, and invest in infrastructure and training that yield long-term change.
Clean water, sanitation, hygiene for a healthy environment, productive life
Peter Roaf
2023-03-01 08:00:00Z |
Kids experience a daily routine of those in Uganda hauling water
Posted on Feb 27, 2023
To support a water infrastructure project for students in Uganda who do not have easy access to clean drinking water over 300 students at Holly Elementary School in the Delta community of Ladner participated in a Walk for Water on February 10, 2023. The children carried yellow jerry cans of water almost one kilometer to simulate a daily task for their peers in the East African nation. The schools "Green Team" also raised $900 which, matched by a member of the Rotary Club of Tsawwwassen, for a total of $1,800 towards the Club's "Walk for Water" project that will deliver clean drinking water and sanitation and hygiene training to over 1000 people in Uganda.
Kids experience a daily routine of those in Uganda hauling water
Peter Roaf
2023-02-27 08:00:00Z |
Rotary relief fund now open for Turkey Syria earthquake
Posted on Feb 15, 2023
The Rotary Foundation Trustees decided that all donations made, from now until 31 March, to the Turkey/Syria Disaster Response Fund will be used to aid earthquake relief projects. In addition, the Trustees made available more than $125,000 to Rotary districts affected by the earthquake through Disaster Response Grants. Many Rotary members are asking how they can help. Here's how to have the greatest impact.....
Rotary relief fund now open for Turkey Syria earthquake
Peter Roaf
2023-02-15 08:00:00Z |
RYLA return, Foundation success, sad news -- District Governor
Posted on Feb 15, 2023
RYLA is back!! After the restrictions and isolation we all experienced during the past two and more years of pandemic we can all celebrate that our District's Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, an exceptional development program for youth, has returned in person. RYLA South, for 15 to 18 year olds, is happening at Camp Elphinstone, near Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast, March 25 to 28. Spots are still available, clubs and the 5040 RYLA website have registration information with a February 23 closing date.
RYLA return, Foundation success, sad news -- District Governor
Peter Roaf
2023-02-15 08:00:00Z |
Gift of a lift: driving to access medical services
Posted on Feb 13, 2023
Accessing specialist medical services for residents of Squamish can be a challenge for some. For those who cannot drive to Whistler or the Vancouver area because of a medical condition or following surgery and family or friends are not available and if paid services or not suitable or too costly, it's a worrisome problem. To meet that need in the community Rotary Club of Squamish has awarded a grant of $20,000 to fund the launch on March 1st, and first year of operation, of a new MediCar service for residents in need of transportation to specialist medical services at no cost to them. - photo courtesy of the American Cancer Society
Gift of a lift: driving to access medical services
Peter Roaf
2023-02-13 08:00:00Z |
Recent achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs
Posted on Feb 13, 2023
From food support programs, fundraisers and youth to social events, Ukrainian new family support and First Nation presentation on Rotary, check out recent achievements and activities of some of our 49 clubs in Rotary District 5040.
Recent achievements and activities of our District 5040 clubs
Peter Roaf
2023-02-13 08:00:00Z |
Rotary road sign marks Prince Rupert club's anniversary
Posted on Feb 13, 2023
To mark its 100th Anniversary in 2021 the Rotary Club of Prince Rupert commissioned this road sign which now welcomes people to the community.
Rotary road sign marks Prince Rupert club's anniversary
Peter Roaf
2023-02-13 08:00:00Z |
Deadly earthquake in Turkey, Syria: Rotary partner, Shelterbox, preparing to respond
Posted on Feb 06, 2023
A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake ravaged southern Turkey and northern Syria on February 6, 2023. Over 35,000 people have lost their lives, and this tragic number is continuing to rise. It is now the worst the country had seen since 1939, when the Erzincan earthquake in eastern Turkey killed nearly 33,000 people.
Deadly earthquake in Turkey, Syria: Rotary partner, Shelterbox, preparing to respond
Peter Roaf
2023-02-06 08:00:00Z |
Paul Harris Fellow Award points matched by District in February
Posted on Feb 04, 2023
Paul Harris Fellow Award points matched by District in February
Peter Roaf
2023-02-04 08:00:00Z |
Pakistan flood, Ukraine war: Rotary Foundation temporary relief funds announced
Posted on Feb 02, 2023
In Pakistan a severe monsoon season has caused devastating floods and affected millions of people. Seen here, Shabana’s home was destroyed and she now lives in a shelter made of sticks and cloths. In Ukraine, the ongoing war has led to a continued humanitarian crisis. We’ll begin fundraising efforts soon to finance disaster response grants from these funds. Past Rotary International President and current Trustee Chair of The Rotary Foundation Ian Riseley says, “As a global humanitarian organization, Rotary continually takes action such as this to help communities in need. The Rotary Foundation has established two temporary funds to support immediate relief efforts in Pakistan and Ukraine.” photo © European Union, 2022 (photographer: Abdul Majeed)
Pakistan flood, Ukraine war: Rotary Foundation temporary relief funds announced
Peter Roaf
2023-02-02 08:00:00Z |
BC Rotary Hearing and Balance Centre at St. Paul’s Hospital
Posted on Jan 30, 2023
Not being able to hear a favourite song or the sound of a loved one’s voice is a reality for over 400,000 BC residents who suffer from severe hearing loss. For over 40 years, the Rotary Club of Vancouver’s Hearing Foundation has provided life-changing care for children and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing. From funding Canada’s first-ever Cochlear Implant surgery in 1982, to completing over 770 surgeries, raising $3.6 million and committing $6 million for the creation of a new Hearing and Balance Centre at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver for research, restorative care, and recovery of patients with hearing loss, Rotary Vancouver's Hearing Foundation has pursued its mission to bring back the sounds of life for so many in need.
BC Rotary Hearing and Balance Centre at St. Paul’s Hospital
Peter Roaf
2023-01-30 08:00:00Z |
Learn from, recognize, valuable Rotary service in our BC communities and world: 5040 SHOWCASE
Posted on Jan 24, 2023
Rotary members and program participants throughout Rotary District 5040 are improving lives in many communities of British Columbia and around the world every day through thousands of service projects. Here are some examples of how People of Action in Rotary have made life better for others in service above self. Learn what other clubs are doing to inspire yours and share in the value of the Rotary experience.
Learn from, recognize, valuable Rotary service in our BC communities and world: 5040 SHOWCASE
Peter Roaf
2023-01-24 08:00:00Z |
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the new year
Posted on Jan 20, 2023
Happy New Year! 2024 has started with a bang - winter has now arrived! Winter is the time to recharge, to share stories and plan for the next seasonal rounds! It is also a time to not only dive into preparing to complete steps towards club goals for 2023-2024, but to help the team which will transition and keep the action going.
Sowing Seeds of Hope and Peace for the new year
Peter Roaf
2023-01-20 08:00:00Z |
District Foundation Dinner and District Conference ahead
Posted on Jan 17, 2023
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are enjoying the opportunities we have in Rotary to serve our communities and the world in so many rewarding ways. Plans for our District Conference April 28 to 30 are moving rapidly: check out the theme and draft program and register. There’s something for everyone, an interesting and varied program, great speakers, fun and fellowship all in a great location. The $400 registration cost is being extended for another month, to January 31, before it rises to $450. And there’s a special rate for Rotaractors and first-year Rotarians -- $99, not including a Gala ticket. There are still hotel rooms in the block at our special negotiated rate.
District Foundation Dinner and District Conference ahead
Peter Roaf
2023-01-17 08:00:00Z |
District Foundation Dinner, Lower Mainland, donate to online auction for Foundation and Richmond Rotary Lunar New Year
Posted on Jan 08, 2023
The Year of the Rabbit, in the Lunar Calendar is coming. Right now it is time to get together to do something extraordinary and make a difference in our world, starting with donations of items to the online auction as part of the Lower Mainland District Foundation Dinner and Richmond Rotary Lunar New Year Gala on February 4, 2023. We need all Rotarians to participate and donate items for On-Line Auction. Each club is asked to please donate one item to the Rotary Club of Richmond which is hosting the event by January 14th.
District Foundation Dinner, Lower Mainland, donate to online auction for Foundation and Richmond Rotary Lunar New Year
Peter Roaf
2023-01-08 08:00:00Z |
"Imagine" Rotary theme float wins trophy at Tournament of Roses Parade
Posted on Jan 03, 2023
With the theme of "Serving with Imagination and Hope'', the Rotary entry, in the 135th annual Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California on January 2, 2023. won the 2023 Princess Award for most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and under in length.
"Imagine" Rotary theme float wins trophy at Tournament of Roses Parade
Peter Roaf
2023-01-03 08:00:00Z |
Rotary and Gates Foundation renew partnership
Posted on Dec 22, 2022
Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have renewed their longstanding partnership to end polio. The renewal agreement includes a joint commitment of up to $450 million to support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. "We’ve made tremendous progress, but the world is facing multiple pandemics, and vaccine hesitancy is on the rise," says Ian Riseley, trustee chair of The Rotary Foundation. "Partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helps us ensure that children in polio-affected countries get the lifesaving vaccines they need."
Rotary and Gates Foundation renew partnership
Peter Roaf
2022-12-22 08:00:00Z |
New Vancouver club part of a busy month -- District Governor
Posted on Dec 16, 2022
Best wishes to everyone for a Happy Christmas season! And as we celebrate what is both a secular and a Christian observance in our society, let’s remember and respect the many other religions that also celebrate special occasions at this time of year. It is wonderful to see so many of our clubs engage with their communities as they celebrate holiday events. We’ve had an active month in Rotary! Here are some highlights.
New Vancouver club part of a busy month -- District Governor
Peter Roaf
2022-12-16 08:00:00Z |
Rotary members mobilize for World Polio Day
Posted on Dec 13, 2022
Rotary members and supporters took action on World Polio Day, October 24, 2022, to raise awareness and funds toward eradicating polio. More than 4,200 Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs in 118 countries registered their participation in World Polio Day. Donors contributed more than US$740,000 online, which meant a total — with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2-to-1 match — of more than $2.2 million raised. Social media efforts tied to World Polio Day reached 31 million people, compared to 17 million in 2021. Once again, Rotary’s members and supporters united to show tremendous support in the fight against polio.
Rotary members mobilize for World Polio Day
Peter Roaf
2022-12-13 08:00:00Z |
Gift of life changes lives
Posted on Dec 10, 2022
Rotary Club of Richmond Sunset member Magdalen R Leung, as a member of the Health Major Gifts Initiative Advisers committee, says, "Through my participation in global grants from The Rotary Foundation, I have seen how the lives of 600 children in China have been changed for the better in the past ten years. I have been involved in four global grants to support Gift of Life in Shanghai, China. These grants, ranging from $150,000 to $200,000, have provided life-changing heart surgery to children as young as three months old, with most of the children ages five or six."
Gift of life changes lives
Peter Roaf
2022-12-10 08:00:00Z |
New Vancouver club
Posted on Dec 09, 2022
New Vancouver club
Peter Roaf
2022-12-09 08:00:00Z |
Journey canoe becomes part of Delta School District's Indigenous edcuation with support of Tsawwassen Rotary
Posted on Dec 09, 2022
Inclusion of First Peoples’ content in schools builds student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy and mutual respect. In Delta, British Columbia, the School District commissioned “Wave Warrior”, an ocean-going 39-foot fibreglass Journey Canoe, to help students learn more about the canoe culture and connect them with Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Delta students and staff can use the canoe on day trips throughout the paddling season. The School District's Indigenous Education Department has also been developing a mentorship program, Paddling Together, for students in grades 5 to 12. The program will inspire positive identity of urban Indigenous students, help develop leaders, and bridge relationships throughout the community.
Journey canoe becomes part of Delta School District's Indigenous edcuation with support of Tsawwassen Rotary
Peter Roaf
2022-12-09 08:00:00Z |
District team is coming together to support our clubs!
Several members have stepped forward to help serve all our clubs in District 5040, but there are still some opportunities to serve, learn, and build relationships with other Rotary members across the district and beyond. Please join the team.
District team is coming together to support our clubs!
Peter Roaf
2022-12-06 08:00:00Z |
One of youngest ever Rotary award recipients for Wheelchairs for Fiji
Posted on Dec 05, 2022
For her hard work and success in making a contribution to Wheelchairs for Fiji, Kitimat resident, 11-year-old Avaya Borgens, is among the youngest people to ever receive a prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award from a Rotary club. Every day three people in Fiji on average lose a limb, many of those their legs. After those suffering from such a life-changing loss, a wheelchair means freedom from immobilization and burden on family and friends and access to productive, fulfilling lives. Rotary clubs in the District's Northwest have been raising funds in recent years for Wheelchairs for Fiji to supply wheelchairs to the South Pacific nation of almost 900,000 population.
One of youngest ever Rotary award recipients for Wheelchairs for Fiji
Peter Roaf
2022-12-05 08:00:00Z |
Foundation Month, supporting causes near and far -- District Governor
The aim of this monthly bulletin is to give a community update on activities and achievements of all of us through our clubs in District 5040. At Rotary Clubs of Kitimat, Sechelt and Vancouver we are all in this together. Please let me know how we might make this collection of news briefs and announcements better fit your needs.
Foundation Month, supporting causes near and far -- District Governor
Peter Roaf
2022-11-16 08:00:00Z |
Xwemélch’stn Etsimxwawtxw Capilano Littlest Ones School in North Vancouver receives Write to Read funding
Posted on Nov 15, 2022
Since 1951 Xwemélch’stn Etsimxwawtxw Capilano Littlest Ones School has brought together Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, parents, community residents, and school staff for the education of now 131 children in a community school in the Norgate area of North Vancouver. In 1996 it was designated as a "community school" under the auspices of the North Vancouver School District. The "Littlest Ones School", as it is known, is in the Squamish First Nation which is the first urban First Nation to receive support from Rotary's Write to Read (W2R) program. W2R focuses on literacy, learning and life in Indigenous communities, through libraries and learning centres, bringing together Indigenous and non-Indigenous citizens in order to break down social barriers, to build bridges across cultures, and to re-establish positive relationships. The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise was the leader in facilitating this funding support.
Xwemélch’stn Etsimxwawtxw Capilano Littlest Ones School in North Vancouver receives Write to Read funding
Peter Roaf
2022-11-15 08:00:00Z |
40 ambulances to Ukraine from Rotary partnership
Posted on Nov 05, 2022
A convoy of nearly 40 ambulances wound its way from Slovakia, around mountains and through roadblocks, military checkpoints, and torrential rain to arrive in Kyiv, bringing the critically needed vehicles to Ukrainian government officials. This is just one way Rotary is responding to the crisis in Ukraine. The US$600,000 initiative was the first joint project between Rotary and Ukraine Friends, which agreed in July to collaborate to provide resources, organize logistics, and distribute funds for high-impact projects that help Ukrainians affected by the war with Russia. Each organization donated US$300,000 to get the ambulances, and Rotary districts in Ukraine and Slovakia coordinated the delivery. Rotary's funding came from a Rotary Foundation disaster response grant. -- article by Ryan Hyland; photo by Chantal Mistral
40 ambulances to Ukraine from Rotary partnership
Peter Roaf
2022-11-05 07:00:00Z |
Past District 5040 Governor David Kirk passes away
Posted on Nov 01, 2022
Past District Governor David Kirk passed away October 22, 2022. Greatly respected as a kind and gentle man and Rotarian, David served our District as Governor in 2000 – 2001. David was part of the Rotary Club of New Westminster for 40 years, where he served as President in 1990 – 1991. He was a professional engineer, where his accomplishments were recognized with a life membership in the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, and with the honour of a Fellowship with Engineers Canada. David is survived by his wife Sheila, herself a Rotarian, and their family.
Past District 5040 Governor David Kirk passes away
Peter Roaf
2022-11-01 07:00:00Z |
Volunteer to support our clubs!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot," Dr. Suess says, "nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” We have so many talented members who could help District 5040 fulfill its mission to support and strengthen the clubs we serve. If you are looking for the opportunity to serve, to learn, and to build relationships with other Rotary members across the district and beyond – check out the options.
Volunteer to support our clubs!
Peter Roaf
2022-10-24 07:00:00Z |
Pumpkins for Polio funds raised by Interactors in West Vancouver
Posted on Oct 22, 2022
CDN$1,710 is going to The Rotary Foundation for the End Polio Now campaign thanks to 12 members of the Interact Club at Rockridge Secondary School in West Vancouver who ran the annual “Pumpkins for Polio” fundraiser on October 22, 2022. Typically on a weekend close to Hallowe'en, the event, run by the high school Interact club, which Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise sponsors, sold the pumpkins for $5 per pumpkin or donations greater than that for Interact sales of $855. The Rotary Club matched the sales to reach the campaign total of $1,710. Each pumpkin had an “End Polio Now” sticker and was complete with a flyer about the campaign.
Pumpkins for Polio funds raised by Interactors in West Vancouver
Peter Roaf
2022-10-22 07:00:00Z |
Arch Klumpf Society inductees Del and Roxanne Paterson
Posted on Oct 22, 2022
Past District 5040 Governor and former District Foundation Chair Del Paterson, of RC New Westminster, and wife Roxanne were among 35 members welcomed to the Arch Klumph Society at Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois on October 22, 2022. In thanking each and every honoree for empowering Rotary to help others, Rotary General Secretary and CEO, John Hewko, says, "We reflected on each other's personal stories and how impact is amplified when one puts Service Above Self. I'm honored to know these 36 philanthropic leaders and to celebrate their contributions."
Arch Klumpf Society inductees Del and Roxanne Paterson
Peter Roaf
2022-10-22 07:00:00Z |
First Polio Walk for Rotary in Vancouver
Posted on Oct 22, 2022
Vancouver Rotary clubs held Vancouver’s first World Polio Day Walk on October 24, 2022, starting with the Proclamation at City Hall followed by the walk from Vancouver City Hall to Science World. -- photos by Michael Cowhig
First Polio Walk for Rotary in Vancouver
Peter Roaf
2022-10-22 07:00:00Z |
Powell River Rotarian Jan Gisborne recommended as District Governor in 2025-26
Posted on Oct 17, 2022
The District 5040 Nomination Committee has recommended District Learning and Development Team Chair and former Assistant Governor Jan Gisborne, of the Rotary Club of Powell River, as District Governor Nominee Designate to serve as District 5040 Governor in the 2025-26 Rotary year. A 14-day appeal period begins October 17th and runs until October 30th.
Powell River Rotarian Jan Gisborne recommended as District Governor in 2025-26
Peter Roaf
2022-10-17 07:00:00Z |
Seniors' expedition to Barkerville of 60 years longest continuous service project in District
Posted on Oct 14, 2022
Many of the 116 seniors who participated at no cost on September 7, 2022 in Quesnel Rotary's annual Expedition to Barkerville, the gold mining heritage town dating back to 1862 -- the largest living-history museum in western North America -- have been long-time supporters of local Rotary fundraisers. This expedition has become an annual tradition since 1962. In fact, other than the past two years on interruption because of the pandemic, it is the longest continuous service project in Rotary District 5040.
Seniors' expedition to Barkerville of 60 years longest continuous service project in District
Peter Roaf
2022-10-14 07:00:00Z |
District 5040 a national leader in Foundation giving
Posted on Oct 14, 2022
More great Rotary Foundation news this month! At our recent Zone meetings in Toronto, our Past District Governor (and current Foundation Chair) Lorne Calder, was presented with three awards for 2021 – 22. We were first in our zone for EREY giving (Every Rotarian Every Year, where Rotarians give at least $25 US to the annual fund – share), with 65.6% of Rotarians doing that. We were also first in new donors, at 253. Finally, we were second, and received an honourable mention award, for per-capita giving to the Annual Fund, at $388.93.
District 5040 a national leader in Foundation giving
Peter Roaf
2022-10-14 07:00:00Z |
Almost $1.3 million from BC Rotarians will provide aid and development to people and communities in need, here and worldwide
Posted on Oct 08, 2022
As communities in BC become stronger through facilities and services, often with a focus on those in need, through the work of Rotary clubs, funds for those projects often come from The Rotary Foundation. Communities around the world, where there is so often a desperate need for people just to survive, The Rotary Foundation provides funds to fight disease, help mothers and children survive, provide disaster relief, and improve lives often through our Rotary clubs worldwide. To support any and all of those causes, The Rotary Foundation is receiving US $1,292,288 from generous Rotary members, and some others, in British Columbia’s Rotary District 5040 with some from Rotary District 5050. Announcement of this gift came at District 5040’s Million Dollar Dinner on October 8, 2022 at Quilchena Golf Club in Richmond.
Almost $1.3 million from BC Rotarians will provide aid and development to people and communities in need, here and worldwide
Peter Roaf
2022-10-08 07:00:00Z |
2020-21 Rotary International President visits local project and tours Vancouver
Posted on Oct 08, 2022
At one of three Rotary StoryWalk trails in Delta, sponsored by Rotary Clubs of Ladner, North Delta and Tsawwassen, Rotary International President 2020-21 Holger Knaack, visiting from his home in Northern Germany, volunteered to help with changing the monthly children's storybook featured at 21 stations along a one-kilometre StoryWalk trail in Ladner on October 8, 2022. Holger was in town as special speaker at Rotary District 5040's Million Dollar Dinner that evening. After joining the work party, he toured some of the sights of Vancouver.
2020-21 Rotary International President visits local project and tours Vancouver
Peter Roaf
2022-10-08 07:00:00Z |
District working on help for East Coast communities
Posted on Oct 03, 2022
Our Rotary District 5040 is working on collaboration with District 7815, of clubs in Atlantic Canada, and Disaster Aid Canada to explore ways our members can help the Maritimes with relief where it is needed from the devastating impact of Hurricane Fiona. Past District Governor Lorne Calder and the District Foundation Committee will advise members as soon as they know how we can best assist.
District working on help for East Coast communities
Peter Roaf
2022-10-03 07:00:00Z |
Helping with access to clean water in Ukraine
Posted on Oct 03, 2022
Environmental clean up authorities in the Ukraine are working on cleaning up rivers and lakes throughout the war-torn country so residents can access clean water with the help of a Rigid Inflatable boat and 11 underwater diving suits provided by our Rotary District 5040 and Districts 5030 in Seattle and Area and 5060 in the Okanagan area of BC and part of Washington State through a multi-District disaster response fund. Our generous District 5040 has supported relief in the Ukraine with more than CDN $300,000 donated to the Disaster Response Fund, Shelter Box, Red Cross and Disaster Aid Canada. Our Rotarians donated US $136,000 US to the Disaster Response Fund and over CDN $70,000 to Shelter Box among the contributions to date.
Helping with access to clean water in Ukraine
Peter Roaf
2022-10-03 07:00:00Z |
National recognition for District 5040's top Foundation giving
Posted on Sep 27, 2022
Rotary Zone 28, comprising the 20 Districts, 1,049 clubs and 33,640 members across Canada, has awarded our District 5040 with three Foundation awards thanks to the generosity of our members, and some non-members, at Zone’s 28 and 32 Learning to Lead Conference in Toronto September 21 to 24, 2022.
National recognition for District 5040's top Foundation giving
Peter Roaf
2022-09-27 07:00:00Z |
award,giving,rotary foundation |
Always interesting learning about achievements of our clubs
Posted on Sep 12, 2022
As the annual District Governor club visits begin, Pat and I have been delighted to meet with clubs and Rotarians throughout our large District and have the in-person exchange that is Rotary at its finest. We especially look forward to hearing more about what clubs are accomplishing.
Always interesting learning about achievements of our clubs
Peter Roaf
2022-09-12 07:00:00Z |
Food hamper delivery continues after pandemic peak
Posted on Sep 12, 2022
When the pandemic came to Squamish in March 2020, the local food bank could no longer have residents visit the facility in person due to COVID protocols, and had to transition to home delivery of food hampers. Rotary Club of Squamish contacted the food bank and volunteered to help. In April 2020, Rotarians began delivering hampers in the community every Tuesday and Friday. They continue long after the pandemic food bank "emergency".
Food hamper delivery continues after pandemic peak
Peter Roaf
2022-09-12 07:00:00Z |
bank,food |
2022 Million Dollar Dinner
2022 Million Dollar Dinner
2022-09-09 07:00:00Z |
Quality of life improving for women and children in South Africa with hippo rollers
Posted on Sep 01, 2022
In the 1600s, when the Europeans first explored Africa, they were met by men brandishing spears and women carrying buckets of water on their heads. It's now 2022 and the men carry cell phones and laptops, but the women are still carrying buckets of water on their heads. To liberate women to some extent in these communities where this practice continues, the hippo water roller was developed. The innovative hippo water roller provides a simple solution to this global problem. Basically, the hippo roller is a re-invented wheelbarrow designed to transport 90-liters of water by placing the water inside its “wheel.” This simple design allows an arduous chore to be done easier, faster, and more efficiently. Luke Vorstermans, of the Rotary Club of Gibsons, helped his club launch the “Help Us Roll 1000 Hippos” campaign that quickly rolled out across Canada and the USA.
Quality of life improving for women and children in South Africa with hippo rollers
Peter Roaf
2022-09-01 07:00:00Z |
Africa,health,mother and child,water and sanitation |
Rotary's global Health Care Worker Appreciation Week Aug 21 - 27
Posted on Aug 22, 2022
More than two years into COVID-19, many people are feeling “pandemic fatigue”. Around the globe, more than 555 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported, according to the World Health Organization. Health care workers have continuously dedicated their time, energy, and skills to ensure our safety, often putting their own health at risk to do so, paying the price of their own physical and mental health amidst unrelenting demand and staff shortages. Rotary saluted the courage and commitment of our health care workers who have given up so much to treat those who have become ill and contain this disease.
Rotary's global Health Care Worker Appreciation Week Aug 21 - 27
Peter Roaf
2022-08-22 07:00:00Z |
District breaks its Foundation giving record once again -- District Governor
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, as we recharge our batteries and get started on another great year in Rotary! Pat and I have really been enjoying the start to the year, meeting more of you at a variety of events, and of course looking forward to our District Governor visits to each Rotary and Rotaract club in the fall. Having already broken our own record in District 5040 for Foundation giving in the past Rotary year for reaching US$1 million, as I reported last month, late endowments not included in that total has now taken us well over US$1.5 million US. Among the 500 Districts throughout the world, our District is one of the smaller ones, yet we ranked 30th in Foundation giving. That's a major achievement to celebrate. It indicates that many people in our District have regarded The Rotary Foundation as their charity of choice. Thank you so many of you for your generosity, donations big or small, in this year with its own special needs in our communities and our world.
District breaks its Foundation giving record once again -- District Governor
Peter Roaf
2022-08-14 07:00:00Z |
Food support for families in Delta
Posted on Aug 10, 2022
One-third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted every year. Food is a significant portion of the organic waste which amounts to 40% of material sent to our landfills. As this material decomposes it generates a significant level of greenhouse gasses which contributes to climate change. When food is lost or wasted so are the resources that are required to grow, manufacture and distribute it. Some of that food is now being rescued and given to families and individuals in need. Tsawwassen Rotarians, as people of action, have established with partners, Delta Food Runners, which is helping to provide fresh produce to Delta organizations who are able to get it into the hands of those in need in the community.
Food support for families in Delta
Peter Roaf
2022-08-10 07:00:00Z |
families,food,recycling,security,waste |
Automated External Defibrillators can save lives on Bowen Island
Posted on Aug 08, 2022
Sudden cardiac arrest can strike anybody at any time. The heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. Moments count. To help save lives on Bowen Island the people of action in the Rotary club there have worked with authorities and neighbourhoods to install 25 automated external defibrillators or AEDs so far at key locations around the island. An AED is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm.
Automated External Defibrillators can save lives on Bowen Island
Peter Roaf
2022-08-08 07:00:00Z |
Exchange student returns to Prince Rupert for visit
Posted on Aug 08, 2022
Prince Rupert Rotary exchange student in 2016-17, from Denmark, Oliver Bjorling, and his family made Prince Rupert the first stop on their North American vacation.
Exchange student returns to Prince Rupert for visit
Peter Roaf
2022-08-08 07:00:00Z |
Rotary District Grants make community service possible
Posted on Aug 04, 2022
District Grants allow Rotary and Rotaract clubs to identify, plan, and fund worthy projects in their own communities or internationally. Grants can fund improvements such as kitchen equipment for a food pantry, assistance for after-school programs, a defibrillator for a community centre, or renovations to an accessible playground.
Rotary District Grants make community service possible
Peter Roaf
2022-08-04 07:00:00Z |
Rotary-led Rebuilding of Ukraine village after Russian bombing
Posted on Jul 31, 2022
Before Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year there were 2,789 buildings in the village of Moshchun. After Russian artillery shelling there were 789 still standing. Left behind were 1,597 craters from shells. With the participation of Rotary clubs of the world, in partnership with Ukrainian state, the rebuilding of Moshchun has the aim of developing a symbol of happy, independent, modern Ukraine.
Rotary-led Rebuilding of Ukraine village after Russian bombing
Peter Roaf
2022-07-31 07:00:00Z |
Mountain rescue funding from annual Rotary bike ride
Posted on Jul 20, 2022
Search and rescue operations are on the rise. As more and more people take to the trails and ski runs of Vancouver's North Shore mountains, the demand on North Shore Rescue, most recently at 130 calls a year, has steadily increased since its founding in 1965. North Shore Rescue is a community-based search and rescue team of 40 volunteers with skills in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings to provide a life-saving service to the public, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In support of North Shore Rescue, the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise held its 11th Annual Rotary Ride for Rescue on June 11th, 2022. The event is a fundraising road and mountain bike ride up West Vancouver’s Cypress Mountain which involved 90, Rotarians and other volunteers as bike riders or organizers. It included a pancake breakfast and prizes after the ride at the British Pacific Properties Cypress village on Cypress mountain. -- photos by Tania Ryan
Mountain rescue funding from annual Rotary bike ride
Peter Roaf
2022-07-20 07:00:00Z |
Blood supply boosted through Rotary partnership with Canadian Blood Services
Posted by Christopher Loat on Jul 19, 2022
Based on a donor screening process, one in every two people is able to give blood, but only 1 in 81 people actually give blood. This lack of blood donors regularly leads to a significant shortage of blood when compared with the demand for blood from hospitals in their ongoing treatment of patients. Even when the blood inventory is good in the healthcare system some hospitals are forced to cancel elective procedures, such as heart and cancer surgeries, for lack of some components in the blood, such as platelets, which have a very short shelf life, and of rare blood types. Of course, there is a constant demand for blood in treating trauma patients in accidents and providing regular transfusions for cancer patients. The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise joined Canadian Blood Services in the "Partners for Life Program." Soon afterwards the COVID pandemic hit. This meant that donations could only be made at the two CBS locations on Oak Street and Dunsmuir Street in Vancouver.
Blood supply boosted through Rotary partnership with Canadian Blood Services
Christopher Loat
2022-07-19 07:00:00Z |
Imagine Rotary year begins -- District Governor
A new Rotary year has started. With that comes this monthly roundup of news for our Rotary District 5040 members. We kept it brief. But looking back on the accomplishments of our District in the past year, under the capable leadership of District Governor Lorne Calder, our Foundation giving, which he now leads as committee chair, the District set several new highs, including total giving, which exceeded $1 million for the first time. Congratulations to all of you throughout the District.
Imagine Rotary year begins -- District Governor
Peter Roaf
2022-07-14 07:00:00Z |
2022-23 President Jennifer Jones is eager to advance Rotary’s narrative
Posted on Jul 10, 2022
Jennifer Jones, Rotary International’s first female president, is the perfect leader to spread the word about the good Rotary does in the world, and inspire its members to keep going.
2022-23 President Jennifer Jones is eager to advance Rotary’s narrative
Peter Roaf
2022-07-10 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Recognizes Eight Community Leaders in Richmond
Posted by Christine Marin on Jun 29, 2022
Eight leaders in Richmond received Rotary International’s prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award at a special awards evening on June 15th, hosted jointly by four Rotary clubs in the community.
Rotary Recognizes Eight Community Leaders in Richmond
Christine Marin
2022-06-29 07:00:00Z |
Rotary's Ukraine disaster relief keeps growing
Posted on Jun 20, 2022
A fire truck, two ambulances, medical equipment and supplies and equipment have been arriving as relief in parts of war-torn Ukraine thanks to the Rotary group of clubs and Districts in which our District 5040 Governor Lorne Calder has represented us. Lorne reports that the group's next step is to acquire a hard bottom boat and some diving equipment to take out bombs, shells and debris out of their rivers and lakes so people in destroyed communities can access fresh water. The access to fresh water becoming more and more critical.
Rotary's Ukraine disaster relief keeps growing
Peter Roaf
2022-06-20 07:00:00Z |
Ukraine,crisis,disaster,relief fund |
EarlyAct elementary school pride parade
Posted on Jun 17, 2022
Over 500 students from Strathcona Elementary School marched through their Vancouver community on June 15, 2022 as the school's first annual Pride Parade led by members of the EarlyAct program, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise.
EarlyAct elementary school pride parade
Peter Roaf
2022-06-17 07:00:00Z |
Thousands inspired by Rotary International CEO
Posted on Jun 15, 2022
Rotary International CEO & General Secretary John Hewko inspires many thousands through his speech at Rotary's June 2022 international convention in Houston, Texas -- the first after two years.
Thousands inspired by Rotary International CEO
Peter Roaf
2022-06-15 07:00:00Z |
Hewko,conference,convention |
Empowering Girls a high priority for Rotary President
Posted on Jun 11, 2022
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta visits an Empowering Girls project in Nigeria
Empowering Girls a high priority for Rotary President
Peter Roaf
2022-06-11 07:00:00Z |
Free heart surgeries from Rotary in Kenya
Posted on Jun 11, 2022
Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta meets with Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta to discuss plans to provide free heart surgeries and other Rotary initiatives
Free heart surgeries from Rotary in Kenya
Peter Roaf
2022-06-11 07:00:00Z |
Wheels are turning in Squamish
Posted on Jun 06, 2022
Several new Canadian families from Syria and Ukraine were among those in Squamish who were delighted to take home 40 refurbished bikes, among the 80 donated, in the Recycle Bicycle program re-launched on June 4, 2022. 20 volunteers from the Rotary Club of Squamish and Squamish Helping Hands came out to collect, repair, and distribute bikes to kids and families in Squamish through a Kids Bike Drive.
Wheels are turning in Squamish
Brian Finley
2022-06-06 07:00:00Z |
First Nations, 7 Areas of Focus, End Polio among highlights of District Conference 2022
Posted on May 31, 2022
We're back! For the first time in two years members of Rotary District 5040 came together in person for our District Conference in Prince George May 20 - 22, 2022 at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre.
First Nations, 7 Areas of Focus, End Polio among highlights of District Conference 2022
Peter Roaf
2022-05-31 07:00:00Z |
2022,District Conference,areas of focus |
Rotary's disaster relief for Ukraine now US$15 million
Posted on May 28, 2022
Thanks to the generosity of Rotary donors in Canada, who have contributed CDN$1 million so far, and around the world, more than US$15 million, to the Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine, the funds have been helping provide people with essential items such as water, food, shelter, medicine, and clothing.
Rotary's disaster relief for Ukraine now US$15 million
Peter Roaf
2022-05-28 07:00:00Z |
Ukraine,crisis,disaster,relief fund |
At risk inner-city kids benefit from basketball fundraiser
Posted on May 28, 2022
Hundreds of inner-city kids at risk in East Vancouver will once again benefit from the estimated $50,000 raised for Grade 12 post-secondary scholarships and youth leadership development programs thanks to the 2022 Rotary Hoop-A-Thon on April 23rd.
At risk inner-city kids benefit from basketball fundraiser
Peter Roaf
2022-05-28 07:00:00Z |
children,kids,sports,youth |
Hot stuff! Fire department acquires drone thanks to Squamish Rotary grant
Posted on May 06, 2022
The Garibaldi Volunteer Fire Department, in the Squamish area, can buy a reconnaissance drone with a thermal imaging camera, to search less accessible places for wildfire assessment, hotspots, and to locate warm bodies, thanks to a $6,000 grant from the Rotary Club of Squamish presented on April 25, 2022 at Black Tusk Village.
Hot stuff! Fire department acquires drone thanks to Squamish Rotary grant
Peter Roaf
2022-05-06 07:00:00Z |
Mark your calendars
June 21 District Governor 2022-23 John Berry Installation Dinner | July 10 Imagine Rotary Canada Tour in Vancouver with Rotary International President 2022-23 Jennifer Jones |  |  | Jun 21, 2022 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM Inn at the Quay 900 Quayside Drive New Westminster | Meet our 2022-23 Rotary International President |
Mark your calendars
2022-05-01 07:00:00Z |
Ladner Rotarian to chair international Rotary Peace Centers Committee
Posted on Apr 30, 2022
As of July 1st, 2022 the new international Chair of the Rotary Peace Centers Committee, which every year selects the Rotary Peace Fellows for the 50 Master's Degree or 80 Professional Certificate programs in peace and conflict resolution at seven universities throughout the world, is Past District 5040 Governor Chris Offer.
Ladner Rotarian to chair international Rotary Peace Centers Committee
Peter Roaf
2022-04-30 07:00:00Z |
Rotary's support for people of Ukraine nearing $10 million
Posted on Apr 26, 2022
So far generous Rotarians and clubs in District 5040 have generated $100,000 for the Ukraine Disaster Response Fund. As of April 18, 2022 Rotary's global total had reached $9.5 million. The funds will support locally-led relief efforts underway by Rotary clubs in Ukraine and neighboring countries. More information about this crisis and Rotary's response.
Rotary's support for people of Ukraine nearing $10 million
Peter Roaf
2022-04-26 07:00:00Z |
District recommended Peace Scholar one of only 50 selected worldwide for Master's program
Posted by Peter Roaf on Apr 16, 2022
Uppsala University, Sweden's oldest university (founded 1477), has just accepted University of Victoria BA graduate in political science, Vanessa Lanteigne, to its Master of Arts program in peace and conflict resolution.
District recommended Peace Scholar one of only 50 selected worldwide for Master's program
Peter Roaf
2022-04-16 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Peace,peace,peacebuilding,scholarship |
Rotary’s network enables rapid humanitarian relief for Ukrainian refugees
Posted by Peter Roaf on Mar 17, 2022
The crisis in Ukraine is having devastating consequences on civilians as families flee their homes. According to the United Nations, more than 2 million people, most of them women and children, have sought refuge in neighboring countries and across Europe, while about 1 million more people have been displaced within Ukraine. Rotary and Rotaract (young professionals) clubs in Europe and around the world have taken swift action and are working with members nearby to provide food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for refugees.
Rotary’s network enables rapid humanitarian relief for Ukrainian refugees
Peter Roaf
2022-03-17 07:00:00Z |
Celebration of life for Andrea Johnson Mar 26th
Posted on Mar 17, 2022
A Celebration of LIfe for District Public Image Chair Andrea Johnson, of the Rotary Club of Prince George Nechako, will be held on March 26th at 10:30 am at the University of Northern British Columbia, where she worked as a Communication Officer. The service will take place in the Canfor Theatre and directional signage will be in place to help you locate the theatre. If you are unable to attend in person, we are pleased that we can offer you the opportunity to attend virtually. Following the service, a reception will be held at the Twisted Cork, 1157 5th Ave.
Celebration of life for Andrea Johnson Mar 26th
Peter Roaf
2022-03-17 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Peace Fellow applies peacebuilding to police training
Posted by Peter Roaf on Mar 12, 2022
Since 2016 the Vancouver Police Department's Use of Force instruction for new recruits has included judo which Rotary Peace Fellow Constable Bryan Nykon has been providing as instructor. Having completed his Rotary-funded Master's degree program at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom in 2011, through a Rotary Peace Fellowship, Bryan has been instrumental in bringing conflict resolution principles into police training. He has been developing and implementing use of force training for all VPD officers.
Rotary Peace Fellow applies peacebuilding to police training
Peter Roaf
2022-03-12 08:00:00Z |
peace,peacebuilding,police,training |
Rotary on the move and on the ground for Ukraine
Posted by Peter Roaf on Mar 09, 2022
To provide relief for the people of Ukraine and refugees from there to neighbouring countries, The Rotary Foundation's disaster response fund is supporting Rotary districts and clubs in Poland and other countries adjacent to Ukraine for immediate assistance of refugees. So far Rotary has raised $1.1 million and counting to support clubs responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Donations can be made to Ukraine relief funds and Rotarians can make a personal donation, and receive a Canadian tax receipt and Paul Harris Fellow credit through The Rotary Foundation fund. As Rotary International CEO John Hewko reports, "Two of the most difficult aspects during a humanitarian crisis are communication and coordination around supplies. I’m proud to share that Rotaract Europe (young professionals and university students in Rotary) has accomplished both. Within 48 hours, its Supplies Team, consisting of 60 members from across ten countries, developed a matching tool that quickly links demand for goods on site with the supplies inventory." Ukrainian refugees are shown boarding a minivan, sponsored by Rotary District 2231 in Poland, for transport to a safe location in Poland.
Rotary on the move and on the ground for Ukraine
Peter Roaf
2022-03-09 08:00:00Z |
RIP - "Andrea Everything"
It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing to inform you that our fellow Rotarian and dear friend, Andrea Johnson, has died. There are not a lot of details at this point, she was sick and suffering from her asthma this past week and when calls went unanswerred, a wellness check was requested of the RCMP and regrettably they confirmed that Andrea had passed. Family from Alberta are on route, I am sure that Andrea will be taken home to her beloved Alberta. Any service will be at a later date. Should you feel so inclined, donations to the Rotary Foundation would be appropriate and encouraged. Rotary and Andrea's Rotary family meant the world to her and brought her joy, and we were blessed with her service to our club, community, District, PNWPETS and Rotary. Today as we mourn her passing, take a moment to remember her infectious laugh and beautiful smile and perhaps raise a glass of red wine to toast her memory. She will be sorely missed but I know that she would want us all to move forward and follow her lead of service. She was a champion of peace and today we must console ourselves knowing that she will rest in peace knowing we will carry on. She will be annoyed at missing the Olympics, World Championship Curling and the second half of the hockey season. Enjoy them for her. Lorne Calder, District Governor District 5040 Thanks to Gina Rawson for this article. It was perfect. Again, additional info in:
RIP - "Andrea Everything"
2022-02-10 08:00:00Z |
Fundraising Gala on Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Fundraising Gala on Wednesday, February 23, 2022
2022-02-10 08:00:00Z |
Reduced deaths, increased productivity of 34,000 in northern Laos with water filters
Posted on Jan 04, 2022
The babies have stopped dying. That is one stark impact over the past 12 years of Adopt-A-Village Laos (AAVIL), which Rotary Club of Ladner and some of its members have supported since 2014, along with RC Coquitlam Sunrise and various Rotary clubs in Ontario where the program began.
Reduced deaths, increased productivity of 34,000 in northern Laos with water filters
Roaf Peter
2022-01-04 08:00:00Z |
Asia,Laos,education,water,water and sanitation |
Nominations for 2024 - 25 District 5040 District Governor are now open!
Posted on Aug 25, 2021
Each year in Rotary Districts around the world, Rotary International Policy requires we choose a Rotarian to serve as District Governor. approx. 2.5 years from now. It is indeed my honor, as this year's Nominating Committee Chair, to extend this invitation to you and your club to submit a nomination for the position of District Governor 2024-2025 for District 5040. Please seriously consider this request and note it is time sensitive. Darcy Long District Governor 2018-2019 Rotary District 5040
Nominations for 2024 - 25 District 5040 District Governor are now open!
2021-08-25 07:00:00Z |
Diversity Equity Inclusion continues to define Rotary
Posted by Peter Roaf on Aug 14, 2021
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a top priority for Rotary International as well as District 5040. It underscores our core values as a foundation for how members interact with each other and their communities. Rotary was based on Diversity in 1905 and has grown globally on that foundation. Yet, our Rotary clubs can learn more and do more to support that commitment to DEI as our communities and our world transform around us. We want to welcome more people with diverse abilities and from diverse backgrounds, as people of action, in our cause of service above self.
Diversity Equity Inclusion continues to define Rotary
Peter Roaf
2021-08-14 07:00:00Z |
BC Wildfire Relief 2021 - Rotary BC Wildfire Relief Team – Write to Read Project BC
As you are aware, the village of Lytton was devasted by wildfire, leaving many people homeless and taking refuge in nearby cities. The initial call for help from Write to Read Team member Sue, Past President of the Rotary Club of Merritt Sunrise, set this initial Immediate Needs Initiative into motion and the Rotary BC Wildfire Relief Team – Write to Read Project BC was formed. When our Rotary Family asks for help, the answer is always – how can we serve? And in the Write to Read family it is then –let’s get’ter done!
We are continuing to request donations for the purchase of gift cards be made via the Rotary Club of Steveston-Richmond Charitable Society (RCoSRCS) as the 1000 plus evacuees from Lytton will have ongoing immediate needs while the mid- and long-term plans are put into place. Read more for additional information and how you can help.
BC Wildfire Relief 2021 - Rotary BC Wildfire Relief Team – Write to Read Project BC
2021-07-15 07:00:00Z |
Does your Club project fall into ONE of these categories?
We would like to have a list of projects that would qualify to be presented at the District Conference when the Committee confirms we will have sessions to present Club's Projects. Does your Club project fall into ONE of these categories? If so we would like to feature it at the 2022 District Conference. If so, please send a brief summary of your project and how it exemplifies one of the 7 Areas of Focus and also send a few photos to support the project. Please send it to Nancy Eidsvik before July 5, 2021. Lorne Calder, District 5040 DGE
Does your Club project fall into ONE of these categories?
2021-06-24 07:00:00Z |
District Awards presented during Conference
The Rotary Club of Mountainview was named District Club of the Year and John Bathurst of the Rotary Club of Vancouver was named Rotarian of the Year. at the conference held virtually on June 4th and 5th. Nine Rotarians were also recognized for their service and dedication with 2021 Don Evans People of Action Awards. In addition four were awarded District Governor Awards. Membership awards were presented to those clubs that had significant membership growth. For more detail click here.
District Awards presented during Conference
2021-06-10 07:00:00Z |
Odd Eidsvik Park
While watching the Rotary Club of Prince Rupert Centennial video you may have noticed the Odd Eidsvik Park sign. Nancy Eidsvik has graciously provided much more information about her husband Odd Eidsvik - Mr. Prince Rupert. Odd was a strong supporter of his community and Rotary Club. Definitely a person of action. Thanks Nancy!
Odd Eidsvik Park
2021-06-10 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) North 2021 is going virtual!
Do you have what it takes to become a dynamic leader and change not only yourself, but the world? RYLA North is a challenging leadership training program for leaders and potential leaders between the ages of 19 – 30.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) North 2021 is going virtual!
2021-05-06 07:00:00Z |
RYLA,Rotaract,Rotary District 5040,Rotary Youth |
Dave Hamilton Memorial Service
The link below may be used to view a recording of the service Service starts at 10:00AM Pacific Daylight Time. That is 10:00AM
Dave Hamilton Memorial Service
2021-04-19 07:00:00Z |
Send us your Rotary Family photos
WANTED for District Conference 2021: Photos from “Rotary family” album. If a picture is worth a thousand words, do you or you club have a photo that tells the story of “Rotary Family?" Rotarians at work and play in your community making a difference? The District Conference Committee is looking to pull together several hundred photos to use in support of this year’s Virtual Conference theme of “Rotary Family.” Simplest way to share your photo is to pick one or two (no larger than 4MB each) and email them to Don’t delay – do it today!
Send us your Rotary Family photos
Andrea Johnson
2021-04-12 07:00:00Z |
District Conference,Rotary 5040 |
Moving From Diversity to Inclusion: Be A Timon or a Pumbaa
Dr. "Bowtie" Todd Jenkins currently serves as the Senior Diversity, Inclusion, and Innovation Leader in Corporate America at a Fortune 400 company and as a Global Inclusion Trainer, Strategist, and Speaker with Bowtie Leadership, Inc. As a consultant, he has worked with several companies such as Walmart, Google, Facebook, American Airlines, Deloitte, etc., oil and gas companies, small and large non-profits, and entrepreneurs. He'll deliver the keynote speech at the 2021 District Conference on Friday, June 4 as we celebrate the Rotary Family, June 4 and 5 in a live, virtual event. Register now for the 2021 District Conference for $79! Dr. Jenkins is a proud Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow from the Rotary Club of Fayetteville, Arkansas; he has served as the former Rotaract Advisor, Interact Sponsor, RYLA presenter, Youth Services Chair, two terms on Club Board of Directors, and graduated from his District and Zone Leadership Academy. Dr. Jenkins is currently one of the youngest Youth Exchange District Chairs in Rotary International.
Moving From Diversity to Inclusion: Be A Timon or a Pumbaa
Andrea Johnson
2021-02-15 08:00:00Z |
Conference 2021,Rotary 5040,rotary,speaker |
Facilitated Dialogue on the World of Rotary
Judith Diment has held many senior positions in marketing and communications including Head of PR for the National History Museum, London. A dedicated Rotarian, Diment has worked as an advocate for polio eradication for more than 20 years. She is currently the Coordinator of Rotary International Polio Eradication Task Force and a member of Rotary International Polio Plus Committee (IPCC). She will join us online at the 2021 District Conference on Saturday, June 5. Register now for the Conference for $79/person in this exciting, live virtual event.
Facilitated Dialogue on the World of Rotary
Andrea Johnson
2021-02-10 08:00:00Z |
Conference 2021,Polio eradication,rotary,speaker |
Past District Governor Chris Offer in Rotary magazine and joins Rotary Foundation Canada Board
Posted by Peter Roaf on Jan 07, 2021
Ladner Rotarian and Past District Governor Chris Offer appears in the January 2021 edition of the international Rotary Magazine. He has also been appointed to the Board of Directors of The Rotary Foundation Canada.
Past District Governor Chris Offer in Rotary magazine and joins Rotary Foundation Canada Board
Peter Roaf
2021-01-07 08:00:00Z |
An Invitation to all Rotarians in District 5040
- Have you ever wanted to improve your skills as a facilitator or mediator?
- Could you deal better with conflict in your club business or personal life?
- Are you adjusting well to the strains of online communication and Zoom fatigue?
- Would you like to learn new ways to shift your views of conflict; learn advanced listening and facilitation skills; and take part in a facilitated ‘Peace Conversation’ on cross-cultural communication?
If you answered positively to any of the above questions, Rotary 5040 is offering a free, comprehensive training program in collaboration with Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) that may just be right for you!
An Invitation to all Rotarians in District 5040
Andrea Johnson
2020-12-21 08:00:00Z |
Rotary District 5040,peacebuilding |
Time to Celebrate
Please join us by clicking on the Concert Zoom Link If you need the Passcode it's 355539
Time to Celebrate
2020-12-15 08:00:00Z |
Tsawwassen Rotarians Support Polio Plus by Helping Their Local Community with Flu Vaccines
On a cold Saturday morning in early November, the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen, BC Canada in District 5040 were ready to do their Polio Plus Drive Thru Flu Shots. - 50 cars 102 flu shots
- Over $7000 raised for polio plus
- Finally seeing people face to face - partially!
- Great winter fun event
With a COVID plan in place and socially distanced jobs to do, everyone masked up and got going. Rotary member Edwin Lee, a local pharmacist supported by his wife Vicki, a pharmacist, gave 102 flu shots. The Rotarians, family and friends received their flu shots without ever getting out of the car.
Tsawwassen Rotarians Support Polio Plus by Helping Their Local Community with Flu Vaccines
2020-11-27 08:00:00Z |
From One Conference in Terrace to… Six Integrated Mini-Conferences throughout the District
COVID-19 has forced everyone to think beyond the norm, including planning for 2021 Rotary District 5040 Conference. Rotary District 5040 Innovation… We will maintain the Rotary energy found when we all gather at our in-person conferences with the added benefit of making the 2021 Conference easy to attend and accessible for every Rotarian in the District! The new dates are now Friday June 4 and Saturday, June 5, 2021 and will be a combination of virtual and in-person gatherings at pod sites (following all provincial safety COVID-19 guidelines.) The conference will be hosted and broadcast from the Terrace Hub with the maximum number of people allowed to gather in person according to Provincial Health Officer guidelines and is subject to change.
From One Conference in Terrace to… Six Integrated Mini-Conferences throughout the District
Andrea Johnson
2020-11-20 08:00:00Z |
Rotary District 5040,rotary |
Shirley Pat Chamberlain District Governor for 2023/24
The Rotary District 5040 Nominating Committee has completed the interview process and the challenge period has now ended. Consequently the Committee is proud to announce that for the Shirley-Pat Chamberlain from the Rotary Club of Steveston is the District Governor for the 2023-2024 Rotary year. Congratulations Shirley Pat and we look forward to working with you.
Shirley Pat Chamberlain District Governor for 2023/24
2020-11-10 08:00:00Z |
Canada salutes UN 75th Anniversary with new dollar coin – a celebration for Rotary too
Posted by Peter Roaf on Oct 29, 2020
On the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN), Canada is celebrating our nation's role as a founding member and a contributor to world peace with its 2020 $1 circulation coin. Canada was one of 51 countries which founded the United Nations in October 1945. As one of the most “international” organizations in the world of the day, Rotary played an active role in the drafting of the United Nations Charter in 1945 in San Francisco.
Canada salutes UN 75th Anniversary with new dollar coin – a celebration for Rotary too
Peter Roaf
2020-10-29 07:00:00Z |
Canada,United Nations,anniversary,coin |
PolioPlus Update by Mike McGovern
Posted on Oct 20, 2020
The RC of Ladner had an excellent presentation on PolioPlus and our campaign to eradicate polio by Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary’s International PolioPlus Committee. We can see the end of our journey.
PolioPlus Update by Mike McGovern
Brian Finley
2020-10-20 07:00:00Z |
2021 District Conference Sponsors
We thank our District Conference 2021 Sponsors for our conference. Without your support it would simply not be possible to have our conference. Your support is much much appreciated. | | | |  | | | Silver | |
 |  | VIP | VIP |
2021 District Conference Sponsors
Andrea Johnson
2020-10-08 07:00:00Z |
2023 - 24 District 5040 District Governor Nominations are open!
Posted on Sep 22, 2020
It is that time of year. We are searching out enthusiastic and dedicated Rotarians to apply for the position of District Governor (DG) for the year 2023-24. Have a look around your club for someone who might be interested and qualified to serve as District Governor. Perhaps you are the one! The role of DG is demanding but the rewards are incredibly unique and fulfilling. More information may be found on this Role Description and Election Guidelines but please "Read more" for the official Request for Nominations and for much more information.
2023 - 24 District 5040 District Governor Nominations are open!
2020-09-22 07:00:00Z |
Rotarians helping the Squamish Food Bank
Posted on Aug 18, 2020
Every Tuesday and Friday for the past 4 months during the pandemic, members of the Rotary Club of Squamish have been delivering Food Bank hampers to families in our community. Hamper deliveries have now ended as the Food Bank transitions to the new Under One Roof facility at 3rd Avenue and Main in downtown Squamish. The Food Bank will operate in "THE MARKET" on the ground floor starting on September 1st. A huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who signed up and helped out. The Food Bank and Helping Hands are truly grateful.
Rotarians helping the Squamish Food Bank
Brian Finley
2020-08-18 07:00:00Z |
2021 District Conference Speakers
The 2021 Conference Committee is building a list of informative and exciting speakers. Check below for individuals who will widen your horizon and provide more insight into your Rotary family. Among them so far are Family and ER physician Dr. Paul Dhillon; Métis Canadian Cultural Mediator, Rotary Positive Peace Activator Lorelei Higgins; multi-talented and award-winning actor Neal McDonough; and mediator, architect and entrepreneur Scott R. Martin.
2021 District Conference Speakers
Andrea Johnson
2020-08-02 07:00:00Z |
Terrace BC |
Supporting the Environment
Posted on Jul 01, 2020
The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Rotary International Board of Directors have both unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: Supporting the Environment. Supporting the environment becomes Rotary's seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by the Rotary Foundation and global grants. It joins: - peacebuilding and conflict prevention;
- disease prevention and treatment;
- water, sanitation, and hygiene;
- maternal and child health;
- basic education and literacy; and
- community economic development.
Supporting the Environment
Brian Finley
2020-07-01 07:00:00Z |
Dr. Bonnie Henry receives Paul Harris Fellowship award
On June 17th the Rotary Club of New Westminster - Royal City presented a Paul Harris fellowship award to Dr, Bonny Henry BC's provincial health Officer. As mentioned during the presentation ceremony: When Dr. Henry first spoke the words, Be kind, Be calm, Be safe she showed compassion for what the people of BC would be dealing with in Covid 19. She inspired us with her gentleness and her calm voice of reason reassured us that we were going to get through this together. Dr. Henry's experience includes an effort as part of the WHO/UNICEF polio eradication program in Pakistan. Definitely inline with Rotary’s mission to eradicate polio from the world. Her work to establish the Canada Pandemic Influenza Plan, which contains recommendations for health-related activities during the spread of a virus has directly and positively impacted the course of this pandemic Dr Henry was selected to receive this recognition because her work exemplifies the humanitarian objectives of The Rotary Foundation. A very worthy recipient of the Paul Harris fellowship award and Rotary District 5040 thanks the Rotary Club of new Westminster - Royal City club for recognizing Dr. Henry on behalf of all Rotarians.
Dr. Bonnie Henry receives Paul Harris Fellowship award
2020-06-22 07:00:00Z |
New Member Induction Ceremony
Induction of a new memberSuggested Induction SpeechClick to download ------------------------ we are so excited that you have chosen to become a part of our Rotary family and your initial attraction to our activities can grow deeper and more meaningful. The Rotary organization has a long and amazing history . We are continuously innovating and becoming relevant to our changing environment and looking forward to your Leadership and advice as we craft our vision. We invite you to provide feedback as you learn more about the amazing work we do in our 6 Areas of focus; fellowship; fun; and Leadership Development opportunities. You are strongly encouraged to consult with your mentor ; join a committee so that you always remain engaged. There is a great deal to learn about this very large organization and we want you to regularly learn about the areas that could be of particular interest to you so it becomes mutually satisfying to you. We encourage you to involve your family and friends in all our activities as well. We have several Conferences and Learning & Developments days so that we increase your Rotary knowledge and engagement. We are very flexible in our approach and want your regular feedback on what we can change/ alter/ improve as an organization. ------------------, networking ; fellowship and getting engaged in the Leadership of our club is available as you see fit .you are welcome to attend any local and/or International Rotary club which is an interesting and exciting way to meet new friends and experience other cultures . You will learn about our guiding principles ; vision; and our four way test which embody our culture and is a guiding light in our activities. ---------------------------------, you have been invited to join us in this journey and want to help you identify your passion and area of interest. We believe that you are a great fit to our club and want to welcome you to The R C of ------------------------. Fellow Rotarians, please welcome ----------------------------- to our family and please come forward to congratulate ---------------- ! Pin Presentation using social distancing techniquesClick image to start video. Thanks Jihn Charbonneau
New Member Induction Ceremony
2020-05-24 07:00:00Z |
Ideas for Installation Ceremonies
Click to Download Installation of Rotary Club President-------------------------- the role of President is the highest honor one can attain at the club level and you have earned the trust of your Board and club members to provide Leadership to the RC of --------------- .It is a real privilege afforded to you , and this also will qualify you to move onto important District Leadership positions; The Assistant Governor role ; and eventually the District Governor role as the only Officer of Rotary International within your District. The members of your club rely on you to inspire them ; motivate them; engage them; have fun and fellowship so that your members look forward to attending your meetings regularly. You have and will continue to receive world class Leadership development opportunities for you and your Team .I would encourage you and your Team to participate in the appropriate RI and District Learning and Development opportunities; District & International Conferences so that your club and its members stay relevant and serve your local and International communities. Your Leadership and Inspirational ability is going to dictate the future of this already amazing club .
I ------------------------, swear that I will execute the office of President of the RC of ---------------------------, and that I will to the best of my ability support and assist my Assistant Governor; the District Leadership Team and Rotary International and that I will uphold the constitution and bylaws of this club.
---------------we wish you an amazing and memorable --------------year and promise to assist and support you in whatever it takes to make this one of the best years of your life ! Fellow Rotarians , please welcome your Leader for the --------------year , ----------------------- !
Installation of Rotary Club Officers & DirectorsThe Leadership Team of a Rotary club creates the shared club Vision ; supports the District & Rotary Vision so that the Organization is fully integrated to make our world a better place. We will rely on you to tell us –how to best support you and your members so that we are driving value to you that will enable you to meet or exceed your goals for the coming year ! Your fellow Rotarians have elected each of you to your respective positions because they trust and believe in your Leadership and abilities. Will you fulfill the responsibilities of your office to the best of your ability and in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this club ( we will ). I hereby declare the new Officers and Directors installed and give each you and President --------------the authority to govern and lead the RC of ----------------------------. To all our outgoing Officers & Directors -----we thank you for your contribution and efforts and want you to know that your continued mentorship ; engagement; and serving your District in a position that interests you is extremely important and strongly encouraged !
Fellow Rotarians, please come forward and congratulate your -----------------------President and his/her Leadership Team !
Ideas for Installation Ceremonies
2020-05-24 07:00:00Z |
Squamish Rotarians leave their Hearts on the Trails.
Posted by Brian Finley on May 15, 2020
Three years ago the Rotary Club of Squamish introduced a new community Valentines event to Squamish – Rotary Hearts; a Celebration of Love. Now these Hearts have a new lease on life. Rotarians have been busy refurbishing them with new messages of hope, encouragement and thanks. Over 50 hearts have all found new homes along some popular local trails:- Estuary/Swan Trail, Smoke Bluffs, Jack's Trail, Golf Course/Spawning Channels, Ray Peters Trail, and Loggers Creek Nature Trail. We hope those in Squamish will enjoy your walk or ride and take joy from the messages of inspiration.
Squamish Rotarians leave their Hearts on the Trails.
Brian Finley
2020-05-15 07:00:00Z |
PDG Mary Watson
We are very sad to have to inform you that PDG Mary Watson passed away last week. Mary started her Rotary career as soon as women were allowed to join in 1989, by being welcomed into the Burnaby Metrotown club. Later she joined the Vancouver Arbutus club and latterly the Tsawwassen club. Mary, together with her husband Sandy, spent many of these years serving at District level – including as District Treasurer and as Youth Exchange chair. Many of us will remember Mary as a strong and vibrant leader and passionate about the youth who were going or coming to their unforgettable year of exchange. As an early woman Rotarian, she was a mentor to many of the women of Rotary that joined and followed her. In 2003 – 2004 she took that position to the next level and as first woman District 5040 Governor, paving the way for the many who have followed her over the years.
PDG Mary Watson
2020-05-10 07:00:00Z |
Hear the 2020 Vision Conference Speakers Series and plan for the Roskars Awards
Posted by Peter Roaf on May 06, 2020
All members in our District now have the opportunity, through Zoom, to experience the inspiration and learn from the shared knowledge and wisdom of some of the leading speakers who were scheduled to speak at the cancelled 2020 Vision Conference in Vancouver in April. The 2020 Vision Speakers Series will include five speakers, as scheduled below, including District Governor Bala Naidoo.
Hear the 2020 Vision Conference Speakers Series and plan for the Roskars Awards
Peter Roaf
2020-05-06 07:00:00Z |
conference 2020,speaker |
Register now at the Early Bird Rate for the 2021 District Conference
The 2021 District Conference is shaping up to be a great and unique program for our members. Check out the conference site for the latest information. It's not too early to register for next year's 2021 District conference. Until August 31, 2020 there is a special early bird rate of $325 + GST. Register now and to lock in your reduced rate.
Register now at the Early Bird Rate for the 2021 District Conference
2020-04-06 07:00:00Z |
Options for all Rotary District 5040 members with cancellation of conference and looking to 2021
All Rotary District 5040 members, we hope everyone is staying safe and keeping healthy. You have a unique opportunity regarding Rotary District 5040’s 2021 Rotary Family Conference in Terrace from May 20th to 23rd. If you are registered for the now cancelled 2020 Vision Conference, please see the update below. Stay safe, |  | |  | Bala Naidoo Rotary District 5040 Governor | | Tom Smith Chair, 2020 Vision Conference | Take advantage now of EARLY BIRD RATE for 2021 conference (if not already registered for 2020)The 2021 District Conference is shaping up to be a great program for our members. If you did not register for the 2020 Vision Rotary District Conference and would like to register for the 2021 conference you can do so for the early bird rate of $299 +GST until April 26, 2020. This early bird rate would have been offered to you at this year’s conference. Watch the Rotary Family District 5040 Conference 2021 video Registered already for 2020: your options1. If you are registered for the now cancelled 2020 Vision Conference and you want to attend the 2021 Rotary Family Conference, just email Mike Storey and you will be registered for the Rotary Family District Conference in Terrace. If you already paid $299.00 + GST you’re done because that is the early bird price for the 2021 conference. 2. If you are registered for the 2020 Conference and you paid more than $299.00 + GST AND you want to attend the Rotary Family Conference in Terrace email Mike Storey and he will roll it over for you and refund you the difference. 3. If you are registered for the 2020 Conference and you DO NOT want to attend the Rotary Family Conference in Terrace email Mike Story and he will arrange a full refund for you. Please advise us if your mailing address is different than that listed in Clubrunner so we can mail your refund cheque to the correct address. Also, if you are registered for the 2020 Conference and had a room booked at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel you should have received a room booking cancellation notice by email from the Hotel. If you did not receive an email with your cancellation please phone them at (604) 689-9211 to cancel your room. Thank you to 2020 Conference Team and Sponsors No group is more disappointed in the cancellation of this year’s conference than the 2020 Vision Conference Committee – members listed below -- which has been working for all of us over the past year and a half to bring you what promised to be an outstanding program of vision. We thank very much our conference sponsors for this year, who helped us get there, as listed below. Thank you as well for their support over time and their cooperation in full refunds to the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel Vancouver, which is recommended for your next downtown Vancouver stay. Of course, we had to cancel various entertainers and services and thank them for their cooperation in refunding deposits. 2020 Vision Conference Team - thank you District Governor Bala Naidoo, 2020 Conference Chair Tom Smith, Leslie Abramson, David Anderson, Kevin Beatty, John Charbonneau, Peter Clarke, Blake Cowan, Gordon Dalglish, Carina Dietz, Nancy Eidsvik, Kevin Evans, Franco Gallo, Joy Jones, Samantha Kwong, Rick Lewall, Matthew Lynam, Ken Martin, Terry Miller, Frank Peabody, Sarah/Thomas Reppchen, Peter Roaf, Lynda Rocha, Mike Storey, Sam Thiara 2020 Vision Sponsors - thank you |
Options for all Rotary District 5040 members with cancellation of conference and looking to 2021
Peter Roaf
2020-03-20 07:00:00Z |
COVID-19 related ban leads to District Conference cancellation
Our District’s 2020 Vision Conference in Vancouver April 24 – 26 was expected to attract upwards of 350 registrations. With great regret District leaders have cancelled the District Conference in response to BC Health Minister Adrian Dix’s announcement on March 12 that the provincial government has banned all events with more than 250 people to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including sporting events, upcoming concerts and all religious gatherings.
COVID-19 related ban leads to District Conference cancellation
Peter Roaf
2020-03-14 07:00:00Z |
Erhu to play in background while dining Chinese option at the 2020 Vision Conference April 24 to 25
From Hong Kong to Vancouver, the chef and sous chef of Victoria Chinese Restaurant bring a wide range of Chinese dishes made with high quality, fresh ingredients to those who choose this option while attending the 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary District 5040.
Erhu to play in background while dining Chinese option at the 2020 Vision Conference April 24 to 25
Peter Roaf
2020-02-18 08:00:00Z |
Leadership Training a Success
Congratulations to eleven Rotarians from District 5040 who completed Rotary Leadership Institute Part 3 on February 15, 2020 in Richmond.
Leadership Training a Success
Chris Offer
2020-02-16 08:00:00Z |
Top notch Italian dining for those attending the 2020 Vision Conference in April
Meticulously crafted, home-style Italian dining is in store for those who choose this option while attending the 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary District 5040. C|Prime Restaurant Executive Chef Bruce Woods says every dish is prepared in house with locally sourced and curated ingredients after countless hours of ensuring ingredients are of superior quality.
Top notch Italian dining for those attending the 2020 Vision Conference in April
Peter Roaf
2020-02-07 08:00:00Z |
conference 2020,dinner |
Global Citizenship at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
What is Global Citizenship? What does it mean to be a Global Citizen? First year International Relations student at the University of British Columbia, Sameer Esmail, brings his wealth of experience through Rotary and other global service agencies to explore these definitions and understand why the world needs more global citizens. Sameer will speak about the need for young people to immerse themselves in the global environment, at the Rotary District 5040 2020 Vision Conference, April 24 to 26, 2020, at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel in Vancouver.
Global Citizenship at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
Peter Roaf
2020-01-19 08:00:00Z |
conference 2020,global,youth |
Rotary and Toastmasters are Teaming Up.
Posted by Brian Finley on Jan 07, 2020
Toastmasters and Rotary partner to help members with personal development and make a difference in their communities. Rotary International and Toastmasters International have formed an alliance and are working together to provide members of both organisations with more opportunities for personal and professional growth. Members of both Toastmasters and Rotary will enhance their skills, broaden their networks and increase their positive impact in communities through the new collaboration. For more information click HERE.
Rotary and Toastmasters are Teaming Up.
Brian Finley
2020-01-07 08:00:00Z |
Things To Do in Vancouver before or after the April 24-26, 2020 District Conference
Posted on Dec 09, 2019
Vine & Hops: Urban Wine & Distillery Tour is just one of the organized tours available before or after the 2020 Vision Conference for Rotary District 5040 in Vancouver, April 24 - 26, 2020. It's an all inclusive day of fun offering a customized, behind the scenes guided tour, of some of the funkiest venues in Vancouver. These off the beaten track locations will be sure to tantalize your taste buds as you learn about the distillery and wine making process. $109 per person + up
Things To Do in Vancouver before or after the April 24-26, 2020 District Conference
Peter Roaf
2019-12-09 08:00:00Z |
City of Vancouver Proclaims Oct 24, 2019 as World Polio Day.
Posted by Brian Finley on Oct 18, 2019
Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart welcomed representatives from Vancouver Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs, and District 5040 on Friday Oct 18th. He read out and then presented the Proclamation naming October 24th as World Polio Day in the City of Vancouver. Vancouver City hall will be illuminated in red for the day. Rotary has been at the forefront of the global polio eradication campaign for 40 years. Worldwide polio cases have dropped from 1000 per day to less than 100 per year and we are getting close to eliminating this disease forever. Photo: Mayor Kennedy Stewart presents the formal proclamation to District Governor Bala Naidoo and District End Polio Chair Brian Finley.
City of Vancouver Proclaims Oct 24, 2019 as World Polio Day.
Brian Finley
2019-10-18 07:00:00Z |
Fighting poverty through better sight at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
Posted on Oct 12, 2019
Over 100,000 of the world’s poor have been given opportunities for education and better health for themselves and their families thorough improved eyesight. That's the achievement of Third World Eye Care Society (TWECS), a Vancouver-based, International Charity of eye doctors and opticians who travel to developing countries to provide thorough eye exams and prescription eyeglasses. Filipino Canadian activist and humanitarian Dr. Marina Roma-March, who founded TWECS, has pursued a mission of alleviating the burden of poverty by helping people see better. She will be speaking at the 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary District 5040 in Vancouver April 24-26, 2020.
Fighting poverty through better sight at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
Peter Roaf
2019-10-12 07:00:00Z |
conference,eye,eyeglasses,poverty |
What a view! What a deal! Book low priced Vancouver hotel room for 2020 Vision Conference next April
Posted on Sep 24, 2019
Just steps from the best of downtown Vancouver and two blocks from the city’s famous Seawall, the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront -- venue for the 2020 Vision Conference April 24 to 26, 2020, of Rotary District 5040 -- has it all at a great price.
What a view! What a deal! Book low priced Vancouver hotel room for 2020 Vision Conference next April
Peter Roaf
2019-09-24 07:00:00Z |
conference,hotel |
Polio NID Campaigns - India - January 2020
Posted by Brian Finley on Sep 14, 2019
If you have always wanted to participate in a Polio NID campaign, this may be your last chance. There are two opportunities coming up in early 2020. The Rotary Club of Agra Taj Mahal is conducting a Polio Campaign on January 3-5 2020. If you are interested in joining this campaign and also visiting Agra, other cities and some Rotary projects please refer to the Event poster HERE, and/or contact Howard Tours is organising a trip to India January 10 to 21, 2020. This trip includes the Polio NID on Jan 19-20, visits to Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, and Rotary projects. More information HERE, or email Jolene Bortz note: Howard Tours is owned by Brad Howard, past Rotary Director and has led dozens of Polio trips. |
Polio NID Campaigns - India - January 2020
Brian Finley
2019-09-14 07:00:00Z |
Third World eyeglasses collection building for 2020 Vision Conference
Posted on Sep 12, 2019
Rotary Club of Ladner President Elect Diana Cabott received 55 donated eyeglasses in the collection box for the District's 2020 Vision Conference next April 2020. Rotary District 5040 Past District Governor Sonia Baron made the contribution after collecting over the summer. This contribution will help build a collection being assembled for the Third World Eyecare Society, a Rotary supported project based in Burnaby, by the time of the District's 2020 Vision Conference, April 24 to 26, 2020 in Vancouver.
Third World eyeglasses collection building for 2020 Vision Conference
Peter Roaf
2019-09-12 07:00:00Z |
Bahamas Hurricane Relief
Bahamas Hurricane Relief
2019-09-12 07:00:00Z |
24th Pot of Gold Golf Tournament a great success
The 24th Annual Pot of Gold Charity Golf Tournament, jointly organized by the Royal City Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of New Westminster, was another great success. Under ideal golfing conditions at Mayfair Lakes Golf Club in Richmond, 120 golfers teed off in a Texas Scramble format to compete for team and individual prizes, followed by a delicious buffet and live and silent auctions.
24th Pot of Gold Golf Tournament a great success
2019-09-02 07:00:00Z |
2022 - 23 District 5040 District Governor Nominations are open!
Posted on Aug 28, 2019
It is that time of year where we are searching out enthusiastic and dedicated Rotarians to apply for the position of District Governor (DG) for the year 2022-23. Have a look around your club for someone who might be interested and qualified to serve as District Governor. Perhaps you are the one! The role of DG is demanding but the rewards are incredibly unique and fulfilling.
2022 - 23 District 5040 District Governor Nominations are open!
2019-08-28 07:00:00Z |
Cathedral Thinking to inspire us at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
Posted on Jul 30, 2019
We should all be involved in unfinished work. That’s Cathedral Thinking. Those who anticipate the long term ramifications of what they do today, and who put in place a vision for success, are often called "Cathedral Thinkers". Former CEO of Tourism Vancouver, which launched the successful bid to bring the 2010 Winter Olympic Games to Vancouver and Whistler, Rick Antonson, will be speaking to us on this visionary approach to how we lead our lives, at the 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary District 5040, April 24 to 26, 2020, at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel in Vancouver.
Cathedral Thinking to inspire us at 2020 Vision Conference of Rotary 5040
Peter Roaf
2019-07-30 07:00:00Z |
conference,speaker,vision |
Rotary Friendship Exchange now June 2020
Posted on Jul 23, 2019
The Rotary Friendship Exchange to Russia has been postponed to June 14 to 28, 2020 to accommodate more members who could not make arrangements in time for this summer. A group of 10 to 12 people from our Rotary District 5040 will visit fellow members in Rotary District 2223. Partners, family friends welcome. Visas are required.
Rotary Friendship Exchange now June 2020
Peter Roaf
2019-07-23 07:00:00Z |
exchange,fellowship,friendship,travel |
RI President meet and greet August 17 in Surrey
Posted on Jul 02, 2019
Meet and Greet our new 2019-20 Rotary International President Mark Maloney at a reception on Saturday, August 17, 2019, 4 to 6 pm, at Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Spruce building, 12666 72 Avenue in Surrey, BC. Rotarians and their families are encouraged to come and meet Mark. Tickets are CDN$25 and children under 12 are free. Register here. Mark is in town to speak the following day at the 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner of Canadian Eyesight Global (see separate website post for more information)..
RI President meet and greet August 17 in Surrey
Peter Roaf
2019-07-02 07:00:00Z |
South Asian flair at Installation of District Governor
Posted by Peter Roaf on Jun 22, 2019
At a gala "Bollywood Night" which attracted about 150 Rotarians, family and friends, former Vice President of Rotary International and Past District 5040 Governor Dean Rohrs installed Bala Naidoo as Rotary District 5040 Governor for 2019-20. Bala's family and many friends and colleagues were on hand to share in the festivities. It was a joyous occasion of ceremony, dining, entertainment and dancing. The evening program started with a memorial tribute to Past District Governor Don Evans who recently passed away. -- photographs by Past District Governor Ken Wilson
South Asian flair at Installation of District Governor
Peter Roaf
2019-06-22 07:00:00Z |
gala,installation |
International peacebuilding recognition of local Rotarian
Posted by Peter Roaf on Jun 22, 2019
With its international "Citation for Meritorious Service", The Rotary Foundation has recognized Gloria Staudt, of the Rotary Club of New Westminster Royal City, for her contribution to the cause of peace and conflict resolution as chair of the Rotary District 5040 Peace Fellow Selection Committee over the past nine years. One way Rotary District 5040 makes a valuable contribution to peace and conflict resolution in our world -- one of Rotary's six primary areas of focus -- is through recommending candidates every year for Peace Fellowship scholarships in 50 Master's degree programs and 50 Certificate programs at six universities around the world. The annual funding for this US$9 million program comes from the international Rotary Foundation.
International peacebuilding recognition of local Rotarian
Peter Roaf
2019-06-22 07:00:00Z |
conflict,peace,peacebuilding,rotary foundation,scholar,scholarship |
Join RI President Mark Maloney at Canadian Eyesight Global Gala Dinner
Join RI President Mark Maloney at Canadian Eyesight Global Gala Dinner
2019-06-21 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Club of Vancouver Hearing Foundation major contributor to the new St. Paul's Hospital $12 million hearing loss centre
Posted on Jun 19, 2019
Rotary Club of Vancouver Hearing Foundation has committed to raise $6 million, and St. Paul’s Foundation another $6 million, to support a hearing and balance centre at Vancouver's new St. Paul’s Hosptial, expected to open in 2026. This funding will have a transformative impact on care for British Columbians with hearing loss and balance disorders. By fostering innovation and collaboration, and accelerating the development of permanent solutions for hearing loss, the new centre will offer the very best in care and hearing advancements in Canada.
Rotary Club of Vancouver Hearing Foundation major contributor to the new St. Paul's Hospital $12 million hearing loss centre
Peter Roaf
2019-06-19 07:00:00Z |