Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in January 2024
Some recent achievements and activities in District 5040 clubs as reported by Assistant Governors
for end of January 2024. There is much more planning and other activity in clubs,
but these are current results, projects completed.
for end of January 2024. There is much more planning and other activity in clubs,
but these are current results, projects completed.
Network with other clubs for ideas and stay tuned for future reports.
also visit the expanding list of projects in our new District 5040 Showcase
also visit the expanding list of projects in our new District 5040 Showcase
Bowen Island
- One new member joined the club.
- At the January 29th club meeting, a Municipal councillor and representative of Islands Trust spoke on conservation issues.
- A presentation by Sheila Liddle (Val Liddle’s daughter) was held on January 26th on the use of iPads (which the club bought as part of a district grant) for special needs students at Oppenheimer school.
Burnaby Deer Lake
- Ardath Paxton Mann and Peter Roaf presented DEI 101 on Zoom.
- Two youth have been registered for RYLA at the end of March.
- The January 6th, Burnaby Hospital Foundation Spring Festival Gala Fundraising Event raised $6,800 CAD.
- On January 11th the club held its regular meeting at the Public Market.
- Two Paul Harris Fellow Awards were presented.
- The club is sponsoring 4 Interactors to attend RYLA.
- Doug Marteinson gave an update on Herring Enhancement: low salinity from freshwater dilution in the Gibsons dock area could be the reason the club’s herring egg curtains project has not seen success as hoped. More action to be considered.
- For improved visibility when working on projects and fundraising, the club is providing the Interact Club with new Rotary t-shirts.
- This meeting’s speaker was Charlene Sanjenko who gave a talk on Regenerative Media.
- On January 25th the club meeting was a social event: a “Night at the Museum” hosted by the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives.
- On January 29th the club hosted a sub-group of fireside chats to learn from the younger generation about their view of Rotary’s image, media presence and new fundraising initiatives targeting a younger demographic.
- Paul Harris+2 Award was presented to the longest standing member of 59 years retired dentist, Dr. Arthur Birk.
- Speakers and program included: Rotarian Patricia Sibley, former club member and president, on Boundary Bay Quilters Club, January 9th; on the road for lunch and tour at McKee Recreation Centre in Ladner, January 16th; on the road for lunch and tour of the historic Kirkland House in Ladner, January 23rd; lunch and club assembly to discuss District Grants for 2024-25 and ideas for local projects, January 30th
New Westminster
- Gloria Andrews was inducted as their newest member.
- The club had a Rotary table at a production at Massey Theatre to promote their club and activities.
- Service work continues with Don’t Go Hungry Food Support program two Saturdays per month.
New Westminster – Royal City
- The Club’s new weekend Bottle Drop program has enjoyed terrific attendance and local engagement: each week a new local organization benefits, most recently the Girl Scouts. This program is led by one of the club’s newest members.
- The club’s foundation received $5,295 from the club along with funds raised at their Rotary Foundation Charity Breakfast Auction. Donations of $750 each were paid to Lower Mainland Purpose Society-Hamper Program and Salvation Army - New Westminster.
One Hundred Mile House
- The club held social meetings over the holidays.
- A new member joined last month. Good potential for another new member
- The January 9 Christmas/New Year Party was a potluck social when two members received Paul Harris Fellow Awards and a third by a community member that has supported and volunteered at Rotary events throughout the years.
- On January 31st two more Paul Harris Awards were presented to local residents at a social meeting at Big Sky Golf Course.
- The club hired a social media consultant to create a series of templates for posts on social media that have consistent branding (colour, logo, etc).
- A District Grant was approved for the John Gullo Home for Children and the club collected all the funds from participating clubs and transferred all funds to Leaders2Give.
Pender Harbour
- On New Year’s Day the joint club lottery calendar draw was held for the 366 prizes from 2024 calendar sales.
- At the January 24th meeting the club viewed the film “Dare to Dream” Rotary’s cause for Polio eradication and donations to Polio Plus were promoted.
- A January 27th social was some members attending the local Legion Burns Night dinner with the Coast Fiddlers & Legion Pipe Band.
- The club is sending 6 students to RYLA in March
- Outbound Youth Exchange student, Noah Sieben, will spend the next school year somewhere in Italy with an Inbound Youth Exchange student arriving in August!
Powell River
- January 6th was the draw for the Great Grocery Raffle and 50/50, which raised a gross $33,000.
- After the January 9th club board meeting the directors stayed behind to put all the books into the Read to Me bags for all Kindergarten students in Powell River. Read to Me has become a club annual project.
- On January 10th former outbound exchange student Bryn Endicott gave us a presentation.
- The club inducted its newest corporate membership, Cooperators Insurance, with 3 new representatives.
- A Fireside Chat was held at the Curling Club for 14 members.
- On January 31st a social was scheduled, “Guess Who's Coming for Appies,” a variation on Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.
Prince George Downtown
- President Gary Wilson held a whisky tasting social at his home to bring more fellowship into the club.
Prince George Nechako
- After the club completed its Operation Red Nose it held a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in the middle of January with over 80 volunteers attending.
Prince George Rotaract Club
- The club is providing marketing for the upcoming Rotary sponsored Hoop-A-Thon.
Prince George Yellowhead
- Guest speakers in January included: Farm to School presentation on the School District 57 program for students to grow food and learn sustainable practices; Kopar Administration, a government funded organization with multiple branches in BC and Alberta, working with all age groups to gain employment, through training, development and partnerships with businesses; Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation on raising funds for Northern Health.
- Pub Night continues on the first Wednesday of each month – a great opportunity to invite guests, bring spouses and have a social event outside of our regular weekly meetings.
- Member Guenter Stahl achieved his PHF + 8 Pin
Prince Rupert
- Foundation event, open to the public and various community groups, raised up to $10,000.
- The online auction raised $35,000. A challenge is that older members are not comfortable with online bidding.
- Polar Bear Swim was held.
- Had held 2 Firesides.
- On New Year’s Day the joint club lottery calendar draw was held for the 366 prizes from 2024 calendar sales.
- Submitted the monthly article on Rotary to the January 26th edition of Coast Reporter.
- The club is sponsoring one student for Adventures in Citizenship in Ottawa.
- Attended District of Sechelt Event & Festival Planning for 2024 with many other NGO’s.
- Set up online sales of the Sunshine Coast Rotary jigsaw puzzle to help fund the Mothers School project in Bangladesh.
- Half of the $ 30,000 proceeds from an auction in November have been donated to a local art gallery.
- Speakers in January included a Vancouver Coastal Health Additions Nurse, the Garibaldi Fire Department’s use of a drone, the Valleycliffe Elementary PAC outdoor learning program.
- Multiple different supports given for dentures and dental work: over $30,000 YTD.
- Granted $5,000 to Squamish Climate Action Network (CAN) for the School Farm
- Vocational talks at club meetings on January 9th and 16th started the new year.
- At the evening meeting of January 25th, the club welcomed back former member and ADG Syd Harmon and welcomed two new potential members.
Sunshine Coast Sechelt
- On New Year’s Day the joint club lottery calendar draw was held for the 366 prizes from 2024 calendar sales.
- The club welcomed another new member with another possible.
- Our society is focused on our work in Kenya with the main focus on scholarships for the two high schools.
- Auction in November raised about $48,000 and is now confirmed to have netted $43,000.
- A new member was added to the Executive.
Terrace Skeena Valley
- Inducted 4 new members.
- Attendance at club meetings has been 60% of members.
- Has focused on getting fun back into their meetings.
- Fireside Chats are held at regular Club meetings.
- Focus of the club is “4 or more”: members are encouraged to give 4 hours a month, at meetings or volunteer time.
- The club took down more than 5,000 Christmas lights and caricatures from the Rotary Christmas light display at Diefenbaker Park.
- It hosted the third Young Professionals Networking Event at a new Golf Simulator in Tsawwassen. The club executive introduced the concept of a Rotary Satellite Club to the group.
- Despite pouring rain, great volunteers and community support allowed the club to raise $6,500 at its annual Shred-a-thon.
- The club's Rotary Charitable Foundation has done well on investments and is offering applications for a $5000 Seniors grant and a $4000 Youth grant.
- The Tsawwassen Rotary Book Club met in January.
- The Social Team arranged tickets to a play at a local theatre and a group of 14 Rotarians attended.
Vancouver Arbutus
- On January 30th the club held a social with visit to Red Truck Brewery & Pub in Vancouver
Vancouver Cambie
- Club members joined the World Help container loading on the morning of January 27th and followed that with the club's monthly social meeting at Pasta Polo and Brick Oven Pizza in Coquitlam.
Vancouver Centennial
- The club has new members who are being oriented and mentored with mentorship and training given in their preferred Mandarin language thanks to DGND Dean Hiseh.
Vancouver Fraserview
- Mid-year the club has already achieved its Foundation goals in Annual Fund and Polio Plus Fund.
Vancouver Mountainview
- The club, in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health and Vancouver General Hospital, launched the “Senior Home Care Carnival Games”, at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Evergreen House and Cedarview Lodge in North Vancouver, Windermere Care Centre and on January 9/10 at Minoru Residence and Lions Manor in Richmond. A total of 6 carnivals were held.
- The club partnered with Gladstone Secondary School to help students complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. A donation of $600.00 will be awarded in March.
- Rotarian Rene Alcantara is leading a medical mission in the Province of Catanduanes, Philippines and the club is donating 10 wheelchairs through this mission.
- The club has welcomed eight Rotarians from all over the world in recent time, including a club president, president elect and District Governor Elect.
West Vancouver Sunrise
- Blood Donor Clinic was held in early January.
West Vancouver
- Club leaders and members have been heavily involved with the Capilano Towers and work closely with Capilano & Rotary Seniors Citizen Housing Association following a major renovation already completed in 2023.
- Club meetings in January included speaker, Belinda Trembath, COO of Whistler Blackcomb and a social.
- The club inducted its first Corporate Member into the Club: Vail/Whistler Blackcomb
- At the January 23rd meeting the club recognized three of the Whistler Cornucopia 2023 Partners with cheque presentations for their excellent support and service to the community supporting youth in crisis and need: Whistler Community Services Society, the Interact Club co-sponsored with the Whistler Millenium Club, and the Writing Society.
- To attract new members the club has started a trial of “free membership” for new members who join from January 01 through June 30, 2024.
Whistler Millennium
- Speakers in January included Chelsea McCurdy on Growing up in Whistler, John Rasmussen on Sustainable Development Goals, Mike Cole on Wheels for Learning (Cambodia) and Bronwen’s trip to Tanzania.
Williams Lake
- Got approval from City to proceed on exercise park.
- The club is holding interviews for RYLA, Adventures in Citizenship and Adventures in Ports, and short-term exchanges.