With its international "Citation for Meritorious Service", The Rotary Foundation has recognized Gloria Staudt, of the Rotary Club of New Westminster Royal City, for her contribution to the cause of peace and conflict resolution as chair of the Rotary District 5040 Peace Fellow Selection Committee over the past nine years.
One way Rotary District 5040 makes a valuable contribution to peace and conflict resolution in our world -- one of Rotary's six primary areas of focus -- is through recommending candidates every year for Peace Fellowship scholarships in 50 Master's degree programs and 50 Certificate programs at six universities around the world. The annual funding for this US$9 million program comes from the international Rotary Foundation.
In just over a decade, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,200 fellows. Many of them now serve as leaders at international organizations or have started their own foundations in the cause of peace and conflict resolution.
One cohort of Rotary Peace Fellowship scholars at one of six universities in the world |
Through her leadership in a complex, international process, Gloria has worked with teams of District 5040 members to recieve, process, interview and recommend applicants from Canada and other nations as Peace Fellowship candidates.
A Rotary Peace Scholar working in the field | The Rotary Foundation has sponsored 1,200 Rotary Peace Fellows in their Master's degree or Certificate programs in peace and conflict resolution through six universities in the world |
During her tenure, 30 applicants, from BC and nations such as Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Australia and Afghanistan, among others from non-Rotary countries or areas where there is no functioning district committee, have been processed. Of those recommended by Gloria and her selection committees to an international panel making final selection of 100, out of 800 applying each year, eight have been selected to become Peace Fellow scholars at various select universities.
Gloria remains in contact with the successful peace fellows and distributes updates on their work, academic and personal milestones. She promotes the program in Rotary District 5040 and has maintained a network of regional Peace Champions to encourage applications from, and make presentations to, the District's 50 Rotary clubs.
The Rotary Foundation recognizes the valuable service of Gloria Staudt in the Foundation sponsored Rotary Peace Fellowship program | Rotary Distritct 5040 Governor Darcy Long (left) and Past District Governor Chris Offer present The Rotary Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service to Gloria Staudt at the District's Governor Installation on June 22, 2019 |
The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service recognizes individual Rotarians who have demonstrated outstanding service to The Rotary Foundation for their commitment to, and enthusiasm and passion for, the ideals of Rotary.
Every year the fully-funded Rotary Peace Fellowships help international students pursue studies in conflict prevention and resolution towards promoting world’s peace at one of the participating peace centers: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Uppsala University, Sweden; University of Queensland, Australia; International Christian University, Japan; University of Bradford, United Kingdom; Duke University and University of North Carolina, United States.