Posted on Dec 08, 2023
Donations can still be made to the Ukraine and Pakistan Disaster Response Funds until December 31st. These funds must be spent by June 30th, 2024. As District Foundation Chair PDG Lorne Calder says, "Warm clothing, medical equipment coming through a Rotary World Help container from our District and area soon, school supplies and basic needs are needed more than ever."
A multi-District Rotary Ukraine relief group, in which Lorne represents our District, has just recently been able to source potentially $2.0 million in funding for many of the water projects in the Ukraine.
District 5040's participation in Disaster Relief
Lorne says, "At a group meeting on November 30th we also had an update on our Rigid Inflatable Boat and diving equipment Ukraine relief project requested by local authorities through clubs and District in that country. We heard how the boat and diving equipment were instrumental in the aftermath of the large dam being blown up and how these items assisted in the recovery of many items and people."
The group is shifting its focus onto potential global grants with a focus on youth and the impact of the war on them, such as schools, mental heath, PDST, loss of family, recovering from bombs, and the rebuilding of many communities in Western Ukraine.