The Rotary Foundation Committee

The role of the District 5040 Rotary Foundation Committee is to promote The Rotary Foundation within the district, to encourage personal and club contributions to the Foundation and to encourage clubs to make use of the Foundation funds.
The Committee is made up of Rotarians from throughout the district who are available to speak to clubs, assist with grant applications, and to provide support for club projects involving the Foundation.
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is among the most respected charitable organizations in the world. It is the primary means by which Rotarians accomplish their service goals globally. From eradicating polio to promoting world understanding, peace and goodwill, the Foundation is the tool by which Rotary makes a meaningful difference in the lives of others. The Foundation’s funds come largely from club and district contributions and personal giving by Rotarians and others. Contributions may be made to three funds:
The Annual Fund (AF) provides funding for humanitarian projects, scholarships and vocational training teams. Contributions to the Annual Fund are invested by TRF for three years to contribute to the administrative costs of running the foundation. After the three-year period, 50% of a district’s contributions are returned to the district as District Designated Funds (DDF) to be used according to district priorities. The balance remains in the World Fund which is available to all Rotary districts in the form of global grants. Global Grants are used to fund projects that exceed a US$30,000 total budget and involve clubs or districts in at least two countries.
End Polio Now (formerly PolioPlus) is the second major fund of The Rotary Foundation, designated to fulfil the Rotary commitment to eradicating polio worldwide.
The Permanent Fund is an endowment, the proceeds from which provide ongoing support for the Foundation. This fund ensures the Foundation’s ability to address the world’s greatest needs for generations to come.
In addition to financial support for the Foundation, there are many opportunities to personally participate in TRF programs. Many Rotarians have found their highest rewards from involvement in local and overseas projects of the Foundation.

District Foundation Chair
PDG Lorne Calder
Prince George

District Foundation Vice Chair
Ian Grant
Pender Harbour

Global Grants Chair
Bill Hellyer
PG Yellowhead
District Grants Chair
Liz Scroggins
Whistler Millenium

District Endowment/Major Gifts
Subcommittee Chair
Del Paterson
New Westminster

Polio Plus and End Polio Now Chair
Gabor Gasztonyi
New Westminster

Paul Harris Society Chair
Dolly Hilton
Prince George Nechako