• Have you ever wanted to improve your skills as a facilitator or mediator?
  • Could you deal better with conflict in your club business or personal life?
  • Are you adjusting well to the strains of online communication and Zoom fatigue? 
  • Would you like to learn new ways to shift your views of conflict; learn advanced listening and facilitation skills; and take part in a facilitated ‘Peace Conversation’ on cross-cultural communication? 
If you answered positively to any of the above questions, Rotary 5040 is offering a free, comprehensive training program in collaboration with Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) that may just be right for you!


All Rotarians are invited to register for a series of webinars and facilitated training sessions to help strengthen and serve their communities by developing techniques that will help you better deal with conflict at different levels and create positive peace in your community.
This series will run from January to June 2021 and culminate with a 90-minute workshop at the District Conference in June. While the series is free, participants are asked to commit to a minimum of two webinars (Jan. 28, 2021 and May 19 2021). Those wishing to participate further in the full facilitator training sessions will be asked to commit to further training (Facilitator Training Program, February - May).


Check out the attached training schedule and complete the registration form. While this series will be of particular interest to those attending the District Conference in June, it is neither a requirement for conference attendees to take the training course nor limited to those attending the conference. The course is open to those who cannot attend the conference but would like to learn the skills to better develop positive peace in their clubs and communities. It is our hope that this training will lead to the ongoing development of conflict literacy and cross-cultural communication in our clubs and throughout District 5040.
This training is presented jointly by Rotary District 5040, Mediators Beyond Borders International and the Nisga’a Nation.

Rotary District 5040- MBBI Engagement Trainings 


District 5040 has partnered with Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) and the Nisga’a Nation to help celebrate and expand the sense of “Family” throughout the District through skill building, conflict awareness and facilitating goodwill and mutual learning with Indigenous neighbours. 
MBBI is a global leader in creating a more peace “able” world through the development of local peacebuilding skills, with a focus on inclusivity and the development of cultural competencies, including cross-cultural communication. MBBI promotes mediation worldwide and is an official Service Partner of Rotary International.
The Nisga’a are an Indigenous people of Canada who reside in the Nass River valley of northwestern British Columbia. The Nisga'a Final Agreement came into effect on May 11, 2000. It was negotiated between Canada, British Columbia and the Nisga'a Nation outside of the BC treaty process and became the first modern day comprehensive treaty in British Columbia.
Training Details
District-wide Webinars (2)
  • Webinar #1 Online Engagement (90 min)
  • Webinar #2 Cross-Cultural Communication (90 min)
District 5040 Rotarians + Key Partners
January 28 & May 19 2021
Facilitator Training Program 
  • (4) 90-minute online trainings 
  • (2) Full-day practice sessions
  • (3) Follow-up coaching sessions 
Trainees Only
(Rotarians + Nisga’a + Urban Indigenous peoples
February – April 2021
Conference Sessions (1)
  • 1 session (90 min) Conflict Literacy/ Cross-cultural Comm. + Peace Conversation
Conference Attendees
June 5, 2021

Training Details


I. District Webinars

Webinar #1 (Jan 28 2021): Online Engagement – 90 minutes

Today’s complex environment requires engaging in new ways. This webinar offers an opportunity for skill building and exploration of best practices for online engagement. It includes:
  • Engagement strategies;
  • Virtual meeting design and facilitation;
  • Online etiquette and best practices; and
  • Techniques for overcoming Zoom fatigue.

Webinar #2 (May 19 2021): Cross-Cultural Communication – 90 minutes

Communicating cross-culturally effectively is critical to peacebuilding. This webinar includes:
  • Understanding the intersectionality of cultures;
  • Strategies for developing cultural competencies;
  • Basic Indigenous Relations; and
  • Techniques for effective cross-cultural communication.

II. Facilitator Training + Implementation (February – May 2021)

Modelled on Peace Conversation Facilitation Program (see full description HERE), these training seek to build the skills of Rotarians and community leaders in facilitation skills to host “Peace Conversations” on difficult subjects in our clubs and communities. 
  • Online Trainings (4) 
    • Training #1: Conflict Literacy
    • Training #2: Conversation Skills 
    • Training #3 Facilitation Skills
    • Training #4 Coaching (optional)
  • 2-day Practice Trainings (1): Application of Facilitator Training Skills and Techniques
  • 3 Coaching sessions and Follow-Up (monthly)

III. District 5040 Conference Session (June 5, 2021)

“Two Drops for Peace” RPF Martin & RPF Lorelei Higgins.   
In times of uncertainty, Rotary clubs can play an important role in promoting positive peace and fostering resiliency in their communities though facilitated dialogue and basic conflict prevention skills.  


  • Attendees will shift their views of conflict;
  • Learn advanced listening and facilitation skills; and
  • Participate in a facilitated “Peace Conversation” on cross-cultural communication.
Registration Form Engagement Training – District 5040
Full Name:
Rotary Club:
Home Address:
              _________________________________________________________Post Code__________________
Phone # home: _________________________________cellular__________________________________
Email:      _____________________________________________________________________________________
I commit to attending the two webinar sessions on January 28th and May 19th 2021   
            Initial: __________________
I am interested in the full training program and commit to attending all sessions of the Facilitator Training Program offered between February and May 2021 
            Initial: _____________________
Signed:   ___________________________________________________________________________
Date:        ___________________________________________________________
Return completed forms to PDG John Anderson at <johnlanderson@telus.net
Registration form should be completed by January 25 2021.