The Write to Read Project BC is an equal partnership between participating Indigenous communities, Rotarians, and volunteers with a range of diverse skills represented on the Write to Read Team. W2R-BC is a literacy equity project started by two friends, former BC Lieutenant Governor Hon. Steven Point and Past District 5040 Governor Bob Blacker, It works with rural and remote Frist Nations communities across British Columbia to build library learning centres.
W2R-BC partnerships bring together people who have an interest in participating in increasing literacy through equitable access to literacy materials for rural, isolated or under-served Indigenous communities. The collaboration creates relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities through shared power, and builds on a foundation of honesty, trust, and equitable respect in the larger pursuit of social justice and reconciliation through truth-telling and action.
Fifteen years later, the W2R-BC team is working on our 30th centre with Indigenous Principal and Community Champion Louise Ormerod. The project will focus on the Hazelton High School’s library which supports students from seven surrounding Indigenous and rural communities in northwestern British Columbia. The generosity of the participants of the 2024 North American Youth Exchange Network (NAYEN) conference has made the 30th library centre a reality. Special thank you to the Rotary Club of Sunshine Coast Sechelt, Past District Governor Lyn and Alxis Stroshin, and the Board of NAYEN. In four days, together we raised approximately $30k through donations!
Below Rotary District 5040 Governor Shirley-Pat Gale and Hon. Steven Point as they appeared at the recent NAYEN conference in Vancouver.