District Governance Committee Chair

PDG Ken Wilson



District 5040 is a legally incorporated entity, known as “Rotary International District 5040 Inc.”. It is governed by a Chair and Board of Directors accountable to the members in the District. District 5040 Policy and By Laws are available on the D5040 Website. District Policies are required to be compatible with the District By-Laws. In any conflict of policy, the By-Laws of Rotary International District 5040 Inc. take precedence.
To establish district procedures and to provide an orderly system of maintaining records, actions and resolutions of District 5040, policy is adopted and amended as needed by the District 5040 Board. The policy is used as a guide by District Governors, District Committees, and Rotary Clubs concerning all matters relating to the District.
The policies and procedures of Rotary International are found in the Manual of Procedure of Rotary International and the RI Code of Policies. The District Board of District 5040 is authorized to amend any section of the District Policy to conform to Rotary International legislation, or  the By-Laws of District 5040. Clubs are notified of proposed Bylaw changes that are to be ratified at the next AGM of District 5040, normally held in conjunction with the Annual District Conference, or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.
The latest revision of District 5040 Policy was approved on June 23, 2023, by the District Board. The latest revision of the Policy Addendum was approved on August 21, 2023, by the District Board. The latest revision of District 5040 By-laws was approved at the May 25, 2022 AGM.