The 34 Grade 10 and 11 students from Kitimat and Terrace who participated in Rotary’s Adventures in Health Care in early May visited health care professionals at Coast Mountain College, University of Northern BC and Northern Health in Terrace. The enthusiastic students took part in hands-on demonstrations of medical procedures, sociology, community health and diagnostics, prompting many questions and discussion. -- photo courtesy of Terrace Standard
Prior to the two-day program the students also participated in an orientation session which included a preview of Terrace’s new Mills Memorial Hospital, currently under construction. Day One was held at Coast Mountain College Campus and at the UNBC Terrace Campus, and Day Two at Mills Memorial Hospital.
Adventures in Health Care was feasible with the active involvement of the College, UNBC and Northern Health, Coast Mountain School District and with the generous support of Rio Tinto in Kitimat.
The overwhelming response of students, Rotarians and health professionals described the experience as challenging, exciting and, simply awesome! Among the comments from students were: very hands-on; great people to ask questions about health care; liked small groups; the coolest program I have ever done. All involved are looking forward to next year’s Adventures in Health Care Northwest.
Adventures in Health Care is a program pioneered by the Rotary Club of Prince George Yellowhead, and adapted to facilities available in Terrace. The Rotary Clubs of Terrace and Terrace-Skeena Valley completed the registration, student selection and program support, and the momentum for AiHC in Terrace this year.
Carol LeClerc, Rotary Club of Terrace-Skeena Valley and Brian Downie, Rotary Club of Terrace, were leaders of this year’s program.