Posted on Sep 22, 2020
It is that time of year.  We are searching out enthusiastic and dedicated Rotarians to apply for the position of District Governor (DG) for the year 2023-24.  Have a look around your club for someone who might be interested and qualified to serve as District Governor.
Perhaps you are the one!
The role of DG is demanding but the rewards are incredibly unique and fulfilling. More information may be found on this Role Description and Election Guidelines but please "Read more" for the official Request for Nominations and for much more information.

Request for Nominations: District Governor 2023-2024

Pursuant to Rotary International Bylaws, Section 13.020.4, I invite all clubs to submit their nominations for District Governor 2022-2023. All suggestions for District Governor must be received no later than Friday, October 23rd , 2020 and should be sent to the Nominating Committee Chair at: 
The nomination for District Governor must be submitted in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club, naming the suggested candidate. The club President and Secretary shall certify the resolution. A club may suggest only one of its own members as a candidate for governor-nominee. 
The selection of a governor-nominee must be conducted in a dignified, responsible manner in harmony with the principles of Rotary.(RCP 19.030.1) Section 10.050 of the RI Bylaws provides that any candidate who becomes aware of campaigning, canvassing or electioneering for elective office in RI, must express their disapproval to those so engaged and shall instruct them to terminate such activity. 
Rotary International Bylaws Article 15.080 state, “a governor at the time of taking office must have attended the International Assembly for its full duration, been a member of one or more Rotary clubs for at least seven years and must continue to possess the qualifications in section 15.070.” 
A.  A member in good standing of a club in the District. (RIB 15.070.1) 
B. The Rotarian must have full qualification for such membership in the strict application of the provisions thereof, and the integrity of the Rotarian’s classification must be without question. (RIB 15.070.2) 
C. The Rotarian must have served as president of a club for a full term or be a charter president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to 30 June, provided that this period is at least six months. (RIB 15.070.3) 
D. The Rotarian must demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability, physically and otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of governor as provided in section15.090, “Duties of a Governor.” (RIB 15.070.4) 
E. The Rotarian must demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of governor as prescribed in the bylaws and submit to RI, through its general secretary, a signed statement that the Rotarian understands clearly such qualifications, duties, and responsibilities.  Such statement shall also confirm that the Rotarian is qualified for the office of governor and willing and able to assume the duties and responsibilities of that office and to perform them faithfully. (RIB 15.070.5)
Should there be any questions on the duties, obligations and rewards of being a District Governor, please feel free to call on any Past District Governor or myself. I would be more than happy to speak with any prospective candidate personally prior to their name being suggested.  
Selection of the District Governor Nominee, who would serve as District Governor during the Rotary year, 1 July 2023- 30 June 2024, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, November 7, 2020 via Goto meeting or face to face (depending on travel restrictions and each candidates preference at the time). 
This notice is being E-mailed to each individual club President and Secretary, and will also be published in the District 5040 website

How to Apply

The Manual of Procedure for Rotary International provides that a District Governor be nominated by his or her Club at a regular meeting. The President shall then file with the chair of the Nominating Committee a resolution naming the candidate and certifying that he or she meets the qualifications for D.G. as stated in the Manual of Procedure for Rotary International.
Nominations for 2023-24 must be submitted using the Governor-Nominee Form also called Data Form, They should be completed no later than Friday, October 23rd , 2020 and should be sent to the Nominating Committee Chair at Such nominations shall be accompanied by:
  • the Club resolution naming the candidate and certifying that he or she meets the qualifications for D.G. A sample resolution is available here.
  • a current photograph of the candidate
  • a resume setting out both Rotary service and personal background.
Note that copies of the forms have been sent to each Club President and Secretary.

Please seriously consider this request. The leadership of our district depends on solid and committed Rotarians.  Questions regarding the nomination process should be addressed to PDG Bala Naidoo