PDG Mary Watson (Sandy) - District Governor 2003-2004
Mary Watson

Toronto, Mary's birthplace, is a city which she enjoys visiting. Some of her fondest early memories are associated with summers spent at the family cottage on Lake Simcoe. She graduated from Lawrence Park Collegiate in North Toronto, attended the University of New Brunswick and graduated from the University of Western Ontario in London.
She met Sandy, who is a Chartered Accountant, in her final year at Western and they were married in 1966. All the Watsons, including their son, Kevin and daughter, Lauren are UWO graduates. Mary taught high school English and Accounting for 3 years before the birth of their children and following a 14 year maternity leave returned to the work force in the field of computer education. While her children were young, Mary was involved in their worlds as a Brown Owl with the Girl Guides, Boy Scout Advisory Board, Chair of the Home and School and on the Magee High School Music committee.
Mary joined the Burnaby Metrotown Club in 1989 as the first female Rotarian in District 5040. She served on their board as International Director, Vice-President and President in 1992-93 and was recognized by her club with a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1994. Mary moved to the Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus to be closer to her new workplace location and home in Vancouver.
Mary's interest in Rotary includes a 12 year involvement in Youth Exchange with her husband Sandy, serving as Youth Exchange Chair from 1997-2000. Other activities include work with the District conference (Registrar 1994, 1995 and 1997), serving as District Treasurer and being a workshop leader at PETS and RYLA. Mary was a Rotary Volunteer to the Philippines last summer. Sandy joined her and they had a wonderful experience working with a micro-credit project on the Island of Negros.
Mary's hobbies include travel, dragon boating, kayaking and reading.