PDG Leo A.T. Nimsick
District Governor 1997-1998
Leo Nimsick

Leo was born in Rossland, BC moving to Kimberley, BC where he completed his early education. He attended Notre Dame College in Nelson, BC and Saint Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, NS where he completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1958. He returned to BC to obtain his Bachelor of Laws Degree at the University of British Columbia, completing it in 1961.
Leo has one son, John, by a previous marriage. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and lives in Granite Falls, Washington. Leo met and married Patricia Smith in 1992. Pat was a Paul Harris Fellow and Past President of the Rotary Club of Mission in District 5050. Pat passed away on July 22, 1998. CAREER Leo practised Law in Cranbrook, BC until 1974 when he was appointed to the Provincial Court of British Columbia working in the East Kootenay of BC. In 1984 he was transferred to Vancouver, BC where he worked out of the Chief Judge's Office on assignment to all parts of the Province. In October 1985 he was assigned to the North Fraser District to preside in Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam and Maple Ridge. Leo retired as a full time judge on April 30, 1997. He then worked part time as an Ad Hoc Judge until March 2006. ROTARY
Leo joined the Rotary Club of Cranbrook, BC in 1964, serving as President in 1967-68. He moved to the Rotary Club of Burnaby, BC in 1985. He was the District Governor's Special Representative for the formation of the Rotary Club of Burnaby-Deer Lake. He was a charter member of the club and was a member until June 30, 2002 when he transferred to the Rotary Club of Ladner.
Leo's activities in District 508 (now 5080) include serving as District Secretary 1974-75, as a member of the Group Study Exchange Committee 1981-84, as a member of the Education Awards Committee 1981-84, and as a presenter and staff member of the RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) seminar 1982-92. Leo's activities in District 504 (now 5040) include being a member of the RYLA Committee 1985-87 and Chair of the Committee 1987-91. He was Chair of the 1992 Districts 5040-5050 Joint Conference and Chair of the District Rotary Foundation Committee 1992-95 and 1999-2000. He was elected District Governor for the Rotary year 1997-98. He served as the Strategic Planning Chair for the District 1998-2001 and the Membership Chair 2001-2005. He is currently Awards and Literacy Chair. He was also a workshop leader at the Pacific Northwest President's Elect Training Seminar (comprising ten Rotary Districts from Alaska to California) in 1983 and 1989-93. He finished as Sessions Coordinator for Pacific Northwest PETS in February 2003 after four years in the post. Leo is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, a Major Donor, a charter member of the Rotary Foundation Bequest Society and a Foundation Benefactor. Leo has perfect attendance since July 1967.