Rev. Canon Stanley Smith
District Governor (504) 1971-1972

"Goodwill Begins with You"
Stanley was born in Wolverhampton, England, and received his education in Durham and University of Wales; from which he graduated with an honors degree in Theology. For forty years he served as Priest in a specialist ministry to seafarers in England, Africa and Canada. His war service was a Chaplain R.N.V. Reserve (S.A.) 1938-1949; and as Chaplain H.M.S. Cornwall in 1941. His interests are fishing, soccer, music and reading. His hobbies are any form of handiwork, needlework and stamp collecting.
Stanley's community services are many and include: Honorary Chaplain, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club 1955-1975; Honorary Chaplain, Hon. Company of Master Mariners 1974-75; Vice Chairman of Alcoholic Foundation of B.C. 1974.
Stanley joined the Johannesburg, South Africa Rotary Club in 1946 and was a member there until 1949 when he moved to South Shields, England, where he was a member of the Rotary Club until moving to Canada in 1954. He was soon a member of the Vancouver Club, serving on many of its committees and becoming President 1967-68. Stanley is now retired and lives with his wife, Evelyn, in Vancouver. (They have three daughters). His service to Rotary and District 504 are never-ending. He is a favorite installation speaker and conducts most worthwhile Rotary Vocational Service Institutes. The Vancouver Club made him a Paul Harris Fellow in 1974. His Comment: "Thank God for Rotary - - - my life wouldn't have been the same without it".
His year as Governor was the last one in which Alaska and Yukon were part of District 504. Of this year Stanley says, "I was privileged to know the beauty of Alaska and the Yukon, and the warmth of its Rotarians. Otherwise, it was just one of those years when one gives the best within human limitation. To me it was one of the highlights of my life".