PDG W. C. (Chuck) Wong
District Governor (504) 1980-1981
"Take Time to Service"
Chuck is a native son, born and educated in Vancouver. He married Mabel in 1949, they are the proud parents of one son and one daughter and two grand daughters.
Among his various interests, he is an ardent boatman and an expert on celestial navigation. He is retired Commander in the Fraser Power Squadron and since 1975 a Rear Commander in the Canadian Power Squadron, retired 1979. Chuck is President and Owner of the Fraser Box Co., Ltd., engaged for many years in the manufacture of wooden boxes. As such, he is a member of the International Order of Hoo Hoo #48. LIFE WITH ROTARY Chuck joined the Rotary Club of Richmond in 1962, and has the distinction of serving twice as its President, in 1967-1968 and in 1975-1976. His record includes fourteen years with perfect attendance. Always a keen Rotarian, he has been a stalwart of the Richmond Club, and has served the District in a number of capacities, among them Governor's Group Representative in 1976-1978.
In 1975 the Richmond Club made him a Paul Harris Fellow. HIS GOVERNOR YEAR As Governor he had an outstanding year in establishing new Rotary Clubs, six being the, most for any year in our District. Since then, his activity in Community Service has been substantial, serving as British Columbia Chairman for Operation Eyesight and as Rotary / C.I.D.A. Coordinating Chairman for B.C.
UPDATES On Jan 6, 2005, Chuck's beloved wife Mabel passed away. Read In Memoriam . On Aug 12, 2009 Chuck passed away in his 97th year.
Rotary Club of Richmond