PDG Thomas Evan Morgan
District Governor (504) 1959-1960

RI Theme "Vitalize, Personalize, Build Bridges of Friendship"
"Tommy" Morgan was born in Gillingham, Alberta, in 1898, the son of Edward and Matilda Pinder Morgan. He started school in Gillingham, and completed his elementary and secondary schooling in Vancouver. This was followed by a business course. He started work as a time-keeper in a logging camp at Harrison Mills in 1916, and trans¬ferred to B.C. Manufacturing Company in New West¬minster in 1919. In 1920 he was appointed accountant for the subsidiary: Westminster Shook Mills, Ltd., and was shortly promoted to manager. He and Alice Eleanor Robinson were married in 1932. Even as manager he was always an effective salesman in his friendly, quiet manner. He retired from business in 1955.
His hobbies were fishing, traveling and golfing, all of which he enjoyed right up to his death. He loved the fun and fellowship of bowling and curling. The curling trophy he gave is still competed for by District 504 clubs. COMMUNITY SERVICE His civic services were many, including being a director of Junior Achievement, member and director of the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and first Chairman of the Red Feather Campaign. He was a Mason and a member of the First Presbyterian Church.
ROTARY He became a member of the Rotary Club of New Westminster in 1933, and was its President in 1942-43. At one time or another he was active in all phases of Rotary, especially in promoting good fellowship in his club and with members of other clubs in the District.
IN HIS GOVENOR YEAR As Governor of District 504 his advice was often sought and was always given in his unpretentious manners based on his thorough knowledge of Rotary and of human nature. He was an excellent moderator in his composed and friendly manner.