PDG Robert S. (Bob) Bishop
District Governor (504) 1988-1989

"Put Life into Rotary - Your Life"
Bob was born in Dollarton B.C.Oct.31st 1927. (It has been said that the Witches brought him as the Storks were all grounded that night.) His family moved to Vancouver in 1932 where Bob received his education to Grade 13. After graduation Bob put in one year as an Apprentice Pharmacist but decided that was not his bag, and as his parents had moved to Squamish in 1945 he moved there to join them and work for awhile until he figured out what to do with his life. It was an excellent move as he met Eleanor there and they were married in 1950.They have 3 sons, Robert, Ken and Garry and a Daughter Debbie, the baby of the family, who became a Rotary Exchange Student to Bombay, India in 1978-79. They have 4 Grandchildren and high hopes for one more.
Bob worked at several jobs until he found his life's work in the Real Estate and Insurance business from 1954 until 1968 when he and Eleanor sold out everything and moved to Whistler where he developed 2 subdivisions and built the Arnold Palmer designed Whistler Golf Course which he and Eleanor are life members of. Bob is a Past President of the Squamish Chamber of Commerce, Past Master of the Mt. Garibaldi Lodge #127, A.F.& A.M.,Past Worthy Patron of the Order of Eastern Star when Eleanor was Worthy Charter Alderman of the Resort Municipality of Whistler and in 1966 he started and was Charter President of the Rotary Club of Squamish and in 1977 started and was Charter President of the Rotary Club of Whistler. Bob and Eleanor are now partners, with their Daughter Debbie and Son-in-law John, in the Mission Creek Golf Club and Duffers Restaurant in Kelowna where they now reside. Bob is now a member of the Rotary Club of Kelowna-Rutland.
PDG Bob passed away on January 21, 2009, see obituary in Vancouver Sun.