PDG Robert Cheyne
District Governor (101) 1943-1944

Robert, as he always wished to be addressed, was a chartered accountant, who lived in Kelowna until the end of his year as Governor. He joined the Rotary Club of Kelowna in 1933 and was its President in 1938-39. He was a member of the Canadian Advisory Committee in 1942-43. Since the files of the Kelowna Club were recently destroyed by fire, we have no record of Robert's civic services. Harold Henderson, Past R.I. Vice-President, remembers him well as his Sunday School teacher. District 101, during that war year, had 95 clubs and Robert made a valiant effort to visit them all. His theme: "To enjoy Rotary, you have to work at it".
On moving to Victoria to become associated with the Pacific Sheet Metal Works, Ltd., he joined the Victoria Club and was an active and esteemed member.
About 1964 he went to Edinburgh, Scotland, to assist in the settlement of the estate of a relative of his wife. On discovering, and being able to purchase, a beautiful tract at North Berwick overlooking the Firth of Forth, he settled there and built a fine western style ranch house and when I visited him there in 1967, he had just established the Rotary Club of North Berwick, and was its first President. I described for that club the expansion of Rotary in the area of old District 101, when Robert was its Governor with 95 clubs and 5,551 members; into seven districts in 1967 with 275 clubs and 18,248 members.
Before his death in 1977 Robert was instrumental in planning and having built homes for the elderly in the area - eight living in each home - as his Special Rotary Project.
- Win McLean 1981