PDG Ralph P. Crawford
District Governor (504) 1984-1985
"Discover a New World of Service"
Ralph was born in Athabasca, Alberta, and his early years and education were spread over five provinces of Canada. He married Hope, his charming wife, in 1939 before serving for four years with the R.C.A.F. and R.A.F. Wounded in 1943, he was medically discharged in 1944. Ralph and Hope are blessed with a son and daughter and four grandchildren.
HIS CAREER For 32 years before his retirement Ralph was with the International Harvester Company in sales and various managerial positions that involved extensive travel to many parts of North America.
COMMUNITY SERVICES In the seven cities in which he and Hope have lived, Ralph has been consistently active and involved in the United Way and the Chamber of Commerce. LIFE WITH ROTARY After a number of years in the Fort Garry Club in Winnipeg where he was an active member and director, Ralph moved to White Rock in 1980 and joined Rotary there. His leadership qualities were quickly recognized by his fellow members who elected him to serve as president in 1982.
IN HIS GOVERNOR YEAR A great believer in Rotary fellowship, Ralph remembers his year as a wonderful experience for Hope and himself. During his term the District Conference and Assemblies were successfully separated and held at different times. Among things of which Ralph is proud are the chartering of three new Rotary Clubs and three new Rotaract Clubs, a busy year in World Community Service and in Youth Exchange and substantial increase in contributions to the Rotary Foundation.