PDG John R. Vanderzicht
District Governor (504) 1968-1969

ROTARYJohn was also an irrepressibly dedicated Rotarian. A charter member of the Oak Harbor Club, he had achieved 44 years of perfect attendance at the time of his untimely passing in 1980 at the age of 68. Few faces have been more familiar in Rotary Clubs around the world than that of John Vanderzicht. John was President of the Oak Harbor Club in 1941-42, District Governor in 1968-69 and served over the years on a number of Rotary International Committees, and as President's representative at conferences in other Districts. In 1978 he served as leader of District 504's Group Study Exchange to England.
In 1975 his fellow Rotarians made him a Paul Harris Fellow, a truly deserved honor for a great, warm-hearted Rotarian who will long be remembered.