PDG J. H. (Jack) Hotell
District Governor (504) 1981-1982

"World Understanding and Peace through Rotary"
Jack Hotell was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and received his education in Saskatchewan. After two years at the University of Saskatchewan he transferred to the University of British Columbia from which he graduated.
Jack and Ruth were married in 1941 and have four children, three boys and one girl and eight grandchildren. His hobbies are golfing, curling, travel, reading and woodworking. He and his family moved to Prince George in 1951, spending a number of years in retailing, including the automobile business. He began teaching in the Prince George School District 57 in 1956, and since 1966, has been the Coordinator of Continuing Education. COMMUNITY SERVICES He has been active in many community organizations -- Elder and Sunday School Superintendent of the United Church., First Chairman of the Prince George Recreation Commission, President of the Prince George Arthritis Society, President of the Prince George Safety Council, and for many years active in School Boys Curling.
LIFE WITH ROTARY Jack joined the Prince George Rotary Club in 1968. He served the club in most avenues of service, and for several years was the Secretary. He made a fine contribution to our District by developing the Secretary's Handbook, which was distributed to all our clubs for the guidance of incoming Secretaries. In 1976 his club made him a Paul Harris Fellow. He was President of his club in 1977-78. Before and after serving as Governor, Jack served as Resource Person at District Assemblies and on Conference Committees.
HIS GOVERNOR YEAR During his year as Governor, the clubs of Snohomish. East and South Whidbey were formed. He emphasized "World understanding and peace through Rotary", and two World Community Service projects in the Philippines were finalized. The organization and program of his conference were so outstanding that all sessions were fully attended. In 1983 Jack was honored by his appointment as a member of Rotary International's Membership Development Committee for the term ending June 30, 1986.