PDG Alfred G. (Al) Cheshire (Stella)
District Governor (504) - 1989-1990

"Enjoy Rotary"
PERSONALAl was born, raised and educated in the urban and rural areas of Winnipeg. Living his formative years both in Winnipeg and the farming community. Educated to matriculation level in Winnipeg and a year at Brandon College, Brandon, Manitoba.
Al joined the RCAF as air crew in 1942 and served overseas with No.6 Bomber Group. Upon return to Canada he remained in the RCAF until 1951 and then served with the Canadian Military Intelligence for a further five years. Al has been successful in his business ventures since leaving corporate business in 1969. Owning and operating A & H Store Fixtures Ltd., A & H Ventures Ltd. and Minit-Tune Auto Centre.
Al has many interests and activities serving as an Officer and Director of The Royal Canadian Legion - The St. Georges Society - Chairman of the Board of Marpole Oakridge Area Council and a member of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Al and Stella married in 1984 both having lost their spouses to illness. They have 7 children, 5 of Al's and 2 of Stella's - 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Stella has been active in community work for the greater part of her life particularly in Seniors care and activities. Stella is a 3 sapphire Paul Harris fellow in recognition of her Rotary activities.
With the advent of admission of ladies to Rotary in Gov. Bob Bishop's year (88/89) Al and Stella recognized that the possibility of a large recruitment of female members could materialize in their year. They decided that they would act as a team and encourage husband and wife participation in Rotary and also encourage the recruitment of qualifying females. Therefore, Stella's high visibility during the Governor's visitations - Charter nights and many other Rotary functions - encouraged the ladies to become more aware of the objectives of Rotary and therefore their spouses activities within Rotary. Stella also promoted recruitment of female Rotary members. Her help and encouragement through the almost 2 years of preparation, service and windup of Governorship is most gratefully acknowledged. It would not have been such a successful year without you. Thanks Stella. Service to Rotary is high on Al's list of priorities. A member of The Rotary Club of Vancouver South Al has 15 years of perfect attendance - Served on the Board of Directors for 12 years and was President in 1981/82. Al also served on District for 6 years in varying capacities and formed Canada's first Rotaract District in 1985 serving as District Chairman for Rotaract/RYLA for 2 years. Al was made a Paul Harris fellow in 1984 by the Vancouver South Club in Honour of his service to them and to Rotary. A 5 sapphire Paul Harris fellow and a Foundation Benefactor. A firm supporter of Rotary Foundation he has also made five additional Paul Harris fellow awards to others in recognition of their contributions to Rotary.
It was a great year for Stella and myself. We put in a great deal of time and effort and blood, sweat and tears, but that was understood when we accepted the nomination. We knew it came with the territory. To those who put in the extra time. Their own "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and made "our" year successful. Without them we could not have accomplished a fraction of that which has transpired.
Rotary Club of Vancouver South. To contact PDG Al by Email