Dean Rohrs (Rhino) - District Governor (2007-2008)
Dean Rohrs

Dean and Rhino immigrated to Canada from South Africa in 1990. Dean grew up in Zambia and after marrying Rhino lived in Malawi, Namibia and South Africa. Dean was born into a Rotary family and when Rhino joined Rotary in 1986 became an active Rotary Ann until she became a Rotarian in District 9300 in 1989. On arriving in Vancouver both Dean and Rhino joined the Rotary Club of West Vancouver and at present are members of the Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise. Dean and Rhino have individually been club president of their clubs both in South Africa and in Vancouver.
Dean and Rhino served on the District Youth Exchange Committee in both Districts 9300 and 5040. Dean was a Group Study Exchange Team Leader to New Zealand in 1999 and served as the 5040 GSE Chair in 2000. Dean has been a panelist and presenter on the Club Leadership Plan at International Conventions and various PETS.
Dean has had a varied career from the early days of being an Operating Room Nurse on Professor Christiaan Barnards' first heart transplant team to running a Nursery School in Malawi. Together with Rhino they now owner manage a company that is involved in soil stabilization during road construction. In 2002 Dean realized a lifelong ambition by receiving her qualifications in Game Guiding and Game Management. This culminated in a Practical Course which required her to become very familiar with the "Big 5". She is an accomplished artist and professional ceramicist and both she and Rhino have a passion for the wilderness and traveling to unspoiled places.
Rhino is a Mechanical Engineer but has been involved in innovative engineering design and facilitation since 1990. Dean and Rhino have been married for 37 years and have 3 adult children.
Both Dean and Rhino are Paul Harris Fellows and members of the Paul Harris Society.