PDG Dave Kirk (Sheila)
District Governor 2000-2001
Dave Kirk

Dave was born and raised in Vancouver. He graduated from Gladstone Senior Secondary School before going on to the University of British Columbia. He graduated from UBC in 1961, with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Civil Engineering. In his final year he met Sheila, who was in her graduating year at the Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing. They married a year later. Dave and Sheila have one daughter and one son, a grandson and granddaughter in Port Coquitlam, and two granddaughters in Brisbane, Australia.
Sheila worked for several years as a Registered Nurse at the Vancouver General Hospital before "retiring" to devote her time to raising their two children. For the past ten years Sheila has served as President of the Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Building Society, which owns and operates a 21-unit apartment complex for low-income residents.
Dave's career as a professional engineer began with the Federal Government's Department of Transport - Air Services Construction Branch. After three years he joined the Greater Vancouver Water, Sewerage and Drainage District where he spent eleven years in the design and construction of a variety of civil engineering projects. In 1975, he joined Delcan Corporation, a consulting engineering firm specializing in municipal and transportation projects, and worked in their New Westminster office until he retired in May, 2000.
Dave was inducted into the Rotary Cub of New Westminster in 1982, with the classification of " Engineering - Consulting". He has worked with various committees and first became a club director in 1984. He served as President in 1990-91 and in 1992 was named a Paul Harris Fellow by the New Westminster club. He continues to be active at the club level.
Other involvement with Rotary:
- Chaired the district Vocational Service Committee from 1994-1997.
- In 1997 served on the district Rotary Foundation Committee with responsibility for Foundation Information and Grants.
- Sat on the planning committee for the 1997 Northwest Regional Foundation Seminar.
- Selected as the alternate team leader for the 1998 GSE team to Australia.
- Was the 1998-99 Chair of the District 5040 Rotary Foundation Committee
- Served as District Governor for 2000-2001
Dave and Sheila are both Paul Harris Fellows and Rotary Foundation Benefactors.