DG Bala Naidoo and Vasi 2019-20
The RI President and Theme for the year– Mark and Gay Maloney - ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD
Bala Naidoo Profile:
. Assistant Rotary Coordinator, Zone 28. 2021-2022
. Past District Governor D 5040 2019-2020
. Member of Strategic Planning Committee D 5040
. Senior Financial Consultant, IG Wealth Management
. Arch Klumph Society Member
. Bala is married to Vasi Naidoo with 3 children and 1 granddaughter and lives in White Rock B.C.
Summary of the District Governor year – key highlights and accomplishments
-introduced a bottom-up approach to District Planning using Rotary Club Central & Key Performance Indicators (District priorities) to roll up to our 9 AG Areas and D 5040 Leadership so that we may support and grow Rotary at the Club level. Achieved 100% completion by all Clubs by year-end 2020.
-introduced the concept of our Assistant Governors acting as the CEOs of their respective Areas, recognizing the vital role of the AG as a link between Clubs and all District Leaders. He promoted the concept of an integrated Leadership District Team with a shared Vision towards working together in collaboration so that “together we achieve more” for Rotary versus the traditional individual club focus.
-completed club visits by January 2020, just in time to beat the start of the COVID-19 pandemic that began in February 2020. The scheduled Vancouver District Conference had to be hastily transformed into the first Virtual District Conference held by D 5040. Our amazing Conference Committee, Chaired by Tom Smith put together an amazing “Rotary Awards Gala” (Roskar) celebration followed by a six weekly “Speaker Series” with a minimal budget that allowed us to refund and/or carry forward all registration fees & sponsorships.
-our amazing 5040 Leadership Team focused our efforts on transitioning to a virtual meeting platform via Zoom to encourage us to support Clubs to quickly adapt to our new reality in keeping D 5040 connected while observing our Provincial health restrictions during our Pandemic.
Our amazing Rotarians persevered and did our best while pivoting in an amazing way that taught us a lot about accepting change and finding innovative solutions that will forever change the ways we grow Rotary and lead our personal lives for a better future!