Program at a Glance
March 24, 2024 Edition

Imagine a journey into the heart of northwestern British Columbia – magnificent mountains with teeming inlets, dense forests, and sleeping volcanoes. As you view this breathtaking landscape you connect with your Rotary family to celebrate, open your heart to diverse ways. Experience these ways with the peoples of this land in the territories of the Tsimshian, of the Haisla, and of the Nisga’a.
Here is the schedule of events to help you plan your travel and time in this beautiful place and space:
**Note: schedule below is subject to possible changes or tweaks

Thursday April 25th

Registration open 2pm to 8pm
Mediators Beyond Borders International training and graduation (for those signed up only)

Friday April 26th

Breakfast – on your own
*Note: Best Western breakfast is included with your room
8am - Registration is open
  8:30 - 9:00 - Coffee
  8:30 - Doors Open
  9:00 - Opening bell to conference
9:35 - I.D.E.A. – Inclusion:
Speaker: Monique Gray Smith
Topic: Braiding Sweetgrass & Creating Hope
10:35 - Coffee Break
10:50 - I.D.EA. - Diversity:
Interactive Activity: Diversity Bingo
Speakers: Past Rotary International Vice President  Valerie Wafter & Executive Director of Skeena Diversity Sasha Loggin
Topic: Creating Diverse Spaces & Places
12:05 - LUNCH
13:00 - I.D.EA. - Equity: Panel on Write to Read BC:  Reconcilition in Action ~ An Ongoing Equity Process through Literacy
13:50 - Youth Exchange District 5040
Speakers: Bob Killbery, RC of Prince Rupert & Youth Exchange Students 
14:15 – Rotary International 
Speaker: Rotary International Representative Carolyn Johnson 
14:40 – Snack Break

14:55 – Remembering DG Dave Hamilton – A legacy to Help Youth 
Speaker: Tanya Hall 
15:15 – I.D.E.A. - Access: 
Speaker: Mark Wafer 
Topic: Accessibility for all
  16:00 – Day One Reflections & Gratitude
Speakers: Shirley-Pat & Ron Malmas 
  16:15 – Close of Day 1 Sessions 
  16:30 – Interactive Activity: 
Walk & Pocket Change for Polio
  18:00 – Dine Around Terrace
  Throughout the day we will also hear from literacy advocate Rotary International Representative Past District Governor Carylon Johnson as well as our Youth Exchange Students, Interact videos and trivia

Saturday April 27th

Breakfast – on your own
*Note: Best Western breakfast is included with your room
8:30 - Buses will leave Best Western at staggered times. You will be assigned a time at registration please adhere to it!
Tour of Kitselas Canyon
Welcome to Kitselas Canyon Long Houses
12:00 - LUNCH at the Kitselas Community Hall
Speaker: RI Director Drew Kessler
Topic: Family of Rotary & Creating Hope
  13:15 - Mediators Beyond Boarders International (MBBI) and District 5040
Speaker: Scott Martin
Topic: Facilitated Peace Conversation – Building Bridges and Weaving Ways
   15:50 – Closing Remarks
Speaker: Ron Malmas
16:00 - Start with staggered time for buses and carpooling back to Best Western
Bee-longing Gala & Dinner
Awards, Gratitude and turn over to Haisla musician’s Arthur Renwick and Warren Campbell of Orphan Wells
ALL will be asked if they wish to participate in DINE OUT TERRACE.  The details of this are coming but all are encouraged to have Rotary Fellowship for the evening dinner. 

On Saturday, we will be at Kitselas Canyon and Kitselas Community Hall for lunch and the peace conversations led by MBBI.  Lunch will include some indigenous foods for all to enjoy. Please wear appropriate footwear and bring a jacket as we will be outside. Note: The canyon tour does have a shuttle for those that cannot walk down and up the trail to the actual canyon.   

Due to the flight schedules, we have decided to keep the conference to 2 days so that those leaving on the two early flights on Sunday do not miss out! For those of you staying later or longer – please enjoy the beauty that is the northwest of our province!! We will have some recommendations at registration of what to do and see so stop by and ask your local Rotary family!

Also – if you are flying – let us know. There is limited to no transportation from the airport to Terrace so your local Terrace Rotary family will be reaching out, lead by Ward Skinner via email to see who needs a ride.

2024 Conference Sponsors

Platinum - Flower


Gold - Plant


Silver - Seedling


Bronze - Sprout


Iron- Seeds of Hope