Posted on Oct 08, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in the past 30 days or so. Star Fish Pack and Backpack Buddies weekend food programs, shown here, are back in action at various Rotary clubs in the District at the start of the new school year for students from families in need.
Some recent achievements and activities in District 5040 clubs as reported by Assistant Governors
for end of September 2024. There is much more planning and other activity in clubs,
but these are current results, projects completed.
Network with other clubs for ideas and stay tuned for future reports.
also visit the expanding list of projects in  District 5040 Showcase
100 Mile House 
“Starfish Pack” program, of weekend groceries for 20-30 needy schoolkids program was prepared for start in October.
The club has joined the two Williams Lake clubs to sponsor “Books for Babies” program in the South Cariboo for the next two years, run by the Cariboo Chilcotin Partners For Literacy Foundation. The club held a yard sale on October 5th to support the program.
The club is the KidSport Chapter in 100 Mile House, providing 20 new grants for kids from low-income families to participate in eligible sports in the area.
Bowen Island
The club held a fundraiser cooking class with members and local residents.
Mental Health Tool kit and the Neighbourhood Emergency Response Program were topics of guest speakers.
Donated $2,560 to Wildlife Rescue Association.
Burnaby Metrotown
The club is in the midst of its annual Rotary Coats for Kids program and has so far raised $8,000 at Brentwood Mall and Metropolis.
Most members, with friends, family, participated September 13-15 at the Barnside Harvest Festival in vehicle parking administration as a fundraiser and hosted a Rotary information booth.
In place of a club meeting on Sept 3, club members toured Barnside Brewing Co. in Ladner. 
Speakers have included Whitby, Ontario Rotarian Steve Rutledge on “Adopt a Village - Laos”, supplying water and water filters to remote villages and District 6990 (Florida) Membership Chair Joe Roth on sustaining and growing club membership.  
“Night at the Races” was a social held at Ladner Downs horse racetrack in Cloverdale.  
The club held its Fall Shred A Thon fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Ladner Rotary-sponsored weekend food pantry for students of families in need and to the Interact Club at Delta Secondary School.
Lions Gate
Hosted a Shred It Event to raise funds for local and international projects.  
Backpack Buddies started for the 2024-25 season.
The club continues to hold monthly Lunch and Learn for Seniors sessions.
Took part in Rotary World Help container with medical supplies to Guatemala
New Westminster
Raised approximately US$13,000 from club members towards the club’s project in Uganda. 
The joint golf tournament with RC New Westminster Royal City raised over $36,000.
New Westminster – Royal City
The 28th Annual Rotary Pot of Gold Charity Golf Tournament, held with RC New Westminster, benefitted the Salvation Army, Purpose Society & youth programs.

Participated in Richmond Potluck dinner for Rotary Magic Moonlight.
New Westminster Rotaract
The club hosted a booth at Douglas College to help with member outreach.  
It held a beach cleanup.
The club’s Barn Dance on September 21st raised $13,000.
Prince George 
Prince George Clubs are putting the Rotary Community Gardens to bed for the winter 
with a work bee.  
The Rotaract Club is receiving a District Grant to build a pergola at the Community Garden along with the Rotary clubs.
The four club past presidents are also working on a Foundation Dinner fundraiser 
The Rotaract Club is preparing a Pints for Polio night on October 24th. 
For the 59th time since 1964, the club hosted 100 or so local seniors on the annual Seniors Trip to Barkerville, the longest-running service project in the District. Participating seniors had a great day out and Barkerville appreciated the tourism revenues after its wildfire-related evacuation.
Inbound Youth Exchange student, Maria Silva, from Brazil was welcomed.
The club helped with breakfast hosted by UNBC at the local campus during Orientation Week.
The club hosted the 2024 Terry Fox Run, which raised $15,000 for Terry Fox Foundation.
The club held a second annual Welcome Back! event with Quesnel Special Olympics, encouraging registration in the multitude of activities for their 2024-25 season. 
Six new members have joined the club since July 1st with two more expected.
Club members collectively donated $1,000 to Nourish Food Bank.
Richmond and Delta Area
The four Richmond clubs are holding a community vaccine clinic on November 10th (postponed from October), run by Pharmacist Dr. Edwin Lee, of RC Tsawwassen, based on that club’s successful model. Proceeds will go to End Polio. This Richmond version was initiated by DGN Dean Hsieh with Edwin.
The club collaborated with RC Richmond Sunset for a Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck, attended by 41 members and guests attended. 
A Rotary Global Grant helped purchase a $35,000 Fundus Camera - detects diabetes-related eye problems –given to a hospital in Thailand, at a ceremony which included grant initiator DGN Dean Hsieh, and president Letian (Hugo) Li.
The club welcomed a new member.
On September 21st, the club participated in the Richmond Chinese Community Society (RCCS) Mid-Autumn Festival event at Lansdowne Mall, with a booth to promote Rotary to visitors.
Richmond Rotaract
The club has rebuilt from near collapse to a membership of 13 and an active schedule of community service and social events. Thanks to a team of local Rotarians, Suna Yee and Grace Tsang, District Rotaract Chair Ron Suzuki and District Executive Administrator Nancy Eidsvik who supported co-presidents Danielle Cosco and Andrea Wong Koo and their team.
Richmond Sunrise
The club is sponsoring the Lower Mainland Foundation Dinner on November 23rd. 
The club restarted the monthly Gilmore Elementary school pancake breakfast program serving up to 200 students.
Held an end of summer start of fall social gathering at Country Vines on September 4th.
Welcomed a new member and a returning member. 
Richmond Sunset
Club membership reached 20 with induction of a new member.
AG Peter Roaf gave a talk on the use of Rotary Central and goal settings for 2024-25.
41 members from RCs Richmond, Richmond Sunset, Dragon and Tsawwassen attended a joint social on Sept 11.
Club members discussed layout of Rotary Peace Park with Richmond City staff. Fundraising to start next month. 
The club’s 2008 President, eventually District 5050 Governor, Linda Coyle passed away.
The club celebrated Rotary Literacy Month with BC Literacy Program and Welcome Centre speakers
The club raised $400 for Christmas food hampers through a Meat Draw at a local pub and met some local residents. 
At the biweekly summer Farmers’ Market promoted Rotary, fundraised for Ukraine, wildfire relief, food programs.   
Disaster Aid Canada donated $350,000+ to build 8 rapid fire response trailers to be built by a local manufacturer. They will be donated to 8 BC First Nations volunteer fire departments.  Working toward summer 2025 delivery. 
Write to Read, building libraries in First Nation villages, has a new website. 
Attendance is up with a balance of some hybrid morning meetings and some more social evening meetings.
Installed a plaque "Play me - I'm yours" on the Rotary-installed painted piano in the gazebo at Diefenbaker Park.
There was summer wrap up evening social for all members and significant others.
Club members managed bike parking area at Barnside Harvest Festival Sep 13 to 15 as a fundraiser.
Speakers included Delta Naturalists about the flora and fauna of our area, Heron Hospice and Mamas for Mamas who assist mostly women leaving relationships and starting over. 
The club celebrated Peace Day on September 21 at Rotary water park in a mall at the centre of Tsawwassen.
West Vancouver Sunrise
The club held a blood donor clinic held. 
Three new members have been inducted, or are about to be
West Vancouver
Continues to make sandwiches each month for people in need in the Downtown East Side of Vancouver.
Granfondo event raised $1,450.
Whistler Plaza Chair Sales raised $1,650.
The Cornucopia Coat Check and Silent Auction raised $30,000.
The club is raising funds for the End Polio campaign at a local grocery store and has arranged a proclamation about polio by the City Council.
Williams Lake 
The club is preparing to celebrate its 60th Anniversary.
It is also preparing for the grand opening of its Exercise Park in October.
Williams Lake Daybreak
The 1st Annual Rooster Rodeo Fundraiser, during Williams Lakes Harvest Fair, included the Chicken Poop Bingo and Chicken Races, was a new experience with no net proceeds in this first year.
The KenDucky Derby Duck Race – a Duck Drop – fundraiser achieved a net $6,000.