Lower Mainland Rotary Foundation Dinner – "A Celebration of Rotary"
November 18, 2023, 6:00 PM
Rotary members from across District 5040 will gather at the Continental (Chinese) Seafood Restaurant, 11700 Cambie Rd., Richmond, BC to celebrate our Rotary Foundation and to say thank you to the many Rotary members for their generous support of The Rotary Foundation. We also celebrate the numerous service projects across District 5040 and globally that change lives.
Tickets $100 – table of 10 $1000
Order tickets at https://tinyurl.com/tzs8s67
For just US$500 -- rather than the usual US$1,000 -- you can receive a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). Just make the donation on "My Rotary" on the Rotary.org website. District 5040 will match your donation with 500 PHF points. Forms for the matching points will be available at the Foundation Dinner. Every PHF donation brings us that much closer to our Foundation goal.
5:30 pm Doors open
6:00 - 6: 45 pm. Fellowship
6:45 - 8:00 pm Dinner
8:00 - 8:30 pm
- O Canada
- Land Acknowledgement
- Introduction of guests
- Introduction of Rotary Foundation donors
- Project service project Cavalcade
- Introduction of Speakers
- Speakers: PDG Lorne Calder, Chair District Foundation Committee, and District Governor Shirley-Pat Chamberlain
- Thank you - Speakers
8:30 – 9:30 pm. Live Auction
9:30 pm. Thank you for sharing this very exciting evening and your contributions to support the Rotary Foundation and those who are less fortunate.
Tentative Live Auction items:
- Whistler Get Away- 2 Nites room, Chef's tasting menu & wine partnering value $ 1,450.00
donated by Kax Kadono
- Tofino Package - $ 1,300 donated by Chris Brown
- Harrison Hotsprings Weekend - $ 550 donated by RC of New Westminster
- 5 days/4nites Exotic trip to either Palm Springs or Cancun donated by Sam Wong
- Golf at Private Club Quilchena for 4 with 2 carts -donated by Quilchena Golf Course
- World Famous Sushi Course by Ron Suzuki $ 750.00
- Kingfisher Spa and Resort - value $1,000.00 donated by Richmond Sunrise
- Home baked cookies - priceless baked and created by Nancy Gale
- Dinner table for 10 donated by Continental Restaurant - $ 600
- Helicopter tour over Vancouver and Stanley Park - $ 1,200 donated by Taloncopters
- Appetizer - Dim sum
- Shrimp Dumplings, Shrimp & Pork Dumplings, Steamed Spareribs
- Deep Fied Bean Curd Stuffed with shrimp
- Diced Beef with mushrooms and peppers
- Chicken Corn Soup
- Sauteed Prawns with sauce
- Braised mushrooms with vegetables
- Deep-fried crispy chicken
- Deep-fried fish filet with sweet and sour sauce
- Sticky Rice Wrapped with lotus leaf
- Mango Pudding